Consciousness, Healing, Interview, Mental health, personal development, Podcast, Spirituality

Bring on the Woo interview

Listen to an interview for the podcast "Bring on the Woo"

I’m pleased to share an interview I did for “Bring on the Woo” in association with the online community of healers I belong to, Mystics4Hire. Listen and let me know your thoughts. I welcome you, my dear readers, to share your own story of healing and redemption.

The following is the introduction to the interview:

Bring On The Woo Podcast. The underworld feels so far away when we are feeling good & healthy but when we are in the depths of despair in our soul, from there it feels just like a millimeter away. A dark start to our journey today but deeply important as In today’s story we have Maria Teresa who takes us on her journey of crossing that bridge of the deepest darkness into the light by attempting to end her own life and fortunately for us failing, so that she could then rebuild from the absolute Ground Zero to now help others. Her story takes us on the twists and turns of the trauma and abuse she suffered in childhood to the literal resurrection of her life. Maria was able to do this through shamanistic practices, therapy, breathwork and poetry. Using these mediums herself with a little bit of coffee and gelato thrown in there to boot, she is able to help transform the lives of the people around her.

Maria’s awakening path begins at the moment she decided to take her life and failed. Having been deeply abused as a child and finding herself in abusive relationships she was done with trying to live as what she calls a highly sensitive individual in a seemingly insensitive world. She said when she woke up from the hospital, after realizing she had failed to die, she heard the voice of God come to herand say ‘now what? You’re as low as you can get, how do you get out of this dark place now?’ It was from that point on that she realized she needed to focus on herself, immersing herself in prescribed therapy, discovering shamanism and beginning the journey of writing poetry, to which she is now in book 7. Maria is a big advocate of utilizing multiple modalities to help keep someone on track, citing things like sensory deprivation tanks have been really positive experiences for her or a consistent breathwork practice is vital to her continued well being. She emanates this, as quite a few people will say what a great energy she has & that is what keeps her motivated to continue doing her work.

One of the most amazing transformations she has been party to has been that of her friend, whose mother had died & energetically was trying to take over her body. Maria said that she could even see the spirit of her friend’s mother overlaid in her features. She said that it was not quite to the extent you would consider an exorcism, she & another friend were able to excise the remaining energyof spirit & move it to the light. It was a humbling experience for her that her friend told her completely changed/saved her. Maria also said that her journey with her best friend has been one of the greatest gifts of her life as well so that even though they may be on different sides of the country & apart for more than seven years, they have always remained close & each other’s biggest advocates for growth& spiritual evolution. Thank you so much for joining & now let’s dive in!

I am here to share my experience, strength and hope with others on the journey to heal. My motto is “Triumphing over Trauma” and I am here to help heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing. Follow me at Emotional Musings on WordPress and check out the healing services I provide. In light and in shadow, always with love ❤️ Namaste 🙏

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

Consciousness, Healing, Spirituality

Being is freeing, a poetic testimony

Everyday when I tap in and ask Spirit what it is I most need to pay attention to, the reoccurring theme and message I receive is to practice the art of allowing. Finding a balance between the complexities of living as an awakened soul in human form while swimming in this intense cosmic atmosphere requires courage. It was George S. Patton that said, “Courage is fear holding on a minute longer” and so as I move through last week’s full moon and partial lunar eclipse, diving head first into the energetic pressure that breaks and dissolves layers of fear from this third dimensional density, the physical environment on Earth, life reveals the many truths that were hiding under trauma and emotional scars. Being is what’s freeing. Being me and accepting all that is within while letting go of the lies conditioning has fed me.

Remembering the purity of love and the feeling that freedom’s essence gives forces me to drop what doesn’t serve the highest alignment of myself and my true nature. The more I try to hold onto the old and outdated beliefs I’ve been fed, the more pain I create for myself. The truth is I have been covered in a heavy blanket of fear to fit in, assimilate to those around me,  shaped by anger’s tones as they maniplated and taught me to betray myself, my soul became suspended in its human vessel. I learned to numb my innate nature that is love, pure and divine. Seeking this love and attention  from outside of myself in an external form creates suffering. I believe our culture has become addicted to the lie of suffering and control which causes us to forget the spiritual beings of light we are. Right now we are experiencing bursts of light pouring in that require us to breath more deeply as we dance with the change and newness that our world is in desperate need of. Throw away the old, the “normal” and embrace the unknown. This is a great challenge my dear readers! Welcome New Earth! This month continues to stretch me as I observe an abundance of truths that continue to rise like bubbles to the surface of my consciousness healing deep emotional wounds from the past. The people we choose to have relationships with become our greatest teachers and the lessons we learn give us a closer glimpse into ourselves. I’ve been in observation mode, focusing on healing with the people around me now and the ones with whom I’ve detached from with love. Poetry expresses these growing pains as my Light body grows.

The eleven poems in this post are the emotional musings from these relationships and what I’ve learned. Poetry is how I understand my soul’s journey, it’s expansion and the direction in which it’s heading. “Highest self” is the poem I recite in the shamanic healing sessions I hold with clients to connect our energies and explore what soul has to teach, what is ready to be revealed and what is to come. Alchemizing fear, sadness, anger and shame chords of energy back into love and light so that the soul can continue to rise and tell its truths. This is the adventure of life my dear readers, what sparks aliveness and keeps me ever curious of the connection we all share. The raw life force within us all that continues to heal and amaze me. Observing how we effect one another brings tears of gratitude to my eyes as love overflows.

“Being is freeing” came to me through meditation. Each line is a mantra for the chakras. At the base of the spine lies the root chakra which grounds us into the Earth with love. Two finger widths below the belly button is the sacral chakra, the center of our feelings. Two finger widths above the belly button, at our core is the solar plexus chakra, the center of energy controlling our relationships with both ourselves and others. In the middle of our chest lies the heart chakra, our center for love, a magnet to both give and receive. In our neck is the throat chakra, the energy there allows us to communicate our truth openly and honestly. In the center of the forehead lies the third eye chakra, center of energy where intuition lives, feeding us inner wisdom. At the top of the head is the crown chakra, the center for Divine wisdom, understanding of the Universe and our place in it. Blockages of energy within each chakra create negative chords that inhibit us from expressing ourselves freely and are the root cause of all physical ailments from skin issues, digestive problems and heart conditions. These poems are created by tapping into divine guidance, listening to Spirit as they deliver the truths that flood my system with love and heal the chakra system thus furthering the healing of my soul. May each of these poems create the peace, love and joy that sparks the life force within as you continue to remember the truth of your soul’s journey.

Yesterday I awoke at 4:44. The number four is the most stable number. Almost from prehistoric times, the number four was employed to signify what was solid, what could be touched and felt. Its relationship to the cross (four points) made it an outstanding symbol of wholeness and universality, a symbol which drew all to itself (Source:Google) It is said that repeating 4’s/444 is a spiritual number that signifies the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another. … 444 can also be interpreted as a sign for patience, faith, and peace in your life. The meaning of 444 is usually that you are on the right path. Whatever you are pursuing in life, you are heading in the right direction. (Source:Google)

The synchronicity of 4 continued as I wrote my 444th poem, “Dream a little dream of me”. I’m turning 44 on December 9th. Wherever my path leads, I am at peace. My journey here is that of a storyteller, a time traveler as I connect to my soul in the astral plane through lucid dreams, transcending the physical body and experience astral projection. This is a phenomenon that has been occurring a lot more lately. The more I feel, the more I heal and can connect to these mysterious places within that require nothing more than being, in quiet and stillness.

November 24th will mark one year since my Dad passed over into the spiritual realm thus leaving this physical plane. Upon hearing the news of his passing, most people tell me how sorry they are and my honest response surprises them when I smile and say, please don’t be. My Dad and I are much more connected, our relationship is much more meaningful now than it was when he was here on Earth in human form. He is my top advisor and guide. As a shaman, I have the unique ability to hear souls. My Dad is always reminding me to let go and be free as I hear his voice sing the song of sovereignty through the hawk that flies above. On Halloween, I dressed as Fire, my elemental sign as a Sagittarius. I am passionate, creative and fiery in my presence. I express my love as fire in this world and burn as brightly as I can, dulling my shine for no one. Does fire ask permission to burn? This is my truth.

Burn as bright as you feel my dears

Lastly, I want to leave you with a meditation I created in August called “Harmonious love”. It serves here as a preview and an introduction to what a healing session with me is like. Each of us holds a piece to the grand movie that is life. We’re all playing a role and experiencing the action together as one just at different levels and speeds. I’m here to reach a hand out to my brothers and sisters in love and in light for guidance and healing.

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 5 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Listen to Harmonious Love .mp3 by Maria Teresa Pratico on #SoundCloud

#boundaries, Consciousness, Healing, Mental health, personal development

Room to Grow, Intentionally Setting Energetic Boundaries

The past two weeks have been energetically exhausting for this sensitive soul. The upgrades of light pouring upon Earth have made me feel less grounded and a bit out of sorts. Add to that a change to my routines as I train for an upcoming triathlon in August. Listening to my body, tapping in, it’s clear I need to reconnect with myself and set some energetic boundaries. Being intentional with where, with whom and how I spend my precious energy is key to maintaining inner peace and balance. Becoming more mindful of my consumption and looking for leaks, suring up my reserves and internal resources.

I love how synchronicity plays a role in my day to day life. My dear soul sister, Chrissy Marie, who facilitates the most gorgeous breathwork ceremonies twice a month with her membership group called Voyagers and hosts a podcast called “The Art of Aliveness” spoke with the same truth I was hearing from my higher self during meditations on her latest episode. I listened to it (link below) on a long bike ride/swim training session last Sunday on how important energetic boundaries are and I found myself saying YES out loud many times. The bombardment of news is everywhere and social media is constantly begging us for our attention. The human body wasn’t designed to withstand the interference technology brings to us everyday all day and our nervous systems are paying the price. To me, this noise is absolutely everywhere once I leave the quiet confines of my bedroom. I don’t have a television in my room, in fact my dear readers, I loathe television and haven’t watched it for years now. Being around one feels like static in my brain, like someone put a screw driver in the fan of my mind’s flow. Instead, I prefer to stream shows and movies on my phone or computer. My partner and I went out for lunch last week and I was startled to see a television in the bathroom stall playing the movie “Star Wars” of all things while I went in to wash my hands. We just can’t seem to get away from all the chatter, there’s even a word for it now. The interest of all the companies out there vying for our data, money and precious attention has created what’s known as an “attention economy”.

In light of all this I’ve decided to get back to basics and keep life simple. Do you even remember life my dear readers before cell phones? Yesterday I shut mine off for ten hours and it was amazingly peaceful. Chrissy echoed everything I needed to hear to give me the push to do something I’ve been contemplating for months. Since my last social media vacation in April, I have been yearning to take another one. This one will be longer and allow me to completely rejuvenate, regroup and unwind from all the noise. Plus, this upcoming race is extremely important to me. The last one I competed in ten years ago was during the lowest point of my life. I was going through a difficult divorce, battling severe mental health issues and working myself to the bone with three jobs. I was also not fueling my body properly, over doing exercise and abusing alcohol like it was water. It was a dark time indeed. One that taught me so much and began to rewire my brain to choose a more connected mind, body and soul in the months and years that followed. Just three months after that race, I attempted suicide for the first time. Thus began the quest to uncover my soul and life’s purpose. This time around, absolutely everything is different. I intend to honor myself by establishing better and more efficient ways of cultivating, nourishing and expelling my precious energy. Nothing and no one can hold me back or down, distracting me from my goals while I continue to peel the layers of me. Transformation is uncomfortable at times and I need to show myself grace.

Can’t Hold Us
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

On this Independence weekend celebrating America’s freedom, I declare my freedom from technology and endless notifications as I detach with love to care for myself and my inner landscape.

I decide where my attention and energy goes, nothing holds me

My dear readers, this will be my last post for awhile. I need to refuel my creative juices, relax in nature and soak up the Sun without intruption. As an empath, I have found it highly imperative that I pay careful attention to my body and how I feel. The Summertime is the best time to take a technology vacation, reminiscent of our childhood breaks from school when Summer vacations allowed us time to swim, laugh and grow! Remember how it felt when you would see your friends on the first day of the new school year and everyone looked a bit different, altered and more mature? The boys that were your same height all of a sudden grew inches as if overnight? That’s what this break will allow for. Time to spread my wings, fly higher and dream more.

I leave you with this poem and a meditation I recorded a few months ago. Take care of your soul and connect with your truth. Say NO without apologies when you don’t have the internal resources to spend. We all need to slow down more often, not speed up as our world would have us believe. We have so much power my dear readers. The power of choice and how we want our transformational glory to shine. Here’s to continued shedding of layers upon layers, always changing and growing with conscious flow. Looking deep within to cultivate and nourish the magic that awaits just below the surface. This is your life, make the most of the precious time we are allotted here. In light and in shadow, always with love ❤ Namaste 🙏

Taking care of my precious energy

Listen to Prayer for my Soul.aac by Maria Teresa Pratico on #SoundCloud

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 5 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu on my website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.


Soul Medicine, a collection of poetry

My dear readers, I’m so grateful to have met so many wonderful writers on this platform. One in particular has illuminated a soul reflection that runs deep within my being. Ace of and I connected organically because of our similar writing styles and the way we view the world. Leading with our hearts, full of love and rejecting fear, our souls dance a duet that has been born in the cosmos and aligned divinely in this life at this moment. Thank you so much Ace for being a brilliant example of authenticity, pure love and light. Your divine essence shines through your words. It’s an honor to call you my sister and my friend.

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 5 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu on my website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

relationships, Spirituality

June is in bloom

June 2021 has arrived my dear readers and after this first full week I’m in love with a renewed sense of peace. Since publishing my latest book, “My Soul’s Journey: Lessons learned through love, I feel like I’ve unfurled more petals of the flower that symbolizes this love that is intuitively expressed through soul. In my last post I wrote that the more I heal, the more I reveal. This power is coursing through my veins portraying the truth found within the superpower of love.

Ah, peace….at this present moment I am enjoying the birds singing in the trees, the breeze off the lake and the bright sun shining upon my face. A few days ago while on a run, I spotted a wild parrot. Parrots in spirituality evoke a freshness as they spread their wings into your life delivering new ideas and signals that indicate a new direction for your work, relationships, or spiritual  pursuits.  Seeing them often, is nature’s way of sending omens and signs that come repeatedly. This meaning is alive in all three areas of my life! This morning I saw another one sitting on a tall branch of a tree as I ran under it for shade from the early morning sun. It’s bright green feathers stand out against the leaves while it’s yellow head brings a smile to my face. Looking at a parrot makes me happy because they are so naturally beautiful. I didn’t even stop to take a picture, instead choosing to capture it’s presence in my heart.

Electric light flower blossom

Back in March I shared some hard truths about my personal relationship with my partner. Since that time, I’m happy to say we have reconnected. Our bond has lasted eight years and has survived many challenging times that would break most couples for good. However, as a testament to both of our spirits and deep commitment to one another, we have learned through the tough times how to triumph and heal, choosing love every time. I believe we have taken this past year and our physical separation as a time to focus on our own individual needs which has allowed us to see how much we truly love one another. Patiently we planned on reuniting and I’m so thrilled that he has finally moved here to stay with my Mom and I here in Southern Florida. The past two days have ushered in a tremendous amount of gratitude, relief and joy! Being with my best friend again has my heart singing in the key of unconditional love. He is my muse and I dedicate all the poems I write about love to him, most especially this one.

Let love lead

This week I’m celebrating the two year anniversary of my spiritual awakening and soul healing by taking a much deserved break from my usual routines to spend time with the love of my life. Too often we rush through life’s milestones and goals, charging forwards into the next phase without taking time to recognize how far we have come. Well my dear readers, not this time! I’m honoring our love reunion by relaxing with one another. To be a human being rather than a human doing, which is a choice in conscious presence. Whatever life holds for us on this new adventure together and wherever the wind shall take us, I’m accepting it! May we each decide to allow the peace, joy and love that life has to offer us, open our hearts further to the beauty and magic that surrounds us. I invite you to unfurl your soul’s petals and rediscover life’s blessings in new ways this month. June is indeed in bloom and I’m in love all over again!

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 5 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu on my website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.