Consciousness, Healing, Health, personal development, Spirituality

This is Love

“I am a radiant being of Light and healing, I feel peace, I am safe, I heal from a whole place”….this is a mantra sang by the “Beautiful Chorus” singers. This song is called “Hymn of Healing,” and its vibration and message resonates deeply within me. I feel like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. At this time in my life, I’m experiencing a tremendous period of growth and spiritual transformation. There is so much unconditional love within me and surrounding me through God, my partner, and our 5 beautiful German Sheppards. He suggested I compose poems for each of them, and in this post, I will share what was channeled through their spirits and mine. I’ve also begun work on my 10th book of poetry entitled, “My Soul is a Channel.” As I write this post, tears of joy flow like water from my eyes. My heart is accepting and embracing love like I’ve never known it before. The contentment I feel shines as the smile upon my face, the spring in my step, and the rhythm I’m dancing to for the first time in my life!! This is indeed LOVE!

Our pack
My fur babies, Mishka, Xyla YoSha, Yogi and Sasha

My dear readers, when you’ve experienced the darkness that I have, feeling suffocated in the grip of trauma and abuse, you are given a choice. To be bitter or to get better. That’s not my mantra, but it’s one of many I keep on regular rotation in my mind. Love is a choice. My entire existence on this planet has consisted of confusion, pain, and broken promises from the ones who were entrusted to care for me. Awakening to my soul, forgiving myself, and others by learning self-love, grace, and compassion has completely changed my entire state of being! I am clearly seeing and feeling more than I have throughout my entire life. I treat others with the kindness that I wasn’t shown. It’s not always easy, yet I know in an intimate way what many people who’ve experienced trauma walk around feeling like. Worthlessness, hopelessness, and not enoughness plagued me for over forty years. In December, I will turn 46 and thus begin a brand new era of love and renewed healing. This is why I take my purpose so seriously. Helping others to see and feel their own light is my mission.

How does one begin healing, you may ask yourself. It starts by making and keeping small promises with yourself. Deciding to show yourself grace when mistakes and bumps in the road show up as they inevitably will. Then, it’s a determination to keep building upon and practicing what makes your being come alive! For me, it’s a devotion to meditation, listening to sound frequency, singing and dancing, chanting, crystal healing, breathwork, regular exercise, spending time outdoors, and eating a healthy diet. Loving myself means treating myself the way I would my best friend or a dear loved one. I am the only one who knows what’s best for me and can give me the ultimate love. This love comes from the Light within. Every other relationship I engage in is an addition to what I’ve already built inside. Remember, my dear readers, people behave based on how they feel inside and then project that outwards towards others, like a mirror. Ask yourself how clean your reflection is. Being mindful is an act of intentionally sharing your best self with the world!

Caring for our dogs requires a lot of patience and attention. Many years ago, while I was still in addiction and going through a divorce, I was forced to adopt out my own dogs and cat. Saying goodbye to my fur babies broke my heart into a million pieces and was one of the catalysts for me wanting to take my own life in 2011. It wasn’t until these 5 special dogs entered my life that I felt I could reopen my heart to animals after so much hurt in losing my own.

Yogi, who is 7, is the oldest of our pack. We refer to him as our top dog because he has over 100 drug seizures and detections. Our K9 company, DSK9, sniffs out drugs in airports and drug rehabs, saving the lives of thousands of people every day. Yogi works tirelessly seven days a week. He is our best boy. We adore him completely! Go to for more information on our company!

“Yogi’s song”

I wrote this piece in celebration of the 4th birthday to our boy, Mishka!! When he was born, he resembled a bear cub. Therefore, his name means bear in Russian. He is our largest German Sheppard and has captured my whole heart. He and I hold a very special bond with one another apart from the rest. We love him so much!!

“Handsome bear”
My whole ♥️

The mama of our brood is Sasha, a 6 year old German Sheppard, Yogi’s partner out in the field and at home. She’s mothered 2 litters with a total of 16 puppies. She’s our queen. This is dedicated to her tremendous legacy.

“Sasha shines”

The youngest is YoSha. She’s the smallest one with the brightest spirit. I can relate to her exuberance and zest for life!! I feel she is me in dog form. This is for YoSha.

“The call of YoSha”

Two year old Xyla has the most unique presence of all 5 of our German Sheppards. She and YoSha are incredibly close as sisters. They are the same age and from the same litter. She has a nose like her Dad, Yogi, and her mother Sasha’s sweet nature. This is dedicated to our sweet girl.

“La Vida de Xyla”

I often tell my partner that our dogs are each an extension of him, his personality, and his soul. I see qualities of him in each of them. It’s magical and remarkable. Plus, his life path number is five. Our life path number together is also five, and I love the synchronicity of that so much!

“The power of five”

“Abstract music” is the first poem in my 10th collection of poetry. Listening to soul messages gifts me more of my authentic truth and awakens the deep sovereignty within. This next life chapter I’m beginning is so incredibly bright. My heart is full, and my being is at peace. The amount of joy and gratitude I feel for life is something I really can’t put into one word, though every year I choose one to focus my healing upon. This year, I chose faith. Every month, in 2023, I continued to be brave and take big leaps of faith towards my heart’s desires. I’ve begun thinking about which word I will choose for 2024. I’m leaning towards creation. Everything in my life is completely different now as the end of the year approaches than it was in January. I’m creating the life of my dreams with my beloved, a highly spiritual and generous man, and these 5 dogs by our side. The poetry I channel is how I express what it feels like to use my sensitivities as superpowers, shine my God given Light and connect to others.

“Abstract music”
Full Moon ritual
Recognizing the Light within
Opening to its wonder

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized, autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Poetry for spiritual awakening and transformation

My dear readers, we have entered into eclipse season and the final three months of 2023! I can hardly believe how much growth and change I’ve experienced since January when I set the intention to take a continuous leap of faith, holding hands with Spirit and trusting in the mysterious ways of flowing through the unknowns. I’ve experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows. Since June, I’ve reunited with my Divinely choosen partner, moved back to Florida, transitioned from working a part-time job to working solely on my purpose of writing and healing, and I’ve recently completed my 9th collection of poetry! “My Soul’s Inspiration” is my latest offering of forty poems that convey the transformative power that love has had over my heart and continues to awaken and enliven my soul on this most spectacular human journey!

The poems in this post are inspired by the Divine love that I share with my partner. A man whom I’ve known for more than ten years and have traveled with for a thousand through our shared past life experiences here on Earth. September was a very challenging month for me for a few reasons. Acclimating to a brand new life with my twin flame, the most challenging of soul bonds, has been very eye-opening in countless ways. Seeing myself in another, the ways in which I’ve healed and also the pieces that still need attention, love, and forgiveness. This is what October will bring when the Sun and Moon are eclipsed by one another and their aspects with the planets. Since these eclipses are taking place under the sign of Libra, the truth that lurks in the shadows will be revealed forcing major changes upon all of us. This energy is asking our beings to be cleansed and released from what no longer serves in order to further our awakening to a higher consciousness as individuals and as a collective. Last month, I traveled back to Rhode Island in an attempt to reconcile with my youngest son before he joined the Navy. Divine timing has not come through in the ways I had intended and prayed. Not yet, at least. My oldest son also had a difficult time emotionally, so I found myself spending most of my time there alone. I’m closing out a long twelve year chapter of my life. I don’t forsee myself ever returning there. I’m choosing to detach with love from the situation and leave the healing in the hands of God. When my boys are ready, we will revisit our relationships. A difficult truth and yet another leap forward on the tightrope that walking in faith can feel like at times.

I’ve also begun to experience more multidimensional sensations that create the feeling of existing in multiple timelines at once. These events cause me to feel dizzy, off balance, foggy, lightheaded, and in desperate need to lay down in the dark. These experiences are directly related to the increasing activity on the Sun in the form of M class solar flares. There’s more light pouring onto the Earth than ever before in human history, thus helping us to grow our light bodies. “The body of light, sometimes called the ‘astral body’ or the ‘subtle body,’ is a “quasi material” aspect of the human body, being neither solely physical nor solely spiritual, posited by a number of philosophers, and elaborated on according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings”. Activation of this involves a specific type of movement and focus that activates the proprioceptive system, which is part of your nervous system that maintains alignment through the activity of specialized nerve fibers in the tendons and muscles. This heightens your body’s natural ability to align and regulate itself. ” Being a highly sensitive person with extra sensory perception, these events continue to heighten and are helping to grow my gifts yet are very taxing on my physical body. My psychic spidey senses are helping me to drop from the mind and its constant spinning into the heart where truth awaits through feelings guided by intuition. Waves of creativity are ignited from within when I sit on the beach, my happy place, drawing inspiration from the ocean before me. Breathing the salty air, I am restored to wholeness. Mind, body, and spirit marry the essence of aliveness to Gaia’s beauty.

“Blessed be the journey”

As this new season of my life emerges, I take heed of intuitive nudges to slow down and rest. This is the gift of expansion that guides my ability to sit and integrate the energy that allows for guidance from the soul to flow. I’ve decided to take a much needed break from social media at this time so that I may listen and hear what my next steps are to be. I’m considering returning to college. Most importantly, all these changes have shown me where I am in my life, how much I’ve grown, and how it is I who has been fighting myself in certain ways. Holding myself back due to the core wound of the fear of failure. There is no longer a need to be fearful of this illusion because I will never give up on my mission to bring the truth to light. Therefore, I can never fail. Giving permission to myself by allowing the breakdowns to become breakthroughs. I am safe in my being. I am home in my heart. The practice of self-love is a magnificent art! It’s time to be who I came here to be!

“Lay down your sword”

This poem is inspired by my partner, my other half, my twin flame. His existence shakes me to the core, awakening feelings I have never experienced before. I search my memories, trying to recall if I have ever been in awe of someone like this, but find no comparisons. Dancing behind the veil, through space and time, our souls continue to reunite. My love and I have traveled here as souls entwined. He’s protected my heart for a thousand years. Our Divine romance lives on for all eternity.

“Past life recall”

I believe that I can do all things through the power of love that strengthens me! In my new home that I share with the love of my life, we have these four words that sit up on an elongated window ledge. It’s an odd space that we decorated creatively with the words: pray, dream, hope, and believe as a constant reminder to focus on what we are here to do. Whenever I look up there, I know that the practice of these four little words is what has sustained me along my journey to where I find myself today. I’ve come a very long way since the inception of this blog, which, by the way, is celebrating five years in existence this month! This space provides such a boost of inspiration for this poet’s heart!! My intention is to one day turn this blog into a book that documents my spiritual awakening and transformation.

“Pray, dream, hope, believe”

Here I go, about to take the biggest leap of faith. My guides assure me that I’m ready. Holding on to their messages and trusting in the unknown. Every day I choose love, my heart continues to heal and grow stronger.

“Heart healing”

The loudest message I hear is this, “Be bold and be bright, by the fires you set forth to ignite. Through creativity and consciousness, understanding more of this journey is priceless!” I claim my soul’s sovereignty.

“Soul claim”

A dear friend reminded me of who I am the other day when I needed it the most. We all falter and forget. No matter what challenges I face, I will always act with loving grace towards myself and others. I’m determined to never allow anyone to pull me out of my nature. I am here to shine love, share joy, and bring peace to all. That is our journey here as a member of humanity. It’s a dutiful responsibility I take very seriously. Sometimes, it’s a lonely road. I choose to take the highest path because that is what my heart wants to show to my fellow humans. I choose to be the light I wish to see in this world and live my life by that commitment. Amen.

“Warrior for peace”

These last three months have taught me a lot about the power of unconditional love as I dive deeper into its depths, bonded to my twin flame. For many years, he awaited my arrival into this Earthly realm. His wisdom and love guide me every day, bringing me closer to God in countless ways. My heart is eternally grateful. He is a warrior for justice, and together, we are warriors for love in God’s Earth angel army.

“Warrior of justice, warrior of love”

Back by popular demand and the urging from my spirit team to use my light as the greatest of my soul expressions, here are two recent videos of me dancing! The first one is just a short clip to lift my spirits the day both of my sons decided they were not yet ready to see me and the second is the reminder I’ve held onto tightly all these years since my suicide attempt. No matter what life presents you with, my dear readers, always hold onto hope because the only way is up!

Dancing in the streets
Hold on, the only way is up

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized, autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.