Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Exploring the magical mysteries of May

Welcome to the glorious month of May, my dear readers! Can you believe we are almost halfway through 2024 already? Each month of this year, I’ve felt the build-up of energy, new and sparkling with an expanded consciousness of love and its possibilities, opening me to more of the unknown. The cosmic energy has set us up for a new fourteen year period of creation with the recent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and during the month of May, Jupiter will play a major role in bringing in exactly what we need to build our new reality.  Life is like a labyrinth, an unsolved mystery that keeps me forever curious as I swim in the depths of soul messages and recall more of my truth.

This is why I’m calling my 11th book, “My Soul’s Stretches, exercises in remembering.” In this post, I will share the first six poems that will be featured in the book. As I recorded each poem, I noticed that the word “mystery” is definitly the theme my spirit guides are asking me to focus on. In order to allow myself to feel into the uncomfortability of the abyss, I must utlize everything I’ve learned in the mastery of self thus far. Holding hands with trust and faith guided through experience has taught me that everything in this physical realm is temporary. Love however, is everlasting and eternal. It can never be destroyed, only built upon. Beauty is found in simplicity. Rest in that knowing my dear readers. Nature is our greatest source in which to observe this beause it just is. Being. Growing. Changing. We are one with it all as the mysteries of life continue to unfold.

I’m in the thick of training my body for a triathlon in mid-July. After taking three months off from high intensity workouts like running, I chose to focus solely on my yoga practice. Two weeks ago, I took a spin class, my first in fourteen years! What a rush of endorpins combined with great music that burns up to five hundred calories in an hour! I’m hooked and have committed to taking the class three times a week in addition to swimming, running, and continuing my yoga practice. “Where your focus goes, your energy flows” is a line from one of my favorite songs called “Energy” by the artist Disclosure. Our bodies are our vessels in which to explore this human journey. There are many ways to tap in and listen to soul messages. The adventure renews each day as I listen to what my body is asking for, becoming an expert at learning how I run energy. This is what makes us all different and also connects us. Everything is energy, my dear readers, and I invite you to become a detective. Become aware of what brings you to cultivating peace, love, and joy for that is what brings you harmony and happiness! These principles are directly related to feeling the wholeness and wellness of mind, body, and spirit. There is a wide variety of practices I utilize besides fitness that bring me to a higher state of consciousness. To know thy self and love thy self is true freedom! May these videos be inspiration for you to dive into the mysteries of your own soul and explore where life is taking you me dear readers!

All aboard for the Magical Mystery Tour

I’ve been practicing yoga for almost 25 years. It was a natural progression from many years dance training . It combines my two favorite activities, breath guided movement and stretching. Yoga is like a religion to me. Practicing yoga releases stagnant energy while expanding into soul guided philosophy. Inner peace is gained while chanting mantras that lay claim to inner beliefs. I’m grateful to feel myself rising to new levels of consciousness within this wild ride of the human experience.

“Musings from the mat”

In every post this year, I feel the need to share the excitement in my heart of being alive on the planet at this time as human consciousness expands to the masses of awaken souls. We are remembering our own power and claiming the Light inside that connects us all . Truth and being, sovereign nature, humbled, seeking resolved as humanity is evolving at a faster pace than ever before. It starts by allowing one self to feel, tapping in by meditation and sound frequencies, as love reveals the Light we all carry. We are one, together for eternity. I highly recommend listening to 432 Hz, the frequency at which the universe vibrates and 639 Hz, which opens and balances the heart chakra for an enlightening experience of peace, love, and joy.

“Dawn of a New Age”

I channeled “Dawn of a New Age” and “The great unknown” the day before the solar eclipse last month. As I sat on the beach, I was filled with a surge of high vibrational energy that was sparking my creativity and producing a buzzing feeling inside my body. Channeling Spirit’s intentions for New Earth’s paradigm shifting reality is an honor that brings me immense joy. May you feel the hope that the healing power of love delivers and be drawn to listen with curious interest to the messages from your own soul, my dear readers. The energies in May will deliver more clarity as we now have the opportunity to absorb, process, and integrate the new downloads of spiritual guidance brought in during eclipse season and the recent Mercury retrograde. These events help us to see what has been hidden and provides us an opportunity to change our course of action. May you choose love as your guide, my dear readers.

“The great unknown”

Practicing meditation creates an intuitive space for reflection of inner realms perception. Lying still and becoming quiet is one of the ways my soul speaks as I listen. I’m grateful for the ever increasing clear connection to love and for the human experience as my mission to help heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing continues to align to the highest level I can reach to be of service. I believe my poetry is medicine for the masses and will bring each of us into more harmony within our hearts. Being drawn into the depths of my being and sharing insights into the human condition used to confuse me. Now I understand that the truth and wisdom my soul has carried for many lifetimes needs to be heard. I’m here to shine and spread love. First, I had to forgive and heal myself. Like the petals of a lotus flower, I’ve thrived in darkness, overcoming adversity to re-emerge, be reborn and radiantly shine Light. Turning the immense pain I’ve experienced into power!

“Lotus of Light”

Painting is something I love to do. It’s how I creatively express the intuitive nature of my own soul as I allow myself to feel, hear, and see into Spirit’s many messages for me delivered through signs, symbols and synchronicities. This year of 2024 is supercharged with an expanded consciousness of love, Light and magic! “Canvas of Life” explains the experience of tapping into intuitive guidance to fine tune each chakra energy point and align to truth. This piece expresses my deepest intention along the spiritual path to enlightenment and unconditional love. There have been numerous challenges to face while adapting to the growing pains of change. I choose to view them as Divinely delivered opportunities to practice patience, acceptance and unconditional love. The more grace and forgiveness I can show to myself in these difficult moments, the more compassionate I can be with others. The relationships we engage in are filled with these lessons to teach us how to choose love for it is the softer and more gentle road to peace and unity for all.

“Canvas of Life”

I’ve always had a deep fascination and love for crystals. I believe this is something near and dear to my soul and is something that I’ve carried through many lifetimes as a healer. My favorite color is purple and amethysts were the ones I was first drawn to as a child. Now I own a beautiful collection that has gifted me a lot of inner peace, spiritual and emotional protection along my healing journey. They are the stone I resonate most with and often turn to for my own personal growth. They aid in growing patience, guiding me as a traveler into the unknown mysteries on the path to enlightenment along the spiritual journey. Awakening to more self-acceptance provided by God’s eternal grace is a mighty blessing. Empowered consciousness of love is what comes alive through prayer and faith.

“Amethyst angel”

May the month of May be a magical mystery ride for you my dear readers. My favorite song by the Grateful Dead is “Eyes of the world”. I share with you the second verse that has always rang true in my soul, and is the experience I pray you come to believe for yourself.

“Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world, the heart has its beaches, it’s Homeland and thoughts of its own, wake now discover that you are the song that the morning brings“

If you’re curious about your own spiritual awakening, please reach out to me. I would love to help you on your soul journey adventure. I can guide you for a long-distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card, reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my six books of poetry. Please click the link below. See the services tab in the menu on this website. For a personalized, autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Winter Solstice 2023

Walking the path of a shaman

Celebrating the Winter Solstice today!

This is the time of year when the night becomes longer while the days are shorter

The phenomenon of the death and rebirth of the Sun

Traveling through my own healing, channeling messages from Spirit

This is a time to feel into the current death and rebirth cycle

I recognize how much the Universe has helped me shift this year in order to help me grow, heal, and further my own soul’s spiritual evolution

I have literally cried my own river of tears in the past eight weeks, releasing old emotional energy that no longer serves my current state of being

I accept this as a death

Beginning the birthing of a deeper understanding of my current reincarnation to assist in the resurrection of our ancestors’ history, no longer shrouded in mystery

I walk the path of the shaman

Shining the Light into darkness, a healer for many more lifetimes than this one

Seeing in the dark

We are conduits for the spiritual realm and the truth

Love guided Light. Today, I entered this new beginning

And so it is

Going easy, treating myself like my best friend 🧡
Crystals and cards
Burning intentions, Mishka’s 1st day in the office

Today, I felt it was time to combine our energies. Mishka is my spirit guide and emotional support. He never leaves my side. I absolutely loved our combined efforts today. I think my clients will too!

Signs of abundance

We’re in the final weeks of 2023, my friends. I can hardly believe all the changes that I’ve made AND are still to come in this grand metamorphosis of self. Moving forward requires a discerning look back into the shadows within. It’s a balancing exercise I practice by shining light into the darkness. The solar flares and geomagnetic storms lately have been especially challenging on my physical body. Peace is found in presence, in the quiet and stillness. As a fiery Sagittarius, this is difficult for me to allow. To slow down and say no. We live in a fast-paced world where success is measured by our accomplishments no matter the toll it may have on our mental, emotional, and physical health.That’s no longer something I let guide me. By giving myself permission to slow down and care for myself, I’m listening to my internal guidance. My intuition is what serves me best. Rest IS productive. May you find peace in the present moment. Give yourself grace by becoming still. Even if it’s for 5 minutes. Focus on what truly matters during the holiday season. Follow your heart and go with your own flow, not what others are doing or saying. This is true self-love.

Many blessings to you, my dear readers. As we end this year 2023 and welcome in more multidimensionalality, the New Age of Aquarius. Pluto moves into this house after fifteen years in Capricorn. This next placement will last for the next forty-four! Believe in the new paradigm to be built as the power shifts away from the systems and back into the hands of the people!

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Poetry for spiritual awakening and transformation

My dear readers, we have entered into eclipse season and the final three months of 2023! I can hardly believe how much growth and change I’ve experienced since January when I set the intention to take a continuous leap of faith, holding hands with Spirit and trusting in the mysterious ways of flowing through the unknowns. I’ve experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows. Since June, I’ve reunited with my Divinely choosen partner, moved back to Florida, transitioned from working a part-time job to working solely on my purpose of writing and healing, and I’ve recently completed my 9th collection of poetry! “My Soul’s Inspiration” is my latest offering of forty poems that convey the transformative power that love has had over my heart and continues to awaken and enliven my soul on this most spectacular human journey!

The poems in this post are inspired by the Divine love that I share with my partner. A man whom I’ve known for more than ten years and have traveled with for a thousand through our shared past life experiences here on Earth. September was a very challenging month for me for a few reasons. Acclimating to a brand new life with my twin flame, the most challenging of soul bonds, has been very eye-opening in countless ways. Seeing myself in another, the ways in which I’ve healed and also the pieces that still need attention, love, and forgiveness. This is what October will bring when the Sun and Moon are eclipsed by one another and their aspects with the planets. Since these eclipses are taking place under the sign of Libra, the truth that lurks in the shadows will be revealed forcing major changes upon all of us. This energy is asking our beings to be cleansed and released from what no longer serves in order to further our awakening to a higher consciousness as individuals and as a collective. Last month, I traveled back to Rhode Island in an attempt to reconcile with my youngest son before he joined the Navy. Divine timing has not come through in the ways I had intended and prayed. Not yet, at least. My oldest son also had a difficult time emotionally, so I found myself spending most of my time there alone. I’m closing out a long twelve year chapter of my life. I don’t forsee myself ever returning there. I’m choosing to detach with love from the situation and leave the healing in the hands of God. When my boys are ready, we will revisit our relationships. A difficult truth and yet another leap forward on the tightrope that walking in faith can feel like at times.

I’ve also begun to experience more multidimensional sensations that create the feeling of existing in multiple timelines at once. These events cause me to feel dizzy, off balance, foggy, lightheaded, and in desperate need to lay down in the dark. These experiences are directly related to the increasing activity on the Sun in the form of M class solar flares. There’s more light pouring onto the Earth than ever before in human history, thus helping us to grow our light bodies. “The body of light, sometimes called the ‘astral body’ or the ‘subtle body,’ is a “quasi material” aspect of the human body, being neither solely physical nor solely spiritual, posited by a number of philosophers, and elaborated on according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings”. Activation of this involves a specific type of movement and focus that activates the proprioceptive system, which is part of your nervous system that maintains alignment through the activity of specialized nerve fibers in the tendons and muscles. This heightens your body’s natural ability to align and regulate itself. ” Being a highly sensitive person with extra sensory perception, these events continue to heighten and are helping to grow my gifts yet are very taxing on my physical body. My psychic spidey senses are helping me to drop from the mind and its constant spinning into the heart where truth awaits through feelings guided by intuition. Waves of creativity are ignited from within when I sit on the beach, my happy place, drawing inspiration from the ocean before me. Breathing the salty air, I am restored to wholeness. Mind, body, and spirit marry the essence of aliveness to Gaia’s beauty.

“Blessed be the journey”

As this new season of my life emerges, I take heed of intuitive nudges to slow down and rest. This is the gift of expansion that guides my ability to sit and integrate the energy that allows for guidance from the soul to flow. I’ve decided to take a much needed break from social media at this time so that I may listen and hear what my next steps are to be. I’m considering returning to college. Most importantly, all these changes have shown me where I am in my life, how much I’ve grown, and how it is I who has been fighting myself in certain ways. Holding myself back due to the core wound of the fear of failure. There is no longer a need to be fearful of this illusion because I will never give up on my mission to bring the truth to light. Therefore, I can never fail. Giving permission to myself by allowing the breakdowns to become breakthroughs. I am safe in my being. I am home in my heart. The practice of self-love is a magnificent art! It’s time to be who I came here to be!

“Lay down your sword”

This poem is inspired by my partner, my other half, my twin flame. His existence shakes me to the core, awakening feelings I have never experienced before. I search my memories, trying to recall if I have ever been in awe of someone like this, but find no comparisons. Dancing behind the veil, through space and time, our souls continue to reunite. My love and I have traveled here as souls entwined. He’s protected my heart for a thousand years. Our Divine romance lives on for all eternity.

“Past life recall”

I believe that I can do all things through the power of love that strengthens me! In my new home that I share with the love of my life, we have these four words that sit up on an elongated window ledge. It’s an odd space that we decorated creatively with the words: pray, dream, hope, and believe as a constant reminder to focus on what we are here to do. Whenever I look up there, I know that the practice of these four little words is what has sustained me along my journey to where I find myself today. I’ve come a very long way since the inception of this blog, which, by the way, is celebrating five years in existence this month! This space provides such a boost of inspiration for this poet’s heart!! My intention is to one day turn this blog into a book that documents my spiritual awakening and transformation.

“Pray, dream, hope, believe”

Here I go, about to take the biggest leap of faith. My guides assure me that I’m ready. Holding on to their messages and trusting in the unknown. Every day I choose love, my heart continues to heal and grow stronger.

“Heart healing”

The loudest message I hear is this, “Be bold and be bright, by the fires you set forth to ignite. Through creativity and consciousness, understanding more of this journey is priceless!” I claim my soul’s sovereignty.

“Soul claim”

A dear friend reminded me of who I am the other day when I needed it the most. We all falter and forget. No matter what challenges I face, I will always act with loving grace towards myself and others. I’m determined to never allow anyone to pull me out of my nature. I am here to shine love, share joy, and bring peace to all. That is our journey here as a member of humanity. It’s a dutiful responsibility I take very seriously. Sometimes, it’s a lonely road. I choose to take the highest path because that is what my heart wants to show to my fellow humans. I choose to be the light I wish to see in this world and live my life by that commitment. Amen.

“Warrior for peace”

These last three months have taught me a lot about the power of unconditional love as I dive deeper into its depths, bonded to my twin flame. For many years, he awaited my arrival into this Earthly realm. His wisdom and love guide me every day, bringing me closer to God in countless ways. My heart is eternally grateful. He is a warrior for justice, and together, we are warriors for love in God’s Earth angel army.

“Warrior of justice, warrior of love”

Back by popular demand and the urging from my spirit team to use my light as the greatest of my soul expressions, here are two recent videos of me dancing! The first one is just a short clip to lift my spirits the day both of my sons decided they were not yet ready to see me and the second is the reminder I’ve held onto tightly all these years since my suicide attempt. No matter what life presents you with, my dear readers, always hold onto hope because the only way is up!

Dancing in the streets
Hold on, the only way is up

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized, autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, relationships, Spirituality

Traveling into new emotional experiences, guided by soul

Welcome to the next few months of Summer my dear readers. I love the Sun, its ability to energize my being and amplify my upbeat personality. In this post I will share what I’ve learned this month while traveling the path of soul. My daily healing practices provide a clear lense in which I can view the importance of my purpose for this lifetime’s mission. Focusing on my spiritual ascension helps me to understand the many changes I’m going through and the impending arrival of new emotional experiences. The healing that I have done over the past ten years has birthed this gift.

In the final months of 2021, my spirit team began to prepare me for a new love interest and thus started the whisperings of intuitive information about this new person. I believe we all view life through different lenses, depending upon our view of self. The realization that I deserve to be loved the same way that I express love has transformed my way of thinking about my own worth. Years of viewing life through the lense of trauma, pain and suffering definitely created  dysfunction in the way I felt about myself and critically altered my self esteem. After ending and healing from my last intimate relationship, I now know I’m about to attract an energetic match for my heart. This man will view the world as I do, heart centered, open and living life from a place of truth and acceptance. His emotional intelligence is very high, he is well grounded and completely balanced.

When I tap into my intuitive guidance, I see us enjoying dinner by candlelight, laughing while listening to music, hiking the mountains that surround us, camping in the desert and simply enjoying one another’s company. He brings me flowers “just because” and we have long, deep conversations about God and Spirit. I can’t make out his face or features,  only seeing him as a shadow either next to or across from me. Spirit is keeping our meeting a complete surprise. Over this month I have been invited to let go and surrender to Divine timing by practicing patience, trust and faith. The poems in this post are all centered around this learning, growing and rising.

My dear readers, we are ALL deserving of love and kindness. Right now in our world, there is a huge shift going on. I invite you to clean your lense by investigating your own experiences and trusting the adventures your heart has traveled through. Believe in miracles because they are real and occur around us all the time. Believe that you are ready for a more Divine emotional experience and a higher love. I’ve lived here in the Salt Lake valley for almost ten months now surrounded by these magnificent mountains that absorb energy and are very grounding for me. The east coast has such a frenetic pace and energy that I do not miss at all. Here, it’s a lot quieter, allowing me to feel more of the oneness vibration, connectedness and threads. I see more and more synchronistic signs and omens. My intuitive feelings have heightened tremendously since last September. The instinctual dance of human experience paired with all that is alive in creation continues to fascinate me and raise the volume of communication. Every song is now much louder than ever before. I find that I’m feeling into a million new truths of awareness and love for absolutely everything without having to understand it. Just allowing all as it. As it has always been and will always be. Life on life’s terms. We all come here with a story to tell, a song to sing, a lesson to learn. Observing it all helps me to pay attention and practice mindfulness which fuels my curiosity, helping me to see the immensely beautiful world that surrounds me.

The heart always knows best. May this post invite you to drop into its intuitive guidance, leaving the mental chatter of mind’s stories behind. At least lower the volume of the conditioned ones it loves to rattle on about. Follow your heart and awaken to soul!

“Always remember”

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

Consciousness, Healing, Inner child, personal development, relationships, Spirituality

The circle game of healing

“Cyclical nature of life continously echos a resounding rhythm. Reverence of soul teaches me how to begin”. This is a quote from my poem “Peace, love and joy” and it perfectly captures my feelings in this moment. Spring has sprung and a new life has begun as I embark upon a new adventure. It’s an exciting time for me my dear readers so I must admit I was blindsided when triggers of fear and old thought patterns started whispering their lies of my brokenness again.

The experiences of deep healing over the past three years have taught me to closely inspect all aspects of my being, mind, body and soul. I’m currently putting a book promotion together for my latest book of poetry, “My Soul’s Dance, Accepting the shadows while embracing the Light: poems about death and rebirth”. I’m grateful to have these messages at my fingertips to reference, regroup and recenter myself back into the truth. “Corners of Love” is a poem inspired by the conscious breathwork and energy attunement sessions I practice regularly. Laughing at myself for taking all the pressure too seriously! Of course a new environment filled with new people and things to learn would trigger unnecessary fear! Healing myself has taught me to love myself back into balance. I’m not my past failures. I’m always beautifully and divinely whole, it’s my thinking that required a course correction as the mental chatter of ego grew too loud overpowering the voice of my highest self. She has a name my dear ones. I refer to my soul as Serena. Last week it felt like life turned up the volume on ego and the judgements of others I absorbed from the past. Their voices played loudly in a loop telling me the lies that began to plant illusions of insecurities. These weeds needed pulling so I took a break from their static and turned to meditation and breathwork. These self care practices combined with the voices of love coming from my family and friends began to settle me down! Once again, I could see I was putting far too much pressure upon myself and the old coping mechanisms of perfection were threatening my inner peace.

“Believing in receiving”

Life is a continuous cycle of learning from our past experiences and growing within the arms of love. The love I give myself is what awakens me to believing I am absolutely worthy of receiving abundance in my life. Somewhere along the way, after many years of trauma, I began to believe the opposite. That version of myself is no longer the vision I see in the mirror. This new cycle brought in uncomfortability and my first response was to pile on more pressure and beat myself up! “There is a wisdom of head and a wisdom of heart”, one of my favorite poet’s Charles Dickens said that. I believe it’s the discernment of the two that leads to the wisdom from our own souls. Breath and meditation allow me to feel into what is trying to come to the surface. Stagnant energy that’s been awaiting an answer from my body. In the past I would overextend my body by overexercising and distract myself with substances to block out the messages. Healing has provided me the space to listen instead to my intuition and the guidance of my Spirit team. Setting the intention to once again believe in myself and know I am worthy of receiving love. I can feel it in the air and see it in the newly blossoming spring flowers outside my door. So much beauty is coming my way in the form of opportunities and new relationships. I don’t have to be afraid that I’m “too much” or “too weird” or “not ready” for others to see me for me. I don’t have to stay trapped in mind games. Today, I can show myself grace and have patience as I learn the new tasks I’m responsible for. I don’t have to betray myself by self sabotaging the wonderful new opportunity before me with fear!

This experience isn’t mine alone my dear readers, it is for all of us to learn from. Running through life, attempting to catch up in this invisible race and competition with one another, we succumb to the pressures around us by creating unrealistic expectations for ourselves and marrying ourselves to attachments that aren’t serving us. Totally forgetting our intimate connection to one another through our Light and life force. Time and healing has taught me to dance and laugh at these extremes within myself and not act upon impulse. The only person I am trying to be today is a more aligned version of myself than last week or last year. Today, I choose to tune into the songs of Spirit. I hear the voice of my Dad, my grandparents, all the ancestors and angels that have been guiding my soul for centuries. Circling back to the truth I uncovered upon my awakening three years ago. I am whole, I am healthy, I am a beautifully capable child of God. Divinely connected, protected, guided and eternally loved. That is the truth that plays loudly on repeat throughout my entire being, the music I rise and dance to.

Standing in my own power and inner strength by forgiving myself for the times I blamed my soul awakening for ending relationships. The truth is that I was hiding within others, not feeling worthy of my own dreams and aspirations. I became distracted with trying to fix and heal others. Today I know it all starts within me. Circling around the truth again has showed me how to put on my “big girl panties” while loving my inner child who gets frightened by new situations. Today, I hold her close and tell her that nobody will hurt her again. The pain and trauma is over now. Turn up that “Soul music” my friends and dance until your heart’s content!

Dancing to the music of soul, is the resounding rhythm that beats in my heart. Played on my own unique drum.

Intentionally I open to new possibilities for love from a man. This is the soul connection and the kind of love I predicted in January of this year in the post It’s coming with grand gusto and adoring gestures that I’ve always dreamed of. I’m a romantic, if you can’t tell by my writing my dear readers. Someday soon, a man will come into my life that will treat me the way I deserve to be treated. This man will be my equal, on my level of awakening awareness and be my true match. A soul partner to journey with and explore the adventures that life gifts us everyday. I’m ready and excited!

Believing in the love I am worthy of

This poem describes the transformation I have undergone and continue to grow within. Healing from the human experience is a condition we are all learning from in this life on Earth. Our souls never die. We will go onto exist in other forms of life after we leave our physical bodies in this one. This is the grand circle of life. Listen to this song by Nightmares on Wax my dear readers. Tap into the higher consciousness within its message. Groove with the rhythm of feelings and the vibration of love.

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.