Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Winter Solstice 2023

Walking the path of a shaman

Celebrating the Winter Solstice today!

This is the time of year when the night becomes longer while the days are shorter

The phenomenon of the death and rebirth of the Sun

Traveling through my own healing, channeling messages from Spirit

This is a time to feel into the current death and rebirth cycle

I recognize how much the Universe has helped me shift this year in order to help me grow, heal, and further my own soul’s spiritual evolution

I have literally cried my own river of tears in the past eight weeks, releasing old emotional energy that no longer serves my current state of being

I accept this as a death

Beginning the birthing of a deeper understanding of my current reincarnation to assist in the resurrection of our ancestors’ history, no longer shrouded in mystery

I walk the path of the shaman

Shining the Light into darkness, a healer for many more lifetimes than this one

Seeing in the dark

We are conduits for the spiritual realm and the truth

Love guided Light. Today, I entered this new beginning

And so it is

Going easy, treating myself like my best friend 🧡
Crystals and cards
Burning intentions, Mishka’s 1st day in the office

Today, I felt it was time to combine our energies. Mishka is my spirit guide and emotional support. He never leaves my side. I absolutely loved our combined efforts today. I think my clients will too!

Signs of abundance

We’re in the final weeks of 2023, my friends. I can hardly believe all the changes that I’ve made AND are still to come in this grand metamorphosis of self. Moving forward requires a discerning look back into the shadows within. It’s a balancing exercise I practice by shining light into the darkness. The solar flares and geomagnetic storms lately have been especially challenging on my physical body. Peace is found in presence, in the quiet and stillness. As a fiery Sagittarius, this is difficult for me to allow. To slow down and say no. We live in a fast-paced world where success is measured by our accomplishments no matter the toll it may have on our mental, emotional, and physical health.That’s no longer something I let guide me. By giving myself permission to slow down and care for myself, I’m listening to my internal guidance. My intuition is what serves me best. Rest IS productive. May you find peace in the present moment. Give yourself grace by becoming still. Even if it’s for 5 minutes. Focus on what truly matters during the holiday season. Follow your heart and go with your own flow, not what others are doing or saying. This is true self-love.

Many blessings to you, my dear readers. As we end this year 2023 and welcome in more multidimensionalality, the New Age of Aquarius. Pluto moves into this house after fifteen years in Capricorn. This next placement will last for the next forty-four! Believe in the new paradigm to be built as the power shifts away from the systems and back into the hands of the people!

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, Mental health, personal development, Spirituality

Having faith manifests magic

My dear readers, we’ve made it to December, the last month of 2023, and my birthday month. I can hardly believe that I’m turning 46 because I will forever feel 17 in my heart. Honestly, I never would have believed back in January that I’d be where I find myself today!Spirit has guided my every step as I faithfully decided to leap into a brand new chapter by reuniting with my twin flame and move back to Florida. Living with the love of my life and our five German Shepherds has molded me into a stronger, more patient, and much more psychic being. I can hardly believe how much I’ve grown in these past five months! Looking at the big picture is a Sagittarius trait, and I’m proud of how much trust I allowed myself to have in making these big moves forward. My man reminds me on a daily basis how much love surrounds me and how much this love has healed me. All of the intentions I set over the past three years have manifested in ways that are more beautiful than I could ever have dreamed! He put this video together from the many snapsots he takes of our fur babies loving on me.  Tears of joy fell as I listened to the lyrics of “Knew You Were Waiting For Me”  by Aretha Franklin and George Michael while watching these memories appear one by one. Every frame describes my journey, and how our pups, Yogi, Sasha, Mishka, Xyla, and YoSha are the Divine intervention I didn’t know I was in need of. My love knew, however. He has held onto faith by believing in us for over ten years and was patiently awaiting my own revelation to our bond. My partner and my doggie crew create the love fueled moments that magic manifests from. This soul of mine is in awe by how much they add to the peace, love, and  joy I’ve worked hard to cultivate. Oh, the miracles I witness and am blessed to be a part of! I’m excited about our future and what’s ready to unfold in 2024!

Building a better me

Since my last post, our world has been slammed and showered by so much high vibrational energy in the form of solar flares and geomagnetic storms. It’s thrown a wrench in my own functioning and energy levels. I’m an extremely active person, yet I understand how important it is to be still and quiet while transformations are underway. I’ve reunited with many light beings from my Galactic family. Listening to soul messages and channeling poetry takes a lot of my attention. I must admit, I often become frustrated with myself as the old pieces of me fall away, outdated stories burn to ash in the death and rebirth fires I set to manifest magic by intention rituals every New Moon, Full Moon and on days I feel Spirit nudges. These eight poems are the latest to be included in the tenth collection of poetry I’m creating to be entitled, “My Soul is a Channel.”

We come from the celestial body that surrounds us. Cosmic stardust is in our cells because we are more than just our human DNA. W e are infinite and eternal beings of Light. Happily, I celebrate every moon phase with my soulmated star seed tribe. We are continually rising now in this accelerated ascension process. We are moving away from life’s circumstances of fate to claim our destiny. Huge karmic cycles have ended. These poems reflect my soul’s wisdom as I process this amazing time in human evolution! Raising the vibration on Earth, healing one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing is no small task. It requires a resilient spirit and a dedicated heart with a courageous will to look at fear as the illusion it is. Nothing will ever stop me or hold me back from shining my Light and love for all to follow! Today, I know how powerful it is to share how love will heal and unite us all!

“A star is born”

I’ve arrived at a place that I once thought I’d never find. Peace in each present moment, lovely and Divine. I’m choosing to go with this flow. This quote by  Etty Hillesum is one I’ve been focusing on lately. “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.”

Living life as a neurodivergent woman has taught me to not solely rely upon linear thinking but to move through the world energetically and by soul. Feeling my way into every adventure life has to offer opens me to embrace more of my own voice. Trauma taught me to look within myself and showed me where I needed to grow and how I needed to develop more trust and belief within myself. I now own my strength, which is my Light and my power. The God-given light I feel inside empowers me and helps me to accept the unconditional love that’s been there all along. Once I was able to do that, then I could see that beauty and love outside of myself. After understanding the magic that lies within, I can manifest that sacred love into my personal relationships. That’s where I find myself today. Seeing magic weave itself into my physical reality. Walking out of the darkness and into the Light.

My life today is full. I’m a free spirited artist, a rainbow unicorn living in the full spectrum kaleidoscope of life! I draw an abundance of life force energy as a whole and heart centered, soulful being of Light and of love. Hallelujah and amen!!

“Going with the flow”

Truth be told, Scorpio season was especially challenging for me this year. Moving forward in the way I have been this year requires a discerning look back into the shadows within. It’s a balancing exercise I practice by shining light into the darkness. It’s interesting too because the months of autumn have always been my favorite time of year, yet it’s also a time period where the most traumatic events took place. It was in November of 2011 that I attempted suicide and faced the most abuse and domestic violence in a past relationship. This year, I’m in a much healthier and deeply loving relationship with myself and my partner. Spirit asked me to fully embrace all the hard work that I’ve done to arrive here. Fellow writer and poet, McCall Erikson says,”Soul work isn’t a high road. It’s a deep fall into an unforgiving darkness that won’t let you go until you find the song that sings you home. ” I know this to be my heart’s song, not the one my mind spins. I’ve successfully rewired and changed so much of the stories my mind wants to create. The ego wants to stay in the past, in the predictable ways it’s learned to navigate the world, thus keeping me small. I reincarnated to be BIG! I continue to forgive myself and the people who inflicted pain upon me. In this instance, it is the high road I’m choosing. I decide to use my energy for love, never fear. I do this because we are all one. Feeling into these soul messages when they drop into remind me how deserving I am of love and every living creature. Oneness of spirit grows eternally and connects us all. We are infinitely radiant beings having a multidimensional experience. And so it is.

“Truth revealed”

My life path or Divine number is 9. I recently had it and a diamond with nine faucets tattooed on my right hand. These things are significant because I’m continually reminded of and being asked to let go of the things I have been clinging to, whether material possessions or sentimental memories. This is my soul’s evolutionary lesson. The diamond represents my natal chart and its planetary placements. They look like a diamond. I do my best work under pressure to shine, just like a diamond! Also, I like to utilize more of my right brain, which is intuitive, creative, free thinking of outside the box solutions and conclusions and colors outside the lines rather than the left side, which is linear  analytical, ridgid and logical. Humanity is evolving into relying much more upon the right side of our brains in order to function in a higher state of consciousness. Nine is also representative of the way in which my soul desires to formulate deeply spiritual relationships with others. I enjoy dwelling beneath the surface. Superficiality is not interesting to me, and frankly, something I’m completely turned off by. My partner and I interact on a soul level, using telepathy and intuition to engage with one another. Together, we are weaving our destiny by creating the life of our dreams! The Divine number of 45 is 9. Goddess Kali represents the death, and rebirth cycles are my specialty. Farewell to 45 years of a life where pain and suffering saturated everything in favor of a new life where peace,love, and joy are the focus. My spirit guides tell me I’ve learned more in these years than 8 lifetimes combined! Waving the past goodbye forever. I am grateful for the determination and will it’s required of me to heal. l’ve climbed the mountains I once believed I couldn’t ascend.  Finally, I made a new and stable home for myself.


As I turn 46, I proudly own my power and celebrate it with many words for the layers of what I feel beneath this human skin. I’m a sensitive being with a fiery soul that demands the truth be spoken loud and clear for all to hear. Turning pain into wisdom and experience into the lessons this unbelievable journey has taught me.

“Last days”

After all the trauma I’ve experienced. The love I’ve been seeking has revealed itself through my own healing. Once I accepted myself and learned to trust myself, my true soulmate appeared. God bless this journey of past lives reunited to share in the truth of unconditional love’s power. Creating the life I’ve dreamed of, worked hard for, and answered all prayers! This poem is one that I  framed to sit on a bookshelf in my office and remind me to wear love as my armor every day.

“In her amor”

Being human means embracing every experience with gusto and tenacity. Life provides us with many paths and choices. Today, I choose to embrace peace, dance with joy, and shine love because life is too precious and short not to. Sharing my authentic nature with others. Love is all we need, and all that is true. The choice to love over fear is always available if we are open to seeing it.


With winter approaching, I find myself in a cocoon of high vibrational energy that is preparing me for a complete metamorphosis. Soul demands stillness while I attend to shedding the stories that no longer serve the journey. Onto bigger and more aligned paths. The core of me shining from the inside out. We humans collectively are expanding, my dear readers. Let’s keep GROWING! Magic is afoot. Until 2024, I’m sending you all the love and Light.

“The core of me”

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, Mental health, personal development, Spirituality

Following spiritual guidance and channeling poetry is how I heal

I love a rocking chair. When I was a little girl, I used to rock myself in order to soothe and comfort my sensitive being. Singing and chanting while rocking is how I connect to the spirit realms. This is the energy I bring to the healing sessions I conduct with my clients. In the safest of places. Shining light within shadows, together, we see into the dark. The invisible spaces provide insight into the human journey through a spiritual lens. Every session is different depending on what one’s soul is ready to speak the truth into. It’s a humbling honor to use the gifts my vessel holds as a conduit for Spirit. I’m currently accepting new clients. Message me if you would like to dive deeper into your soul’s experience. In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Singing and chanting is healing

Writing is in my DNA. As a shaman, I come from a long line of great storytellers. Writing helps me process the deep soul I embody in this human vessel. Poetry isn’t something I’ve studied. The words come from feelings and appear to me like a scrolling message similar to captions on a screen. Intuitively, I listen and channel what Spirit shares with me. It’s s a gift and is the medicine I’ve used to heal myself. In 2018, Emotional Musings was born as a blog. I believe my life’s testimony, the challenges that I’ve courageously faced, and overcome with grace are to be used as inspiration for others to know that they, too, can recover. Healing is indeed possible. Diving below the surface is where I’m most comfortable. Superficiality is a snoozefest for me. If you’re interested in the healing services I provide, books of poetry, meditations, or the energy spray I create reach out to me. We only have this one precious life to live and learn from. I’m compelled to help others regain their strength, own their power, and their Light in the ways Spirit has guided and blessed me in doing for the past twelve years.

Not in the shallows

Stay tuned for my full December post with videos of all the new poems highlighted here. Sending all the love in my heart to you, my dear readers ❤️

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.