Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Rainbows of hope and promises of peace

Writing brings me peace and clarity. I started Emotional Musings almost four years ago with the intention to share my life’s testimony of “Triumphing over Trauma” and thus began a journey of self discovery, leading to a profound spiritual awakening in June of 2019. I’m continually in awe of the messages I receive from Spirit that shape the words of my poetry. Lately I’ve been picking up on synchronistic signs of rainbows which symbolize eternal hope. The ability to hold onto hope is what saved my life eleven years ago after I attempted suicide. Hold on, pain ends is the mantra I resonate with and what hope means to me. I was given the gift of desperation which is what eventually helped me change my entire life. Step by step and year after year since, I have learned how to take care of my soul. Being compelled by it for the purposes of obtaining a higher consciousness, mind, body and spirit, I continue to lean into the guidance from my guides and write poems that share the promises of peace, love and joy through the exploration of my own spirituality.

Learning how to best care for my being, the vessel that contains my soul is forever fascinating to me! Season after season, cycles of death and rebirth follow the phases of the moon and dictate my emotional landscape. The lense through which I view the world becomes more clear and allows me to focus on my purpose of helping to heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing. No biggie (inserted sarcasm for humor) Being able to share the highest vibrations of love with others is an ever humbling honor. My intention is to inspire others to believe in themselves, get to understand their own intuition and develop their own spirituality through self love and introspection. Writing allows to me do this both personally and publicly. I am incredibly grateful for this blog platform and for you my dear readers!

Utilizing my exra sensory perception, the space between breaths joins the life force energy that radiates inside, never dividing nor having to decide. All just is. Choosing peace, love and joy is the daily prayer. Being able to use all senses to their highest degree and form, honors my humanity. Turning off the noise from technology and the distractions it brings heralds peace. Listening to how my own soul’s music plays in harmony with the tune of nature. Concentration is on healing and the attunement of my nervous system to the stimuli around me. Seeing spirit animal omens remind me of the important role loyalty, trust and faith play in believing my being into freedom, honoring the sovereign nature of my own spirited essence.

The following eight poems capture my experiences with the Divine as I learn my soul lessons within this human experience. Opening my heart by allowing for grace and patience, surrendering to the process of ascension and expanding into acceptance of each moment as the gift it is sparks the curiosity and wonder which is the frequency in which my poems are channeled through. I am in love with the new life I have created in this last year. I can feel my dreams taking shape and manifesting into this physical reality. I have recently met someone who is very special and I am intrigued by his journey. “Knock knock” is dedicated to our Divine timing and the role we will play in each other’s lives. After I finished writing”Song #44″ I felt that piece is the completion of my newest and 7th book of poetry entitled, “My Soul’s Music”. I have already begun the poems for my 8th book which will be called “My Soul’s Love”.

I invite you my dear readers to share these poems and comment below on how they make you feel. We are in this human experience together, connected as one!

“Waterlily flow”
“I allow”
“New life”

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.


Soul Medicine, a collection of poetry

My dear readers, I’m so grateful to have met so many wonderful writers on this platform. One in particular has illuminated a soul reflection that runs deep within my being. Ace of and I connected organically because of our similar writing styles and the way we view the world. Leading with our hearts, full of love and rejecting fear, our souls dance a duet that has been born in the cosmos and aligned divinely in this life at this moment. Thank you so much Ace for being a brilliant example of authenticity, pure love and light. Your divine essence shines through your words. It’s an honor to call you my sister and my friend.

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 5 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu on my website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Embracing the Healing Field

My dear readers, I’m so pleased to announce that I’m now an official contributer for Healers magazine based here in Miami, Florida. My first article can be read here entitled “Embracing the Healing Field” which is a review of the documentary on Amazon of the same name. I was so intrigued by the information in it about the Quantum field of energy healing because of the profound experience I have had with it, I felt compelled to write the review sprinkled with my own life’s healing experience. I invite you my dear readers to click the link and read it. Please let me know your thoughts by commenting here or sending me an email.

A dear sister friend of mine requested I record some more videos of myself reciting my poems. Here are the two latest ones I shared on my social media platforms. The first one is dedicated to my muse, my partner and my best friend. The second is about my continued transformation as I heal my soul and fulfill my purpose to assist others in their healing process as a shaman. Please see my newly added complete list of services in the menu tab of this blog. I’m honored to work with others who are curious about what a shamanic healing session can bring into one’s life, healing past trauma and elevating the soul. Thank you so much to for your love and support in helping me tweak this blog. Technology is not something I enjoy but a necessary part of blogging. Your assistance is greatly appreciated and absolutely priceless!

“Two as One”

These past 19 months have truly been life altering as I release what no longer serves me, live intentionally from my heart without hiding and expand further into the creative being I am. I absolutely love to dance and feel it’s the most freeing experience I regularly practice. This is me. 100% soul powered!

“Adventure of a Lifetime” by Coldplay
“Can You Feel It” by Michael Jackson

Life is an adventure that I can feel everyday. You can too my dear readers, it’s all in how you choose to look at it. Lately I’ve felt another expansive period of alignment with the Light, Divine Source. This is a poem I wrote after a meditation session. We are birthing change my dear ones and what the unknown will bring is whatever your imagination can dream!

“Birthing change”

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu.
For a personalized autographed copy please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

Afterlife, Grief and loss, Spirituality

Riding the waves of emotion

It’s been 9 days since my Dad’s passing. I have running conversations and numerous signs from him. We are definitely more connected now than ever before which is beautifully strange and has dug up some deeply seeded beliefs and old mindsets that I’m being forced to examine. That’s what grief and processing is all about, continuing to heal. The journey never stops my dear ones, it may slow from time to time and lately I feel we in the worldly collective are on an accelerated track towards the New Earth paradigm that is being ushered in by this month’s winter solstice.

I am honored to be connected so strongly to Spirit. I feel a big shift in how my passions are unfolding which will no doubt help my business grow. I hadn’t painted in months so a few days ago when the urge struck me, I grabbed my paints and headed out by the lake. Walking through the pain, sorrow, gratitude and beauty of the moment fuels my days with both laughter and tears. The hardest part is being separated from the love of my life. He is my #1 muse and the one I dream about every night. This poem and painting are inspired by our love affair.

We can weather any atorm
Navigating the seas of love

I have a confession. Yes, I admit that I’m an extremely passionate and fiery woman but there were many times in my life that I feared the depth of my passionate drive. This year, 2020 has presented me with the choices of passion vs. fear over and over again. I chose passion every time despite what others judgements and opinions were. I used to be bashful, embarrassed and even scared of the life force energy of passion that coursed through my veins. Now, I embrace it and allow it to lead me down whatever path life presents me! If I can keep staying true to my spirit, I know God will continue to show me the way. Here’s my 2020 review and outlook for 2021 video.

Welcoming in my birthday month of December

Despite the fact that I may or may not be alone on my 43rd birthday next week, there is no doubt that I will be celebrating!! My Mom and I had planned to bring my Dad home to say goodbye, to provide nurturing and comfort in his final days. We had the hospital bed all set up in the living room overlooking the beauty of the lake. I told my Mom that I would dance for him. This one’s for you Dad because I know you are dancing with the angels now. I love you eternally. No matter what, nothing stops me….I always keep it movin and groovin!

“Can’t stop the feeling” Justin Timberlake

Life keeps marching onwards my dear ones. I’m so grateful to have stepped into my power this year, having healed my soul and became a shaman.  I have been told by both my trusted friends here and by Spirit that I have helped my Dad’s spirit rise on the other side which has made him much stronger. I often hear him telling me to “rally the troops” and I see him soaring overhead singing about how free he is! I gotcha Dad and I love you.

My Dad is a short-tailed hawk over our house daily

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session (over the phone), tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below.

Grief and loss, Holidays, Mental health, Spirituality

How do you say Happy Thanksgiving?

This is a bittersweet holiday for my family and I being this is the first one minus my Dad. The man who always carved the giant turkey and presided over the time we committed to enjoying it because it couldn’t coincide with the big football games that are being played today.

Despite the fact that my siblings and I aren’t together, I know our entire country is having a very different experience in celebrating Thanksgiving this year due to the pandemic of COVID-19 that our world is living through. I’m writing this to remind ALL of us that it’s what’s in our hearts, our grateful and loving hearts that we celebrate and say thanks to God for our many blessings. I’m an extremely blessed woman to know the unconditional guidance, protection and love that is available to us all through God’s grace. This is what I get down on my knees for today and say, “Thank you” for.

The outpouring of love I have received from family and friends over the passing of my Dad keeps the smile on my face and warms my heart. This year, 2020 has been my most transformative yet and I’m blessed that my Dad got to see me blossom and bloom this year. A close girlfriend of mine reminded me of that and it really changed my thinking on the day he passed over. I want to share this experience I had with you all just yesterday while I sat in meditation….

My Dad’s spirit came to me and he said, “hey Mare (my Dad’s nickname for me) I’m so sorry dolly that I didn’t understand you more while I was alive. I get it, I get you now that I’ve died sweetheart and we are closer now”. He is already my top advisor, teacher and guide as I dance the sacred waltz with Spirit as a shamanic healer. It’s the most beautiful gift I could ever imagine to receive. All I could say, while the tears flowed were “Thanks Dad, I love you”.

I wrote this first poem, “Daddy” just hours before he passed over. I read it to my mother when she woke up Tuesday the 24th of November 2020 and when I got to the last line, she hugged me tighter and we looked in each other’s eyes. My spirit guides later told me that we ushered him over at that exact moment because when the nurse called to tell us that he was no longer with us and the time, we both instantly knew. We laughed and cried and I could hear my Dad say, “Thank you Maria, I’m free” while the Frank Sinatra song, “Born Free” played loudly in my head. My Mom and I were both outside on the lake and saw his spirit appear in a hawk that was flying overhead. This is the picture on YouTube for that song! Talk about synchronicity my dears.


This is a poem I wrote for his birthday last year September 1st, 2019. My Dad was always such a strong, proud and dignified man. He had a gentle manner and a heart of pure gold, my hero.


Life is so precious and short my dears. Tell the ones that you love you love them. We must all today celebrate each other, the abundance of God’s blessings upon all of creation, look around at this beautiful world he gave us and say “Thank you”.

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below.

Look at what arrived yesterday in the mail. If anyone who like a personalized autographed copy of “My Soul’s Light” please go to my contact page and email me. Namaste 🙏

“My Soul’s Light”