Consciousness, Healing, Interview, personal development, Podcast, Spirituality

The freedom to fly in February

My dear readers, I greet you in this post with a new depth to my being. Floating on the waves of third eye chakra visions and Divine messages more precious than gold. I started this on this writing journey in 2018 by creating this blog Emotional Musings, which turned into my healing practice as a shaman in 2020 featuring the poetry I channel. I can hardly believe how many transformational treasures I’ve uncovered within myself in six years because I made a decision to share my own personal truths. My biggest intention was to help others on their own path to discover their authenticity and never ever feel alone in their pursuit of the truth. This is a question I believe we all as human beings ask ourselves at some point in life. “Why am I here?” My dear readers, YOU are love, and your internal essence is what makes you who you are. Don’t ever allow anyone to pull you out of your nature and corrupt your power, which is the Light of self-love inside. We are each here to share our unique gifts! By believing in myself and learning to love every piece of my being, I’ve completely transformed myself into a woman I didn’t realize I could ever be. The mantra that inspires this freedom is “my being is freeing.” Simple and clear.

I first began hearing that mantra in late 2021, after I moved in with my sister in Utah to once again, rebuild my life. I like to say that I’ve lived many lives within this one current lifetime. In May of 2022, I shared this post just weeks before I started expressing myself as a rainbow unicorn with my deadlocked hair. My sister wth her artistic background and expertise in hair design helped me create my current look. I wear my hair this way because it suits my soul.

My beloved took this picture & composed these words in honor of my mission

Currently, there are so many planets in relationship to Aquarius, including personal planets of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars. The biggest influence of Aquarius will be felt from its dwelling in Pluto from now until 2044! This is the energy of revolution, my dear readers! Pluto is the planet of generational transformation. It’s a visionary air sign that loves to express itself by thinking outside the box. I advise all of you to keep a close eye on the new ideas, sensations, and pruning of your subconscious in the months and years ahead. Pluto’s last transit was in Capricorn and was stationed there for fifteen years while global institutions and systems thrived. In Aquarius, everything will be turned on its head as the sign of new innovation sparks different perspectives and perceptions to birth ideas. Many systems are breaking already as we see a rise in chaos and destruction, yet one must also see the rise in pushback from the people. Indeed, what an exciting and fascinating time to be alive on this planet! This cosmic configuration is a reset for relationships both personal and professional, on an individual level and for the collective. Unity consciousness is rising with the feelings of connectedness as more and more people awaken to a higher authority’s awareness. Spiritual awakenings are happening at a mass level now.

I recorded another podcast interview that was released on all streaming platforms. Here is the link. Please share with me your thoughts and insights. I feel that these interviews are an opportunity to share my story, shine light into the darkness of suffering, and live out my motto of “Triumphing over Trauma.”

The journey of self-love and discovery continues revealing the truth only found inside the core of my being for which breath allows its grand seeing. The freedom to be me is equal to the love I cultivate from inside. Witnessing the warrior within rise. This is a time of transforming from a lightworker to a lightwarrior. I’m locked into this amazingly bright and beautiful elevated cosmic energy of Aquarius season that inspires me to dream more adventurous aspirations for the path ahead. This poem, “Warrior self revealed” was channeled before a recent quantum healing session I participated in three weeks ago. A clairvoyant view into where I’m headed.

Lightworker to Lightwarrior

The new moon this month delivered a brand new energy that we’ve never experienced here on this planet before! It is potent and electrifying, completely filled with exciting promise. Perfectly designed for transformative rebirth and for the reclaiming of our multidimensionality. Connect to your cosmic guides for spiritual insights and prepare to take flight! The word multifarious means “having many varied parts or aspects. This is the magic of integration between the light and shadow selves that are the basis for more of our psychic abilities. We are coming online to our innate talents and limitless potential. Welcome, “Reincarnated multifarious Aquarius.”

Feeling myself in so many new and exciting ways

I feel all of my chakra centers growing, especially my third eye. 2024 is offering us a plethora of cosmic energies and never before felt frequencies to tap into, helping to expand the emotional plane of humanity’s consciousness. I believe this energy is igniting a revolution of remembering who we are. Humbled to receive these Divine messages as a channel for Spirit. Blessed be the journey of the human experience. I choose to walk the path of less resistance by claiming my sovereignty and letting go of the conditioning from the past. I put down that heavy baggage by opening myself to this brand new paradigm we are building. Goodbye, old world. This is what me and my fellow awakened lightworker, warriors, healers, empaths, and starseeds are here to build. Don’t allow any system to define who you are, my dear readers. Follow your heart and let your soul guide you back to the truth. Your authentic voice only heard from inside. You are full of spirited essence built from love.

“Third eye visionary”

The human journey allows our spirits to experience so many things! Cut yourself some slack, forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made, and commit to  living with more authenticity to reveal your best self.  One of the most joyful aspects of being human, I believe, is to shapeshift and try on different identities as spirit moves within our being. This is the power to change that is orchestrated by healing from what no longer serves us. May you continue to stay curious, spark wonder, utilize compassion, and trust the process by always staying true to your integrity no matter what life throws at you, my dear readers! May you use this current cosmic configuration to fly free in the month of February and beyond!

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Healing, Interview, Podcast, Spirituality

The wisdom of experience

My dear readers, January has been a busy and powerful month for me. I can hardly believe how fast time is flying as I’m about to embark upon an adventure eight years in the making. I haven’t returned to my home state of New Jersey since 2016. Together with my partner, we are hitting the road tomorrow for the garden state! We will be visiting his family and friends, marking our first trip as a couple. It’s also my first time meeting all these new people, and I’m looking forward to seeing him in his element. Then, on February 5th, I celebrate my three years of sobriety. Winter season is a time of deep reflection and rest. I’ve been doing my best to focus equally on both while finding a balance between stillness and spontaneous bursts of creativity. Being present requires mindfulness and a heart centered in grace. I can feel my life shifting into an empowered state of being as I level up from Lightworker to Lightwarrior!

Recently, within the last few days, I had two podcast interviews released. The first one I gave for Just INwords was recorded in August of last year soon after I had moved back here to Florida. The second one for Multispective I recorded earlier this month, a day after the electrifying new moon we had in Capricorn. I’m excited to share them here in this post. I’m eager to receive your feedback, my dear readers! Please feel free to share in the comments after listening and watching.

In this piece, my intention is to share the experience of life as a channel for Spirit. It’s an interesting journey that keeps evolving as my gifts grow, and I own more of the true frequency of my energy. This poem conveys the mysterious feelings that proceed my ability to take Divine messages and create poetry.

“Charmed channel”

Whenever I feel myself slipping into self-doubt or fear, I’m reminded by my spirit guides to focus on the word resiliency. The last full moon of 2023 was in my rising sign of Cancer, which provided a complete emotional reset. I’m stronger than I give myself credit for. Aligning with my higher self, I wear love’s armor and remain teflon strong by allowing my soul to compell all actions forward. Integrating this information and utilizing the energy of the first full moon of 2024 in Leo, I set the intention to shine brighter in all my relationships. Hearing my authentic voice has taken many years of healing to reveal fully, and now I sing loud and clear.

“Teflon strong”

Your thoughts create your reality, my dear readers. Choosing which ones to assign truth to becomes what you believe about yourself and the world. Quieting the mind chatter by adhering to the truth of soul allows me to feel into my own intuition. What I choose to believe fuels magic! For what I think I am, I become. What are you feeding yourself, my dear readers? Make sure you allow yourself  to be the masterpiece of miracles that you hone your magic from. Let your heart be your guide.

“The hearth of miracles”

My beloved is my soul’s muse. Our connection inspires so many feelings that flow through my heart and quicken my own internal rhythm. Together, we are peace personified. I’ve never experienced an intimate relationship quite like this. Every day, I am grateful for the love that overflows in my life. This includes the challenges we face and rise from together. My heart beats out of my chest when I look into my beloved’s eyes. He is my perfect match.

“Starshine line”
“Love code”

Everything I’ve learned about myself in both shadow and Light continues to grow my superpowers and sharpens the mastery of self. Like Pam Gregory, an astrologer I admire, greatly says, “I am living an expanded consciousness of love.” Leaving my old life behind, no longer do I suffer from the lies I swallowed to get to this place of self-love and understanding. I’m here to inspire a revolution of remembering who we truly are. We are all connected by our being of love and humanity.

“More than skin deep”

Can you hear the call of love, my dear readers? Accepting what life has taught me puts an end to pain and suffering. Beholden to my joyful heart by answering love’s call. To know and live my purpose fulfills every ounce of life force in my being. Living by feel and moving with a heart centered in grace. I am sharing my magic to inspire others to share theirs. Each of us has our own unique gifts. YOU are needed now more than ever! I believe in you, and I love you!

“Love’s call”

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized, autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, Interview, Mental health, personal development, Podcast, Spirituality

Bring on the Woo interview

Listen to an interview for the podcast "Bring on the Woo"

I’m pleased to share an interview I did for “Bring on the Woo” in association with the online community of healers I belong to, Mystics4Hire. Listen and let me know your thoughts. I welcome you, my dear readers, to share your own story of healing and redemption.

The following is the introduction to the interview:

Bring On The Woo Podcast. The underworld feels so far away when we are feeling good & healthy but when we are in the depths of despair in our soul, from there it feels just like a millimeter away. A dark start to our journey today but deeply important as In today’s story we have Maria Teresa who takes us on her journey of crossing that bridge of the deepest darkness into the light by attempting to end her own life and fortunately for us failing, so that she could then rebuild from the absolute Ground Zero to now help others. Her story takes us on the twists and turns of the trauma and abuse she suffered in childhood to the literal resurrection of her life. Maria was able to do this through shamanistic practices, therapy, breathwork and poetry. Using these mediums herself with a little bit of coffee and gelato thrown in there to boot, she is able to help transform the lives of the people around her.

Maria’s awakening path begins at the moment she decided to take her life and failed. Having been deeply abused as a child and finding herself in abusive relationships she was done with trying to live as what she calls a highly sensitive individual in a seemingly insensitive world. She said when she woke up from the hospital, after realizing she had failed to die, she heard the voice of God come to herand say ‘now what? You’re as low as you can get, how do you get out of this dark place now?’ It was from that point on that she realized she needed to focus on herself, immersing herself in prescribed therapy, discovering shamanism and beginning the journey of writing poetry, to which she is now in book 7. Maria is a big advocate of utilizing multiple modalities to help keep someone on track, citing things like sensory deprivation tanks have been really positive experiences for her or a consistent breathwork practice is vital to her continued well being. She emanates this, as quite a few people will say what a great energy she has & that is what keeps her motivated to continue doing her work.

One of the most amazing transformations she has been party to has been that of her friend, whose mother had died & energetically was trying to take over her body. Maria said that she could even see the spirit of her friend’s mother overlaid in her features. She said that it was not quite to the extent you would consider an exorcism, she & another friend were able to excise the remaining energyof spirit & move it to the light. It was a humbling experience for her that her friend told her completely changed/saved her. Maria also said that her journey with her best friend has been one of the greatest gifts of her life as well so that even though they may be on different sides of the country & apart for more than seven years, they have always remained close & each other’s biggest advocates for growth& spiritual evolution. Thank you so much for joining & now let’s dive in!

I am here to share my experience, strength and hope with others on the journey to heal. My motto is “Triumphing over Trauma” and I am here to help heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing. Follow me at Emotional Musings on WordPress and check out the healing services I provide. In light and in shadow, always with love ❤️ Namaste 🙏

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

Community, Interview

The Ouststanding Blogger Award

I’m so very honored to be nominated by Ace of Getting the opportunity to share insights about myself with our wonderful WordPress community warms my heart.  So here it goes my dear readers, first a nod to the creator of this award and the rules:


  1. Provide the link to the creator’s original award post (Colton Beckwith RPC)
  2. Answer the questions provided.
  3. Create 7 unique questions. Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator nor the blogger that nominated you can be nominated.
  4. At the end of 2021, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2021 Outstanding Blogger award.

I nominate the following bloggers that I admire and enjoy:

1. Cindy Georgakas of

2. David Duncan of

4. Jane Tawel of

5. Edward Smith of

6. Susan of

7. John Coyote of

8. Kelly Merritt of

9. Bryan Wagner of

10. Vee of

My answers to Ace’s questions

1. If your life was a movie, what would the title be?  I would call the movie of my life “Soul Sense” because it’s how I process the world, through all of my senses, compelled and driven by my deep soul. Always evolving, expressing my soul essence through the creative channels of writing, painting, movement, music and the art of shamanism.

2. What’s your favorite song of all time? This is a hard one because music is so very special and dear to me. I love so many songs and they each hold great meaning for me. I guess if I had to choose just one it would be “Eyes of the World” by The Grateful Dead. Traveling with the band in my late teenage years really ignited my soul and began to open my spirit up to the freedom it enjoys now. I live by the phrase, “the eyes are the windows to the soul” and it is how I read others. So much is said by not saying anything at all, just seeing people through their humanity, our common bonded thread. It’s all there in the eyes.

3. Handwrite or type? Handwriting is the style of writing I most prefer and is how I do the majority of my writing. I have multiple journals and I like to use different pens in many colors for the projects I’m working on, coordinated by what they are for. It’s the artist in me I believe. I struggle with technology, I definitely have a love/hate relationship with it.

4. What are three things you can’t live without? Definitely music is #1 for sure, next would be my crystals and lastly paper and pens! All the tools I need for the mind, body and spirit to stay in alignment.

5. Do you believe in telepathy? I absolutely do and have had hundreds of experiences with it. This is the basis for energy transmission and what I continuously study as a shaman dipping into other realms, dimensions and worlds. It’s all available if one keeps an open mind. I know I’m not alone on this one my friends.

6. When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush? When I gave birth to both of my sons. Each of them came into this world with a different set of circumstances yet both experiences were glorious and incredibly powerful. My sons are my greatest achievements in this life, they are my whole heart walking around in their perfectly imperfect bodies. A close second would be when I was officially anointed a shaman through a life changing sweat lodge ceremony with my mentor and teacher. There are no words to describe the out of this world feeling of ecstasy and exhilaration. No drugs involved just the potent medicine of breath and body powered by Spirit!

7. If there was no internet, do you think the world would be better or worse? This is an extremely interesting question. I’m a person who accepts what is and the grand achievements by my fellow humans will always continue, therefore the invention of our world wide web was inevitable. However, I am old enough to have very fond memories of what the world was like without it. We were more plugged into Mother Earth and ourselves for that matter. I believe the rise of technology has polluted our world tremendously in many aspects. Most importantly, to me, it’s created a constant distraction away from ourselves. The “push a button” instant gratification world we live in now that is supposed to bring us closer together actually isolates us further from one another. Many of us have become addicted to having our faces in screens and expecting everything in life to happen instantaneously which can create more problems than solutions in my opinion. All in all, I’m grateful for the opportunity to connect with people all over the world by using the internet.

Here are my questions for the bloggers I nominated:

1. What’s the 1st thing you do in the morning to greet your day?

2. What’s the last thing you do at night to end your day?

3. What was your favorite activity as a child?

4. What makes you feel most alive?

5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

6. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

7. In your opinion, what’s the greatest thing ever invented?

Thank you all for your cooperation and participation. Please share, like and comment below.

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Interview, Podcast, Spirituality

The Bipolar Writer Episode Eight

My interview with James

I’m so pleased to share this podcast interview I did with fellow author, blogger and writer James Edgar Skye for his podcast. Please take a listen and follow him at
We are both passionate about overcoming our diagnosed conditions and living life as more than a label. Enjoy my dear readers. Comment below!

My name is Maria Teresa Pratico aka Ladysag77. I’m a woman walking this journey of life in truth having liberated my authentic spirit which has freed my soul. I use my sensibilities as superpowers and the power of my love fuels my magic as a shamanic healer.

The Bipolar Writer Episode Eight