Healing, Inner child, personal development, relationships

I love smiling, smiling’s my favorite

This line from the movie “Elf” suits me perfectly. Lately, I can feel myself smiling more often just because it feels good to activate the tiny molecules in the brain that are designed to fend off stress. These molecules, called neuropeptides, facilitate communication between neurons in the brain. Also, when I’m smiling, my brain is releasing dopamine, endorphins and serotonin aka the happy hormones. Spending time out in nature whether walking, running or riding my bike, dancing, listening to music, laughing with friends and family, writing poetry and practicing the art of shamanism is how I heal. Expressing myself in these ways makes me smile!

I was guided recently to rewatch one of my favorite movies, “The Wiz”. This movie is a reflection of how life has felt for me growing up, afraid to be who I am. Learning to express myself by believing that I am worthy and good enough are core wounds from childhood traumas both big T and little t. Three songs on the movie’s soundtrack really spoke to my soul and I would like to share two of them through their lyrics and one video that I urge you my dear readers to watch because I want you to tap into the emotion of Dorothy played by the legendary Diana Ross.

Can I Go On?
Sang by Diana Ross

Lose it?
Lose it?
I don’t even know the first thing
About what they’re feeling
What am I afraid of?
Don’t know what I’m made of
Can I go on
Not knowing?

Something tells me
That it’s more than I can deal with
Though I never knew the song
Some words still catch on
Like caring and sharing
Being together no matter

Can I go on
Not knowing?
Don’t know what I’m made of
Why am I afraid of feeling?
If I dare to take a chance
Would someone lead me?

Believe in Yourself
Sang by Lena Horne

If you believe within your heart you’ll know
That no one can change
The path that you must go
Believe what you feel
And know you’re rights because
The time will come around
When you’ll say it’s yours

Believe that you can go home
Believe you can float on air
Yes, click your heels three times
If you believe
Oh, then you’ll be there
That’s why I want you to
Believe in yourself, yes

Right from the start
You got to believe, believe in the magic
Right there in your heart
Go ahead believe all these things
Not because I told you to, no

Believe in yourself, oohh yes
Believe in yourself
Believe in yourself, as I believe in you

Yes indeed, home is within ourselves, in our own hearts.Currently my dear readers, the cosmic planetary alignment is ripe for healing childhood wounds while Venus is conjunct to the Sun. We are being asked to acknowledge and release these past wounds, to close these old chapters once and for all. The objective is to feel comfortable in our own skin. This is soul integration my dears, shadow work that calls the truth in recognizing all aspects of ourselves that furthering the creation of our whole soul self. These are the poems that I have wrote while reflecting on my own truths, using self love as a healing salve through artistic expression.

I take virtual dance classes from time to time with my fellow sister in dance and soul Sophia Sabino creating founder of SopHIIT, a fusion of dance and fitness. I urge you to follow her on Instagram and take her classes. Last Sunday we did a routine to “Fix You” sang by Sam Smith. She suggested we think about the song in the vein of self healing, my favorite topic. So often we feel we need to change or fix the ones we love when really it is us who needs our own attention. This is what our soul is projecting outwards and serves a great lesson. I ask you my dear readers, when you feel triggered to do this, turn the question inwards and ask yourself, “what am I seeing in this person that needs healing within me”? I believe if we follow these breadcrumbs we are led to our own soul and can further the healing process of accepting ourselves fully, loving ourselves without judgement and feeling inner peace and contentment. Let me know how the healing process is progressing for you in the comments below.

“Fix You” sang by Sam Smith

We are in a New Moon phase in Aries my dear readers. This is forcing change, much needed changes upon us. I’ve noticed many of my fellow bloggers are stepping back from writing to take time for themselves, reassessing where their energy is best served. I too will be doing this as I travel in these last two weeks of April. First, a chance for a reconnection with my former partner to North Carolina and then to visit my boys and dear friends in R. I. As I prepare for these adventures my heart chakra is expanding, my solar plexus is healing within these most important relationships with people I love dearly. I am incredibly grateful for these opportunities. This is the crystal healing grid I constructed last weekend to orchestrate healing both myself and my relationships. The song is “Ave Maria” sang by the incomparable Josh Groban.

New Moon intention setting with crystal grid for healing

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Community, Interview

The Ouststanding Blogger Award

I’m so very honored to be nominated by Ace of https://fearlessfreesoul.com/ Getting the opportunity to share insights about myself with our wonderful WordPress community warms my heart.  So here it goes my dear readers, first a nod to the creator of this award and the rules:


  1. Provide the link to the creator’s original award post (Colton Beckwith RPC)
  2. Answer the questions provided.
  3. Create 7 unique questions. Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator nor the blogger that nominated you can be nominated.
  4. At the end of 2021, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2021 Outstanding Blogger award.

I nominate the following bloggers that I admire and enjoy:

1. Cindy Georgakas of https://uniquelyfitblog.com/author/uniquelyfitblogs/

2. David Duncan of http://davidsdailydose.org

4. Jane Tawel of http://janetawel.com

5. Edward Smith of https://worddancerpub.wordpress.com

6. Susan of https://mariner2mother.wordpress.com

7. John Coyote of https://johncoyote.wordpress.com

8. Kelly Merritt of https://thewanderingempath.wordpress.com

9. Bryan Wagner of http://peoplesdharma.com

10. Vee of https://millenniallifecrisis.org/

My answers to Ace’s questions

1. If your life was a movie, what would the title be?  I would call the movie of my life “Soul Sense” because it’s how I process the world, through all of my senses, compelled and driven by my deep soul. Always evolving, expressing my soul essence through the creative channels of writing, painting, movement, music and the art of shamanism.

2. What’s your favorite song of all time? This is a hard one because music is so very special and dear to me. I love so many songs and they each hold great meaning for me. I guess if I had to choose just one it would be “Eyes of the World” by The Grateful Dead. Traveling with the band in my late teenage years really ignited my soul and began to open my spirit up to the freedom it enjoys now. I live by the phrase, “the eyes are the windows to the soul” and it is how I read others. So much is said by not saying anything at all, just seeing people through their humanity, our common bonded thread. It’s all there in the eyes.

3. Handwrite or type? Handwriting is the style of writing I most prefer and is how I do the majority of my writing. I have multiple journals and I like to use different pens in many colors for the projects I’m working on, coordinated by what they are for. It’s the artist in me I believe. I struggle with technology, I definitely have a love/hate relationship with it.

4. What are three things you can’t live without? Definitely music is #1 for sure, next would be my crystals and lastly paper and pens! All the tools I need for the mind, body and spirit to stay in alignment.

5. Do you believe in telepathy? I absolutely do and have had hundreds of experiences with it. This is the basis for energy transmission and what I continuously study as a shaman dipping into other realms, dimensions and worlds. It’s all available if one keeps an open mind. I know I’m not alone on this one my friends.

6. When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush? When I gave birth to both of my sons. Each of them came into this world with a different set of circumstances yet both experiences were glorious and incredibly powerful. My sons are my greatest achievements in this life, they are my whole heart walking around in their perfectly imperfect bodies. A close second would be when I was officially anointed a shaman through a life changing sweat lodge ceremony with my mentor and teacher. There are no words to describe the out of this world feeling of ecstasy and exhilaration. No drugs involved just the potent medicine of breath and body powered by Spirit!

7. If there was no internet, do you think the world would be better or worse? This is an extremely interesting question. I’m a person who accepts what is and the grand achievements by my fellow humans will always continue, therefore the invention of our world wide web was inevitable. However, I am old enough to have very fond memories of what the world was like without it. We were more plugged into Mother Earth and ourselves for that matter. I believe the rise of technology has polluted our world tremendously in many aspects. Most importantly, to me, it’s created a constant distraction away from ourselves. The “push a button” instant gratification world we live in now that is supposed to bring us closer together actually isolates us further from one another. Many of us have become addicted to having our faces in screens and expecting everything in life to happen instantaneously which can create more problems than solutions in my opinion. All in all, I’m grateful for the opportunity to connect with people all over the world by using the internet.

Here are my questions for the bloggers I nominated:

1. What’s the 1st thing you do in the morning to greet your day?

2. What’s the last thing you do at night to end your day?

3. What was your favorite activity as a child?

4. What makes you feel most alive?

5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

6. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

7. In your opinion, what’s the greatest thing ever invented?

Thank you all for your cooperation and participation. Please share, like and comment below.

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Healing, personal development, Spirituality

This is me

My dear readers, I have been moving through a lot of deeply felt feelings and old emotions. Healing is an ever unfolding journey that reveals truths that at times are hard to face. Bravely, with careful attention to grace, employing patience with myself, I rise each day to uncover more of these truths. It’s my soul’s purpose to keep leaning in with a great curiosity, shining light upon all my life’s experiences. Writing is how I have always processed these events and moments. I believe whatever I am brought to is something to learn from. I will continue to show up here, being authentic and real. This is me.

I haven’t felt much like writing lately in the week since my last post. I’m in a space of observation and exploring, tuning out the noise of technology and tapping into the natural world. I’m unsure how much I will be writing now that I’ve begun a certification in sound healing therapy. I may just be constructing posts with my poetry alone, without the accompanying storyline of where they are plucked from.

What I know is this, it all serves in the healing process, with love and without judgement. We are all continually changing. I’ve learned by allowing the healing to penetrate fully, to solidify the basis for understanding the human condition, I must keep acknowledging, surrendering, releasing and accepting what is. This is me. This blog is my testimony and ongoing story of my triumphs over the traumas I have faced. I am truly grateful and blessed to share this space with so many artists and creative souls. I value each one of you as you help contribute to my own journey of healing and self discovery. From the bottom of my heart, I love you.

My story, this is me
Seasons of life

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Healing, personal development, Spirituality

New Beginnings, My Dance with Spirit

The saying, “you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have” is singing through my mind as I compose this post my dear readers. It’s been two weeks since I made the hardest choice in my life to end the relationship with a man I know is my true love and soul mate. The strength, power and sheer freedom I have experienced is more than I can accurately articulate into words! I’m dancing in the sunlight of my spirit which further awakens depths within my soul that are new and exciting! I’m unleashing myself into the fires of creativity with passion for whatever is to come. The energy I feel is electric and empowering as the love vibration rises to new heights!

April is here and with it comes a freshness that has me skipping along my path as it unfolds. Ideas are springing forth with music and color bursting into light as I express myself by writing, dancing and the ritualistic practices of the shaman warrior I am. I’m about to embark upon a one year sound therapy certification and I’m thrilled to learn more about the therapeutic healing that has changed so much for my sensitive being. I regularly use different sound frequencies when I meditate to heal, align and balance the seven main chakras in the body. I love to learn and welcome all opportunities to extend my knowledge in this area. I’m also taking part in a clinic for stand up paddle boarding at the local beach I frequently ride my bike to. I first tried the sport five years ago and fell in love with it. It aligns perfectly with my yoga and ballet practice plus the added enjoyment of being on the water.

God’s continuous love has me looking up with so much gratitude for this soul journey

I’ve started adhering to nudges from the Universe to unplug from technology more regularly. I’d much rather keep my face in nature’s beauty or in a book lately. Rereading some of my favorites from Maya Angelou and new books like “How To Do The Work” by Dr. Nicole La Pera aka “the holistic psychologist” on Instagram is about how to reconnect with your authentic self and heal as the powerfully magical beings we are. I’ve been following her and adding many of the techniques she shares on social media into my healing practices for two years now. Life continues to open up possibilities to me that I never thought possible to experience before and I am ready to live life as the gift it is! Living is an art and I am the painter of my own masterpiece. So are you my dear readers, be an original because our world needs you!

We are all more than “Smile and Be Pretty”
Da LA Soul’s “Me, Myself & I

Along with the new classes I’ll be taking, I booked a long anticipated trip up to Rhode Island to see my two boys. I haven’t been “home” (I resided there for 13 years) in almost 5 years and I am beyond excited to reconnect with my boys, dear friends and the place that holds many memories for me. Some of them are painful and traumatic yet I know I’m strong enough now to face them and take back the power I left in that place when I felt broken and empty of spirit. I moved away in 2013 to heal from a painful divorce that I initiated, a destructive pattern of abusing myself with drugs and alcohol and to create a fresh start in life. That’s when I moved here to my family’s second home in South Florida. A few months after moving here and one year after my divorce, I met my ex partner, through mutual friends. The past eight years has been a climb, back to sanity and wholeness. Honestly, the me I am now is the most alive and whole I have ever felt in all my life!

Becoming Me

I’m unafraid and finished with hiding who I really am. The confusion has vanished, an amnesia of sorts, as I awaken every day more excited than before for what the day holds. Remaining curious, inquisitive and open for the mysteries that await me. My creative passion drives me and when something comes to my mind, I do it! Like this video, I bust loose and shake off everything that doesn’t serve my highest good and healing.

“Bustin Loose”
Shake off what no longer serves my dear ones ❤
This book has been a part of my daily practice of reflection for years now
Standing I my power
Feeling everything
Hard truths
Soul Journey
Listen to your Soul Cry

Lastly my dear readers, I will leave you with a short video, a glimpse into the healing that I practice and share with my clients through crystals, the wisdom of tarot and the Light powered energy that is Divinely provided by Spirit.

Healing magic bathed in Full Moon brilliance

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.