Healing, personal development, relationships, Spirituality

Gifts of gratitude in presence

My heart is singing as my soul is soaring high, my dear readers! This week, I’m ending a two year chapter of living in Utah and relocating back to Florida. The decision to focus on Emotional Musings, my healing, and writing is proving fruitful. I’ve also taken a grand leap of faith by exploring a romantic relationship with a dear friend who, unbeknownst to me, has been holding back feelings of love for me for ten years. We are a gift to one another through Divine timing and the Light. I’m learning more and more each day how aligned we are. This is the precious love I’ve been waiting for. Divine love, the highest love that I’ve been praying for for three years. Manifesting these gifts in my life comes only from the magnitude of gratitude I hold in my heart. Prayers of “thank you” to my spirit guides every day for protecting and guiding me to this place. Having and holding a deep trust that what is meant for me will never pass me by. Surrendering control of the outcomes by allowing God to work in mysterious ways. I know my Dad is watching over me, smiling with pride. He’s happy I’m choosing to go after my dreams. Here I am, arriving in Divine love, watching them all come true!

I first moved to Florida back in March of 2013 when I was just entering recovery from drugs and alcohol. I met my partner just three months after completing my program, and we became fast friends. He’s been on the road of recovery for 37 years now. He ‘s always been someone I’ve admired for his deep wisdom and patience. Little did I realize that ten years in the future, we would feel the true love that we feel for one another today! I’m thrilled to be back in Florida, a place I called home for eight years and have vacationed to all of my life. The beach is my happy place, and I look forward to spending time there in solitude, soaking up the vibrations. Grounding myself with my toes in the sand and breathing saltwater air.

The energy this month has been very powerfully cosmicnd cosmI’ve definitely felt a leveling up in the ascension process, which is stripping away fear and becoming at home in love. Our being is love and radiates this belief outwards, attracting the same vibration. You truly do get what you give off and are the master of your own reality, my dear readers. These are the latest poems in my 9th collection entitled “My Soul’s Inspiration.”

Learning to relax by becoming still is a practice I gift my nervous system on a regular basis. It’s how I recharge. Breathing in a conscious and continuous way brings my being peace. Keeping my heart open, allowing my soul to guide me by Spirit’s messages through intuition. Everything flows, and that is when the power of belief in love grows strongest. It is this belief that has gotten me towhere I am today!

“Heart and soul”

One of the best things about this relationship is that we are both Earth angels, energeticagifted, and here in this lifetime for the same purpose. To help others to heal and be the best version of themselves. I’m blessed to receive the truest of love. Our souls swim in the same colors. Angels conspired as divine timing delivered. All I see is him.

“Colors of soul”

Love is the chariot I ride off into the sunset. Gleaming wisdom from within as the both of us embark upon the life of our romantically inclined dreams. Two hearts that beat as one. Blessed are those who believe they are worthy. Today and forever, I choose our love.

“Chariot of love”

I feel as if I’m dreaming because he is the man I’ve been looking for, and now, knowing that he’s been standing in front of me this entire time is surreal. His patience with me met with God’s grace and mysterious ways, leaving me breathless as I fell deeply in love. This is our story. Taking the steps to love.

“Steps to love”

Recently, I was invited to spend some time in the mountains, listening to the wind and soaking up the summer Sun. Nature is medicine for the soul. My dear friend took this picture of me practicing yoga and when I saw it I was so elated! A light beam shone down directly on me, what a beautiful gift!

Yoga outdoors makes my heart happy
“Song of solitude”

Over the past eleven years, I’ve done a lot of concentrated healing on my inner child. The scars from the trauma and abuse I’ve experienced have taught me how strong and resilient I am. I’m grateful for all I have learned. My partner has always seen my Light, my gifts, even before I did. The whispering pledge of my inner child allows me to release deeply rooted fear and accept his true love for me. I believe i am worthy after years of feeling love as pain because of the experiences I endured. I accept. He is my safe harbor.

“Safe harbor”

Once again, I find myself following my heart by taking a leap of faith as I listen to the intuitive language of soul. True love has my heart aflutter and is fast approaching as I make this major life change. One more time, here I go. Moving across the country to join my soulmate. The world is my oyster as I grow into the woman I am meant to be. Flourishing in purpose and creative passion.

“Echoes of soul”

I’m honored to announce that this poem, “Endless love” was named POD on the app I use to create my poetry, Miraquill. Love stirs and sparks the beginning of this new chapter back in Florida and reunited with my soulmate. Together, we share the highest timeline in this ascension. Forever, we are dedicated to this endless love.

“Endless love”

The journey continues. We are multidimensional spiritual beings having a human experience. Everything lies in the present moment. Truth, power, Light, and love. This is what living out loud consists of. A full spectrum kaleidoscope of being. Coming alive in my being. I’m grounded in gratitude and thankful for the gifts in each moment. I plan on taking the rest of the summer off to adjust to my new life. I’ll be back in the fall with more stories and poems.

“Coming alive”

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Healing, Inner child, Mental health, personal development, relationships, Spirituality

Love’s activation in Autumn

The ending of Libra season and the beginning of Scorpio (with a solar eclipse helping Venus’s powerful love activation) allows the winds of change to blow all around us my dear readers. As I look back on the poems I’ve written since my last post in August, I can feel how much I’ve changed. I’m happy to share that there is a new person of interest who has entered my life and is beginning to mean a lot to me. He is very special, quite intuitive and loves to make me laugh. We met one another organically. He’s a regular customer at the cafe I work in as a barista. He always orders the same thing (a medium blackberry cheesecake Gelato) yet from the first time we met, I knew there was something different about him. His high vibrational energy and light captivates and intrigues me on a soul level. One of our favorite things to do together is to go out dancing which you, my dear readers already know, is my number one soul expression.  Dance marries itself insightfully to writing as the messages I receive from Spirit to express myself authentically and divinely.

Welcome the air of being gifted to us during Libra season

I have been very busy too since August’s post and the release of the podcast interview for “Bring on the Woo”https://open.spotify.com/episode/5Dy8AqPHNamHJIKbLxlIcC?si=xZoy7556REGrCRFVXWevDA&utm_source=copy-link I’m shopping the manuscript for my 7th book of poetry called, “My Soul’s Music” to literary agents and publishing houses. Currently, I’m writing poems for my 8th book to be called, “My Soul’s Love”. I’m already thirty-two poms into it. I began this blog in October of 2018 and this month is my 4 year anniversary of sharing the channeled messages that have become the poems I’m meant to share with the world. During this time period, I’ve written 599 poems. The entirety of my body of work is documented throughout this blog to encompass the awakening experience both before and after.

The following poems and videos will be featured in the latest collection as the reflection of love I’m currently experiencing. I remain in awe of the messages from Spirit and from my soul as I continue to piece together the lessons and meaning for my life here as a writer and healer. As a channel and a vessel for the wisdom Spirit shares with me, these words come through to help me piece together my soul’s journey. Tiny breadcrumbs and clues that are bestowed upon me for the purpose of healing. Many of them end up in the healing sessions I provide to clients. Some come through clairaudience while others are whispered through my strongest ability which is clairsentience. “Ancient history” describes the karmic resolutions and the carrying out of a timeline to begin what I’ve waited many lifetimes to conquer. The beginning of the life I’ve only dreamed of until now. I’ve been promised a Divine love. My words as a writer are meant to be shared with the masses. All is about to be revealed as I break free from ancestral trauma and finally start to live my truth.

“Hear my words and watch my climb”

We are all golden threads of an Universal tapestry of Light, holy and bright. God bless your heart as we walk together creating the art of life! Embrace the holy child within and heal.

A glimpse inside my “awakened story”

Many people like to compare me to Mother Teresa, my namesake and the energy I bring into a space, with loving grace. I am continually humbled by the responsibility I carry as a vessel for Spirit. This poem was born from a word prompt to “introduce yourself” on the app I use to create my poetry. I’m an awakened and realized soul, enjoying a human experience as a woman walking this journey of life in truth after answering the call to heal from the trauma I’ve survived. I walk the path of the shaman by utilizing the insights I’ve learned to heal myself, I now specialize in healing trauma, addiction and mental health disorders in my clients. Claiming my truth as a psychic medium and channel by practicing the art of shamanism has transformed my life! Today, I am a free and authentic spirit, using my sensibilities as superpowers to transmute energy by the power of love, which is the fuel for magic. 

Maria Teresa

Love is the focus for my expression. Experiencing love at first sight is like electricity running through my heart. Two worlds colliding together making art. Musing upon every aspect that’s alive with an uniqueness all its own. Being in love is such a wonderful feeling and a blessing after so much healing. This is a reward for all the work I’ve put into my self growth!

Rejoicing in the aliveness of being! Enjoying the journey through this human experience. Spiritual healing is my calling and allows me to shine peace, love and joy. Believing in being, truth in seeing. All I can dream arrives in divine time. Love guides my steps as I walk gracefully ahead.

This poem is a prayer for my mother who suffers from severe, unhealed mental illness. I pray she finds peace. I ended our toxic relationship over 15 months ago because I know I needed to grow beyond the dysfunctional, codependent ties that we were bonded in. Only my siblings and I know our truth. I forgive her by accepting myself, something she doesn’t have the ability to do. It’s taken a long time to claim my wholeness and be healed through Spirit. By allowing myself to feel, I can be all I’m meant to be. I’m the one who is free!

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Mental health, Spirituality

Intentions for an open heart

When in doubt follow your heart. That mantra has been my focal point all of my life. As the empathetic, passionate and free spirited woman I am following my heart’s desire has always felt right to me. In the years since I have been healing myself from trauma however, there were many times where I would tell my partner that I felt a disconnection between my heart and my mind. I can recall a specific time four years ago when that realization made me so sad and confused. Unraveling trauma, pain stuck in my body has taken time and required me to simply be patient with myself.

I have loads of patience for others yet I tend to be more harshly impatient with my own progress in this area. The integration between my heart and soul while processing my own emotions surrounding trauma has taught me that I can’t force anything to happen. Creating a false sense of security by telling myself that it’s not that upsetting or lying to myself that “I’m ok” only furthered the process. The sentiment of “time takes time” just came to mind. I’m thankful I surrendered to the process and showed myself grace. It’s yielded tremendous growth for my spirituality and awakening journey!

Another opportunity presented itself recently in regards to allowing my heart to remain open, just feeling the feelings, without intellectualizing them and over explaining them. I was made aware of the fact that I tend to do this. It’s an old coping skill I developed in order for me to feel safe in my body, feeling everything and everybody all at once. As an empath, for so long before I realized it was detrimental to my own well being, I have tended more to others feelings while stuffing or numbing my own away. My fast moving energy creates BIG intense feeling sensations in my body and I was fearful of them.

After reflecting on why I have done this throughout my life, understanding that it’s no longer necessary and shifting into open heartedness requires me to evoke that same level of patience with myself. I have noticed that when I start to digress into old behaviors and patterns my posture changes. I cross my arms and hug my body, slouching my shoulders, I don’t stand with my head held as high. Being aware of how this overwhelming and uncomfortable feeling actually feels in my body allows me an opportunity to grow. In the past, I would allow this low vibrational fear to consume me. Now, operating from a place of love which is a higher vibration, I feel more empowered to overcome that fear. Sitting with it, tending to my own emotional response has proven to be so powerful!

I recently learned how to quickly reconnect with my heart and my soul’s power by clearing my central channel. I rub my hands together creating energy and hold then in front of my pelvic/hip region. Then I raise them up over my body slowly while visualizing releasing any stagnant energy that may be blocking me from my power. Once I get to my heart I stop and shake my hands off as though they were wet. I practiced this the other day while staring at myself in the mirror. The intense feelings I got, the rush of self love made me feel happy and warm all over.

I’m using my power and gifts of sense mastery to heal myself! It’s incredibly empowering my dear readers. This is new ground for me. Becoming the master of my emotions and the creator of my reality is a shift I had no idea would change how I see everything in my world. Forever, my feelings and other’s have run my life in a negative and harmful way. I didn’t know how to sort it all out and I have gone through forgiving myself for not knowing how best to care for myself.

I believe that the way I was treating myself, misunderstanding how best to care for my spirit left me with a deep sadness that I have carried for a long, long time. When someone would ask me, “what’s wrong” it was often difficult to articulate exactly why but now I know it was this heaviness dragging my down creating sadness and eventually pain. Like a broken heart. I was unaware of how it was affecting my life. Now that I’m on the other side of it I know I have found the key to eternal happiness.

Happiness isn’t something you can get from external sources my dear readers. It must be cultivated from within. God has created us with everything we need for balance and peace within our own amazing bodies! I used to feel my heart was failing me because I felt too much and that my brain was attacking me because my thoughts ran so quickly through my mind. It was a terrible, victim like perception I was inflicting upon myself. I now see that I had the power all along to change and feel better. By taking care of my emotional and spiritual needs on a daily basis I have established a strong bond within myself. I make the promise with myself every day to never go back to my old ways. I release the worry and fear surrounding the entire thought I even would.

This new year 2020 feels like it’s going to be my brightest year yet🌠🌈🎇🙏❤

Mental health, Spirituality

Wherever you go, there you are

I have always liked the idea of wherever you go, you take yourself with you. In other words, you can change your physical location, surroundings or environment and that is all that actually is different because you are still you. The idea surrounding the possibility of instant growth simply because your physical surroundings are different is idealistic. We take ourselves, good, bad or indifferent wherever we go because we are creatures of habit. We don’t naturally like change. Change is scary and it upsets our egos. Ego mindset is there to keep us safe and small. Observing and deciphering the story, our egos tell us is the first step in creating the real shift that is necessary for actual change.

Happiness is an inside job my dear readers. You can fly around the world, search the deepest forests, oceans and scour the beach for the meaning of life or buy things in an attempt to find happiness and still come up short because no matter what you do or where you go, we must still answer to ourselves. Searching the external world for what makes one happy is never the answer for only we can create joy and peace within our own reality. The ability to think is what makes us uniquely human. The ability to understand we are not our thoughts is what allows us to become creators of our own reality. How empowering is that? Very😊

While I was thinking about writing this post, I read an article about the comparison of attitudes that either empower growth or can hold one back. The following are five attitudes that create confidence in contrast to overconfidence in life.

There is a difference between feeling truly capable of handling something versus thinking that YOU are the only one capable of accomplishing something. Now, I will state that I know and believe that the only thing I think I am the best suitable person for is taking care of myself. That being said, in every other situation, it isn’t very productive to think and definitely act like you are the only one who can do XYZ. When one thinks that way, it’s a set up for failure.

Overconfident people will continually talk without hearing others, I mean really listening to them. Confident and successful people understand that it’s best to always be learning while keeping an open mind to hearing something new. There must be a balance between talking and listening. I tell my boys to always remain open to new ideas and concepts because when one stops learning, growing ceases and spirit starts to die. This is a mindset that is easy to spot in others, usually depressed people who think they have nothing to offer the world. When those thoughts arise, recognizing that that is an ego based story devised to keep us small and free from changing. That thought can impede growth and squash all possibilities if one acts upon it.

The right kind of attitude is necessary for success in everything one sets out to accomplish. When I have an unrealistic belief that I’m too perfect to make any mistakes, I am attempting to act like a God. We are human and only God is perfect. Therefore it’s best to keep yourself in check by putting your best effort into achieving your goals. Thriving for your best, effortly speaking, is a better way of knowing that the only control you have is putting your best foot forward. We humans are fallible and will make mistakes along the way indefinitely.

That idea brings me to my next point which is being able to learn from your mistakes so that you don’t have to repeatedly keep making the same ones over and over again! We can either learn from our many mistakes along the way or we can choose to let our mistakes hold us back from actually acquiring the lesson and instilling it within our souls so the next time we remember that feeling and take steps to avoid that kind of self induced pain again.

Lastly, people who are confident work to gain respect from those around them by showing loyalty and kindness towards others while maintaining a down to Earth attitude. Overconfident people demand to be the main attraction and the center of attention. The latter type of person I try to avoid at all costs because they are extremely draining on my energy reserves. They lack self acceptance and are constantly seeking it from external sources.

Honestly, I have recently noticed that throughout my life as an empath, I have drawn in many narcissists and sociopaths. Those looking to drain my life force energy because they are so unsettled within their own beings and have no regard for human emotions. Since my spiritual growth has taken hold and my vibration has been raised, I only attract other like minded people to me. Mostly other extra sensory people, empaths, lightworkers and metaphysically interested people. It’s very awesome and a gift from Universe💜

Through daily meditation, over the years, I have learned to observe my own at times monkey mind. I can’t control what I think because I know our minds love to link information together and at times, tell us lies that keep me safe ….ego stories again. All that is within my power is the ability to put space between my thoughts and my actions. Meditation helps me grow that much needed space by passively observing. That’s when I can decipher what my thoughts are trying to tell me. I’m able to then break down my thoughts into the category of either rational or irrational.

I first learned these techniques while attending cognitive behavioral and dialetical behavioral therapies. These two courses saved my life in many ways because I was allowing my overactive thinking to control my life instead of me being the master. I found myself in a downward spiral trying to escape my life in unhealthy ways and ultimately in permanence when I attempted suicide eight years ago.

I’ve entered a point in my life today where I feel an intense gratitude for everything! The people I have met, the lessons I have learned, the mistakes I have made, the opportunities I have been granted, the many experiences I can add to my tool belt by living life with am open mind along with my free flowing spirit. I love where I am. I am so grateful for where I find myself today and yes, I have brought myself here.


Shedding my skin, answering the call

We have officially entered this last month of 2019 my dear readers. I awoke this morning with lots of words swirling around my head which for this creative soul means a poem is about to come through. I have always relied upon writing to express my feelings and emotions. In this past year I have relied heavily upon creating poems to articulate my own life’s observations and experiences. Today one word kept popping up over and over again, bones.

In the past six months, as you my dear readers know, I have had an accelerated growth period within the spiritual awakening I now find myself in. This process has allowed me to shed so many old coping habits, mindsets and behaviors that no longer serve my highest self. That’s what I’m very focused on in life, what works and what doesn’t.

I’m an empath that has incredibly fast moving energy. I absorb it like a sponge through my pores. I liken my thoughts to a spinning rolodex. When a poem is forming in my mind, I see the words written across a kind of white board as a vision. They come together quickly and don’t take much effort on my part at all. The phrase that kept repeating in my mind this morning was, make no bones about it. As usual, I googled it for the exact definition:
To Make No Bones About Something. Meaning: To say clearly what you think or feel about something, however unpleasant or awkward it may be. To make no bones about something means to say something in a way that leaves no doubt, or to have no objection to it.

This makes perfect sense to me. First of all, I am honest to a fault. Being both an empath and a Sagittarius, at times my words spill out bluntly with little or no tact to my delivery. I speak my mind and my truth as I always have. I know this is one of the traits my fiance adores the most in me. He knows when he asks me my opinion on something, he always gets the truth! I can further relate to this phrase very much while I make this shift, shedding outdated ways to deal with life like a repitle sheds it’s old skin to make way for a new one. Snakes and lizards do this to allow for growth and to remove parasites that have attached themselves to their old skin. Again, this too I can relate to. I’m always growing and evolving, getting rid of aspects within my life that have become a drain upon me. A parasite sucks the nutrients it needs to live and feeds off of its host.

Before I started this deep inner work, I can admit to allowing others to feed off of my energy. Family, friends even co-workers would become very draining for me to handle and that was detrimental to my own well being. I have always had a very high tolerance and patience for drama therefore in my past I made decisions within my relationships that were in hindsight not the best for my life long term. That was then, this is now.

Like that animal who sheds its skin in order to allow for growth and a cleansing of the blood sucking, leech like organisms, I too am ridding myself of the pests in my life by letting go. Getting down to my bare bones. Building a newer and more solid foundation for my authentic self to blossom within. My spirit deserves to breathe free and fly to where the winds of change may take me. An emotional and mental cleansing that is happening at a rapid pace to keep up with my intentions and manifestations.

Recently I had a video chat with a fellow female empath that was so inspiring and validating to my soul! She was so open and kind by complimenting me on my inner strength and powerfully realized spirit. It made me blush at first honestly because I’m new to fully accepting compliments, allowing myself to receive love. She told me to shine like the queen’s essence I embody. After we said our goodbyes, her words were still in my mind. I looked at myself in the mirror and I told myself, “Maria, this is your time to shine and if others can’t handle it or find fault in your new found confidence, tell them to put on sunglasses!”

I’m at the stage in my life where I can see the big picture clearly. Speaking of glasses, I feel like I just got a new pair! All the questions and curiosities about life that I have had up to this point are all being answered revealing my path’s purpose. I am here to listen, share, heal and inspire others who feel lost, marginalized or forgotten. I know that feeling all too well and I won’t allow anybody I come across to feel that kind of severe hopelessness and worthlessness. I have walked in those ratty, torn up shoes of despair too and I will do whatever I can to lend a hand or a smile to those in need. A disrupter in life that fights against hate and evil to shine the light of empathy and compassion for those that need it. It’s in my bones. It’s my calling and I am answering it wholeheartedly! I’m determined to make a difference and I believe love will heal this world!