Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

2022 is the year for Love

Welcome dear readers to 2022 which holds a divine number of 6 symbolizing harmony. Listening intently to my heart and continously compelled by soul, every year I choose a word to focus on and manifest all my intentions from. This word becomes the theme I am to expand upon. In 2020 it was fearlessness and for 2021 it was freedom. I saw many big shifts based on both words in my life. This year for 2022 my focus is love. Recently, I have been reflecting upon how very far I have come along on this journey which has awakened my soul, it’s heart truths and so much divine wisdom that is shared with me by Spirit. I use Spirit to encompass the many spirits I receive messages and guidance from since asking for their assistance in June of 2019. To be specific, I will name them here. Many of the archangels including Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Haniel. My ancestral lineage, ascended masters, Gods and Goddesses, elemental and directional energies, spirit guides and animals and other high vibrational beings of light. After lots of time spent in meditation, being outside in nature and journaling during last year, I believe I am ready and deserving of my soul’s true partner. Here’s to receiving this love in 2022!

Diving deeper into my soul by slowing down is my first intention. This is the first winter season I’ve experienced in eight years my dear readers and the colder temperatures are inviting me to stay indoors and be still. Allowing myself the rest I need to rejuvenate after all the moving around and stretching that 2021 provided my being. In order to integrate and expand into all the energy that the higher frequencies are bringing in, I will begin this year by taking a much needed break from social media. Being mindful of what I consume in all areas of life is very crucial to the healing process. The more I awaken to my heart truths, the more sensitive I become to energy’s vibrations and other people. Winter invites us to curl up with ourselves, to go within and listen. Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I’m grateful to have received a couple of books over Christmas that I’m looking forward to getting under my blankets with. I was gifted a star light projector that creates the night sky on my ceiling. I’m totally loving the magical scenery dancing before me in the comfort of my own space. Add in some candles and crystals to complete the scene for maximum relaxation.

I’m taking this opportunity to rest and practice self care. I will also get to work on creating the manuscript for my sixth book of poetry to be called, “My Soul’s Dance, Accepting the shadows while Embracing the Light: Poems about death and rebirth” Yes indeed it’s a long title, with over 130 poems written throughout all of the cycles 2021 brought me through. My first full year as a practicing shaman.

I’m always intrigued by the mysteries painted in the night sky. In the beginning of my awakening process, that’s how the Universe sent me messages.This poem expresses how I feel about the healing powers of star gazing and moon watching.

Living in the southern temperatures for so long, I was used to getting fed by the Sun. I’ve written before about how my friends refer to me as the Sun because of my big bright energy, smile and personality. We all have a Sun inside of us as Rumi says. I wear a necklace that has the tarot card of the Sun because I like the reminder over my heart. The space that beats in rhythm to love’s purity.

Indeed there is

Waking from the dream, seeing and feeling the truth which is love smashes the lie of separation. We are all intricately connected and are beginning to attune to this frequency all over the planet. I can see it more clearly in the interactions I have with people at the farmers market I work at part time. People are remembering that love is the only truth and it’s exciting to see the connectedness between us through our conversations. Before I leave my home, I always align myself through meditation and breath, in order to lead from my heart. When the mind attempts to take over however, that’s when I know I need more self care and mindfulness practice. Becoming the observer to the mind’s thoughts puts me in alignment with all the pieces of me so I can present my wholeness, my truth and lead from soul.

Today I was invited on a hike through the snow up a canyon. We saw lots of bucks, horses, turkeys, donkeys and lamas too! I feel so alive in nature and really enjoy listening to it’s messages while taking in the clues to this grand mystery of life through it’s cues. Nature brings me peace, relaxes and feeds my senses. God is everywhere and in everything we see. Reflecting our own light in us is what being out in nature reminds us of. All the beauty we are given here on Earth. That’s its purpose and we are here to protect and balance it by balancing ourselves in it. What a gorgeous cycle it is!

The mantra I’m continuously practicing is this my dear readers: I acknowledge and am aware that love is the truth, I surrender to thoughts that attempt to tell me otherwise (rejecting fear), I release the energy that doesn’t serve by allowing love to flood my being which keeps me free so I can let go of expectations and attachments, embracing the present, arriving at acceptance to all that is. The I AM, we all are. Love. There is no failing in life my dear readers. We keep trying, everyday is another opportunity to forgive ourselves and others through grace and compassion. Life here on Earth brings us through experiences that remind us of the truth. Sparking the remembrance that we are love, infinite and eternal. That is the only truth, everything else is an illusion.

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 5 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.