Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Exploring the magical mysteries of May

Welcome to the glorious month of May, my dear readers! Can you believe we are almost halfway through 2024 already? Each month of this year, I’ve felt the build-up of energy, new and sparkling with an expanded consciousness of love and its possibilities, opening me to more of the unknown. The cosmic energy has set us up for a new fourteen year period of creation with the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and during the month of May, Jupiter will play a major role in bringing in exactly what we need to build our new reality.  Life is like a labyrinth, an unsolved mystery that keeps me forever curious as I swim in the depths of soul messages and recall more of my truth.

This is why I’m calling my 11th book, “My Soul’s Stretches, exercises in remembering.” In this post, I will share the first six poems that will be featured in the book. As I recorded each poem, I noticed that the word “mystery” is definitly the theme my spirit guides are asking me to focus on. In order to allow myself to feel into the uncomfortability of the abyss, I must utlize everything I’ve learned in the mastery of self thus far. Holding hands with trust and faith guided through experience has taught me that everything in this physical realm is temporary. Love however, is everlasting and eternal. It can never be destroyed, only built upon. Beauty is found in simplicity. Rest in that knowing my dear readers. Nature is our greatest source in which to observe this beause it just is. Being. Growing. Changing. We are one with it all as the mysteries of life continue to unfold.

I’m in the thick of training my body for a triathlon in mid-July. After taking three months off from high intensity workouts like running, I chose to focus solely on my yoga practice. Two weeks ago, I took a spin class, my first in fourteen years! What a rush of endorpins combined with great music that burns up to five hundred calories in an hour! I’m hooked and have committed to taking the class three times a week in addition to swimming, running, and continuing my yoga practice. “Where your focus goes, your energy flows” is a line from one of my favorite songs called “Energy” by the artist Disclosure. Our bodies are our vessels in which to explore this human journey. There are many ways to tap in and listen to soul messages. The adventure renews each day as I listen to what my body is asking for, becoming an expert at learning how I run energy. This is what makes us all different and also connects us. Everything is energy, my dear readers, and I invite you to become a detective. Become aware of what brings you to cultivating peace, love, and joy for that is what brings you harmony and happiness! These principles are directly related to feeling the wholeness and wellness of mind, body, and spirit. There is a wide variety of practices I utilize besides fitness that bring me to a higher state of consciousness. To know thy self and love thy self is true freedom! May these videos be inspiration for you to dive into the mysteries of your own soul and explore where life is taking you me dear readers!

All aboard for the Magical Mystery Tour

I’ve been practicing yoga for almost 25 years. It was a natural progression from many years dance training . It combines my two favorite activities, breath guided movement and stretching. Yoga is like a religion to me. Practicing yoga releases stagnant energy while expanding into soul guided philosophy. Inner peace is gained while chanting mantras that lay claim to inner beliefs. I’m grateful to feel myself rising to new levels of consciousness within this wild ride of the human experience.

“Musings from the mat”

In every post this year, I feel the need to share the excitement in my heart of being alive on the planet at this time as human consciousness expands to the masses of awaken souls. We are remembering our own power and claiming the Light inside that connects us all . Truth and being, sovereign nature, humbled, seeking resolved as humanity is evolving at a faster pace than ever before. It starts by allowing one self to feel, tapping in by meditation and sound frequencies, as love reveals the Light we all carry. We are one, together for eternity. I highly recommend listening to 432 Hz, the frequency at which the universe vibrates and 639 Hz, which opens and balances the heart chakra for an enlightening experience of peace, love, and joy.

“Dawn of a New Age”

I channeled “Dawn of a New Age” and “The great unknown” the day before the solar eclipse last month. As I sat on the beach, I was filled with a surge of high vibrational energy that was sparking my creativity and producing a buzzing feeling inside my body. Channeling Spirit’s intentions for New Earth’s paradigm shifting reality is an honor that brings me immense joy. May you feel the hope that the healing power of love delivers and be drawn to listen with curious interest to the messages from your own soul, my dear readers. The energies in May will deliver more clarity as we now have the opportunity to absorb, process, and integrate the new downloads of spiritual guidance brought in during eclipse season and the recent Mercury retrograde. These events help us to see what has been hidden and provides us an opportunity to change our course of action. May you choose love as your guide, my dear readers.

“The great unknown”

Practicing meditation creates an intuitive space for reflection of inner realms perception. Lying still and becoming quiet is one of the ways my soul speaks as I listen. I’m grateful for the ever increasing clear connection to love and for the human experience as my mission to help heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing continues to align to the highest level I can reach to be of service. I believe my poetry is medicine for the masses and will bring each of us into more harmony within our hearts. Being drawn into the depths of my being and sharing insights into the human condition used to confuse me. Now I understand that the truth and wisdom my soul has carried for many lifetimes needs to be heard. I’m here to shine and spread love. First, I had to forgive and heal myself. Like the petals of a lotus flower, I’ve thrived in darkness, overcoming adversity to re-emerge, be reborn and radiantly shine Light. Turning the immense pain I’ve experienced into power!

“Lotus of Light”

Painting is something I love to do. It’s how I creatively express the intuitive nature of my own soul as I allow myself to feel, hear, and see into Spirit’s many messages for me delivered through signs, symbols and synchronicities. This year of 2024 is supercharged with an expanded consciousness of love, Light and magic! “Canvas of Life” explains the experience of tapping into intuitive guidance to fine tune each chakra energy point and align to truth. This piece expresses my deepest intention along the spiritual path to enlightenment and unconditional love. There have been numerous challenges to face while adapting to the growing pains of change. I choose to view them as Divinely delivered opportunities to practice patience, acceptance and unconditional love. The more grace and forgiveness I can show to myself in these difficult moments, the more compassionate I can be with others. The relationships we engage in are filled with these lessons to teach us how to choose love for it is the softer and more gentle road to peace and unity for all.

“Canvas of Life”

I’ve always had a deep fascination and love for crystals. I believe this is something near and dear to my soul and is something that I’ve carried through many lifetimes as a healer. My favorite color is purple and amethysts were the ones I was first drawn to as a child. Now I own a beautiful collection that has gifted me a lot of inner peace, spiritual and emotional protection along my healing journey. They are the stone I resonate most with and often turn to for my own personal growth. They aid in growing patience, guiding me as a traveler into the unknown mysteries on the path to enlightenment along the spiritual journey. Awakening to more self-acceptance provided by God’s eternal grace is a mighty blessing. Empowered consciousness of love is what comes alive through prayer and faith.

“Amethyst angel”

May the month of May be a magical mystery ride for you my dear readers. My favorite song by the Grateful Dead is “Eyes of the world”. I share with you the second verse that has always rang true in my soul, and is the experience I pray you come to believe for yourself.

“Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world, the heart has its beaches, it’s Homeland and thoughts of its own, wake now discover that you are the song that the morning brings“

If you’re curious about your own spiritual awakening, please reach out to me. I would love to help you on your soul journey adventure. I can guide you for a long-distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card, reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my six books of poetry. Please click the link below. See the services tab in the menu on this website. For a personalized, autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Anxiety, Consciousness, Healing, Mental health, personal development, relationships, Spirituality

Being humbled by love

My dear readers, what an adventure I am on! In my last post, I wrote about meeting my soul’s mate and how our heart hymns and soul songs were orchestrating the most beautiful of dances. Currently I am understanding how setting boundaries is an important aspect of experiencing true love. This connection is definitely humbling me. In fact, it’s stretching and opening my heart more. Initially, I felt provoked by fear and anxiety as I attempted to dive deeper into my soul and its stories. The ocean that  my heart swims and floats within. Intuitively guided by the emotions that have been triggered, I have decided to take some space from this romantic relationship in favor of addressing my own needs that aren’t being met within the current state of our union together.

As a woman in recovery from abuse, I have survived and overcome addiction to drugs and alcohol which has gifted me clear insights into why I chose to use in the first place. Altering myself by obstructing the lens through which I viewed the world only masked the core wounds I had. It drove a huge wedge between my heart and my soul, numbing the feelings out and blurred the memories of the many traumas I had endured. Choosing to love myself, I now embrace my sobriety as a priority for my well-being. It keeps my channel clear to receive messages from Spirit. My purpose is to use what I’ve experienced as a guide to show others like you, my dear readers, that healing is not only possible but is the pathway to owning your power! I believe this can only be achieved through loving ourselves to wholeness. Accepting all of our human pieces, the dark and the light. The heavy feelings of pain and sadness are to be honored as equally as joy and peace. This is the messiness of being human! Learning to embrace my own humanity, through love, is how I evolve and raise my consciousness.

This current romantic relationship is mysterious and unique in the ways in which I dive into the depths of soul, now as a sober person. Parts of me I felt were broken are healed, creating an awakened wholeness. Awareness of purpose brings goose bumps to my skin and an inner grin of knowingness within. I am here as a vessel for Spirit, God, Source, Universe…..a higher power. Humbled by love, I embrace every moment, hour by hour. In the spiritual realm where I dance, time and space don’t exist. We all are one magnificence. Choosing my sobriety is empowering and an act of self-love as I let go of someone who is choosing another lifestyle.

Humble love

I choose to live life with no regrets because every experience is an adventure! Every relationship is another piece of the puzzle of me, showing me more and more of myself. I’m grateful to find myself at a place in my life where I’m meeting the depths of love I never truly knew before while in addiction. Abusing myself was void of any love to be given or received genuinely. Over the span of twenty-five years, I continued to block out God, which obstructed the understanding of what my purpose is. I was disconnected from my soul. The prayers of love have finally been answered. And so it is. Amen.

Love’s prayer

Believing in myself and trusting Spirit, I take a big leap of faith. There’s that word again, faith, my chosen word for 2023. Mysterious unknowns surround me, yet I know that only love is what serves me. It’s the only truth I have. Going forward with Divine’s grand plan. Here I go, step-by-step, into an adventure of a lifetime. Pushing past self-imposed fears, I am ready to embark upon my calling. I’m happy to announce that I have just completed the 8th book of poems to be titled, “My Soul’s Love, a book of spells”. I intend for my 7th book (“My Soul’s Music”) as well as this latest one to be published and marketed by a publishing house. “My Soul’s Music” has already been accepted by a publisher, and now I’m focused on achieving funding to see this book onto the shelves of stores!

Adventure of a lifetime

We are in a massive shift, my dear readers, otherwise known as ecplise season. The cosmic energy, including solar storms, is bringing the highest frequency of love into our atmosphere. Life as we have known it is changing for the betterment of  all by directing us to our highest alignment. I’m compelled to answer this call, which is deepening the relationship with what truly matters. Love is all we need. Listening in as the ascended masters proceed to share their wisdom with me through channeled messages. I am humbled by this journey. For this human experience, I am worthy of all the love that resides in my heart. To love all that is is an aliveness of art!! Breathe deeply and accept all of this Light energy into your heart, for it breeds more love and is the fuel that manifests all the abundance you desire to create, my dear readers!

The Light of Love is calling

I’ve always loved words and reading. Books were my best friends growing up while attempting to block out the abuse I was experiencing in a dysfunctional home. This piece was inspired by a word prompt on the app I use to create my poetry, Miraquill. The platform was originally called Mirakee, which is derived from the Greek word Meraki, which means imbuing one’s soul, passion, and creativity into something. My soul is expressed through the poetry I write. The word was “story.” The lines flowed through to me with ease. Shamans are the storytellers of Spirit. It’s in my DNA. I come from a long line of great storytellers. I dedicate this poem to my ancestors. Thank you for guiding me and passing your wisdom along to me. I am humbled by your unwavering protection and deepening presence in my life!

Tell me a story

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, personal development, Spirituality

Poetry is the notes of my heart’s hymns and soul’s songs

The notes of my heart’s hymns deliver the music to my soul’s songs. Discovering the love within is what drew me to my soulmate. This experience is teaching me more about the tremendous power of love. It’s purity, the ability to heal and to encompass everything that is alive! Writing poetry is my soul’s expression and how I process the world around me. I channel these messages through clairsentience, clear feeling and clairaudience, clear hearing, like notes of a song. In this post, I will share twelve poems that celebrate the aliveness within my heart and the love that surrounds me. My heart is bursting with excitement for the love I feel inside, gratitude for the journey, and the gift of having true love with another. I’m experiencing a huge paradigm shift with the ushering in of new energies with this relationship. Absolutely, everything is different in the best ways and serves the higher alignment I now find myself in. The connection I feel with my mate is as easy as a summer breeze. As natural as a waterfall, flowing over a mountain peak. Our hearts hymns are a poetic match that amplifies the soul songs we hear from one another, singing a duet in the key of love.

This gift is something I have prayed for and yearned for for many years. Our union is a direct answer from the universe, showing me how much I have grown and healed through. This man freely gives me the love I deserve. Our love language is a match through physical touch and our love for The Grateful Dead. Our hippie hearts love to dance! Many of these poems are born from reflecting upon this current love adventure.

It’s an amazing miracle to witness how tremendously love grows between two hearts as it flows. Powerful feelings sprouting from an intuitive and shared language. My heart is eternally grateful for meeting its counterpart in another.

Since my suicide attempt in 2011, I’ve been gathering the pieces of myself. Shadow and Light combine to create the human experience equally by holding magical power. All these years later, I can see the value in both. I accept who I am. I love me. There’s no one I would rather be.

May we all become our own best friend

Throughout my life, I have always felt like I didn’t fit in. Now I understand it’s because I am born to lead. To help others see their own light. I’m not the only one. There are many of us who are different. We serve different roles here to spread God’s love. My purpose is to help heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing. I lovingly refer to myself as a rainbow unicorn. I am here to blaze a new path. Today, I embrace this role and ask others to join me! Let’s all dance to the beat of our own internal drum. Composing a new Universal hum, LOVE!

The human experience is vast and deep. Soul awakens to hear the angels speak. Remaining in awe of its brilliant magic. Grateful heart filled with joy after releasing the static.

Searching for my heart’s song in another has brought me to my soulmate. He is my ultimate love for this lifetime. It’s like we’ve been seeking out one another for years. Listening for love’s song by deaf ears. Divine purpose has ignited our connection. Finally, we hear our love song as a complete and combined chorus!

I am ecstatic and in love with the man of my dreams! He sees me fully and embraces all my feels. We are deeply connected by soul. He is my divine match and together we are imperfectly perfect. I was given guided information back at the end of 2021 about how, in 2022, I would meet my soul’s true match. Read for a detailed description of what Spirit was predicting for me. I met my man 12/17/22.

The choice is clear. Only love resides here. In the heart of us all, it sets us free!! May we choose to follow its intuitive language. Happiness is the product of this choice my dear readers. Hold onto it  and treat it as the precious commodity it is inside. One of the main prayers I recite daily is for God to help me to share the peace, love and joy that I hold inside with others on my journey. That is my intention. And so it is.

The greatest desires create the experiences of life. I’m learning to trust more deeply in these instincts. Embracing the complexities of my soul’s wholeness. Life is a mysterious adventure and love is the fuel that drives my desires.

The things I’ve learned in this life could fill thousands of pages. For now this poem is what is on my heart.

The path of healing taught me many things. Love is the greatest of all superpowers. May we all utilize its amazing frequency to change this world, starting with ourselves.

The human experience is about remembering who we are and creating that knowing into being. This occurs by our journey through darkness and acceptance of light. Both are vital. May your adventure be fruitful my dear readers. Amen.

Love is my muse, while I fall deeply into its grasp with the man of my dreams!!

Love is grown from inside and is alive

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Taking a break for peace sake

The peace in letting go

In the weeks since my last post I have enjoyed a serendipitous retreat from technology. I set out for a run July 4th not knowing how my own personal freedom would be gained by losing my cell somewhere along the path. After searching the area thoroughly, I chose to look at the circumstances as a gift! Writing in a journal and checking emails periodically is how I’ve spent most of this month. I’ve developed new habits with my device like leaving it outside my bedroom and leaving it at home more often. Living life with my face in the world, not in a screen. These poems were born from conscious breathwork sessions and quiet meditation with an intentional focus on my continued healing journey.

Moon inspired musing

The main message I keep receiving is “the more you release, the more you become”. I love the feeling of consistency in my attention while being ablevto enjoy each moment without the distraction of a device. I feel released from continuous checking and mindless scrolling! It’s amazing how much more peaceful I feel. This change is a step towards opening to the new emotional experiences I wrote about in my last post,

Choosing to put my energy and time into face to face interactions and uninterrupted communing with nature is what my heart desires. “Morning reprise” is a poem I wrote almost one year ago after moving here to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah. God bless second chances! I can feel the gratitude wash over me again as the theme from which I drew inspiration when writing this piece. The morning sunshine always uplifts me and refreshes my entire being. May the new moon (occurring on the 28th) ignite a fresh start to all of the dreams I’ve been weaving as art into my life. May I continue to shine from the inside out. The best of me has yet to be.

“Morning reprise”

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, Inner child, personal development, relationships, Spirituality

The circle game of healing

“Cyclical nature of life continously echos a resounding rhythm. Reverence of soul teaches me how to begin”. This is a quote from my poem “Peace, love and joy” and it perfectly captures my feelings in this moment. Spring has sprung and a new life has begun as I embark upon a new adventure. It’s an exciting time for me my dear readers so I must admit I was blindsided when triggers of fear and old thought patterns started whispering their lies of my brokenness again.

The experiences of deep healing over the past three years have taught me to closely inspect all aspects of my being, mind, body and soul. I’m currently putting a book promotion together for my latest book of poetry, “My Soul’s Dance, Accepting the shadows while embracing the Light: poems about death and rebirth”. I’m grateful to have these messages at my fingertips to reference, regroup and recenter myself back into the truth. “Corners of Love” is a poem inspired by the conscious breathwork and energy attunement sessions I practice regularly. Laughing at myself for taking all the pressure too seriously! Of course a new environment filled with new people and things to learn would trigger unnecessary fear! Healing myself has taught me to love myself back into balance. I’m not my past failures. I’m always beautifully and divinely whole, it’s my thinking that required a course correction as the mental chatter of ego grew too loud overpowering the voice of my highest self. She has a name my dear ones. I refer to my soul as Serena. Last week it felt like life turned up the volume on ego and the judgements of others I absorbed from the past. Their voices played loudly in a loop telling me the lies that began to plant illusions of insecurities. These weeds needed pulling so I took a break from their static and turned to meditation and breathwork. These self care practices combined with the voices of love coming from my family and friends began to settle me down! Once again, I could see I was putting far too much pressure upon myself and the old coping mechanisms of perfection were threatening my inner peace.

“Believing in receiving”

Life is a continuous cycle of learning from our past experiences and growing within the arms of love. The love I give myself is what awakens me to believing I am absolutely worthy of receiving abundance in my life. Somewhere along the way, after many years of trauma, I began to believe the opposite. That version of myself is no longer the vision I see in the mirror. This new cycle brought in uncomfortability and my first response was to pile on more pressure and beat myself up! “There is a wisdom of head and a wisdom of heart”, one of my favorite poet’s Charles Dickens said that. I believe it’s the discernment of the two that leads to the wisdom from our own souls. Breath and meditation allow me to feel into what is trying to come to the surface. Stagnant energy that’s been awaiting an answer from my body. In the past I would overextend my body by overexercising and distract myself with substances to block out the messages. Healing has provided me the space to listen instead to my intuition and the guidance of my Spirit team. Setting the intention to once again believe in myself and know I am worthy of receiving love. I can feel it in the air and see it in the newly blossoming spring flowers outside my door. So much beauty is coming my way in the form of opportunities and new relationships. I don’t have to be afraid that I’m “too much” or “too weird” or “not ready” for others to see me for me. I don’t have to stay trapped in mind games. Today, I can show myself grace and have patience as I learn the new tasks I’m responsible for. I don’t have to betray myself by self sabotaging the wonderful new opportunity before me with fear!

This experience isn’t mine alone my dear readers, it is for all of us to learn from. Running through life, attempting to catch up in this invisible race and competition with one another, we succumb to the pressures around us by creating unrealistic expectations for ourselves and marrying ourselves to attachments that aren’t serving us. Totally forgetting our intimate connection to one another through our Light and life force. Time and healing has taught me to dance and laugh at these extremes within myself and not act upon impulse. The only person I am trying to be today is a more aligned version of myself than last week or last year. Today, I choose to tune into the songs of Spirit. I hear the voice of my Dad, my grandparents, all the ancestors and angels that have been guiding my soul for centuries. Circling back to the truth I uncovered upon my awakening three years ago. I am whole, I am healthy, I am a beautifully capable child of God. Divinely connected, protected, guided and eternally loved. That is the truth that plays loudly on repeat throughout my entire being, the music I rise and dance to.

Standing in my own power and inner strength by forgiving myself for the times I blamed my soul awakening for ending relationships. The truth is that I was hiding within others, not feeling worthy of my own dreams and aspirations. I became distracted with trying to fix and heal others. Today I know it all starts within me. Circling around the truth again has showed me how to put on my “big girl panties” while loving my inner child who gets frightened by new situations. Today, I hold her close and tell her that nobody will hurt her again. The pain and trauma is over now. Turn up that “Soul music” my friends and dance until your heart’s content!

Dancing to the music of soul, is the resounding rhythm that beats in my heart. Played on my own unique drum.

Intentionally I open to new possibilities for love from a man. This is the soul connection and the kind of love I predicted in January of this year in the post It’s coming with grand gusto and adoring gestures that I’ve always dreamed of. I’m a romantic, if you can’t tell by my writing my dear readers. Someday soon, a man will come into my life that will treat me the way I deserve to be treated. This man will be my equal, on my level of awakening awareness and be my true match. A soul partner to journey with and explore the adventures that life gifts us everyday. I’m ready and excited!

Believing in the love I am worthy of

This poem describes the transformation I have undergone and continue to grow within. Healing from the human experience is a condition we are all learning from in this life on Earth. Our souls never die. We will go onto exist in other forms of life after we leave our physical bodies in this one. This is the grand circle of life. Listen to this song by Nightmares on Wax my dear readers. Tap into the higher consciousness within its message. Groove with the rhythm of feelings and the vibration of love.

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.