Consciousness, personal development, Spirituality

Poetry is the notes of my heart’s hymns and soul’s songs

The notes of my heart’s hymns deliver the music to my soul’s songs. Discovering the love within is what drew me to my soulmate. This experience is teaching me more about the tremendous power of love. It’s purity, the ability to heal and to encompass everything that is alive! Writing poetry is my soul’s expression and how I process the world around me. I channel these messages through clairsentience, clear feeling and clairaudience, clear hearing, like notes of a song. In this post, I will share twelve poems that celebrate the aliveness within my heart and the love that surrounds me. My heart is bursting with excitement for the love I feel inside, gratitude for the journey, and the gift of having true love with another. I’m experiencing a huge paradigm shift with the ushering in of new energies with this relationship. Absolutely, everything is different in the best ways and serves the higher alignment I now find myself in. The connection I feel with my mate is as easy as a summer breeze. As natural as a waterfall, flowing over a mountain peak. Our hearts hymns are a poetic match that amplifies the soul songs we hear from one another, singing a duet in the key of love.

This gift is something I have prayed for and yearned for for many years. Our union is a direct answer from the universe, showing me how much I have grown and healed through. This man freely gives me the love I deserve. Our love language is a match through physical touch and our love for The Grateful Dead. Our hippie hearts love to dance! Many of these poems are born from reflecting upon this current love adventure.

It’s an amazing miracle to witness how tremendously love grows between two hearts as it flows. Powerful feelings sprouting from an intuitive and shared language. My heart is eternally grateful for meeting its counterpart in another.

Since my suicide attempt in 2011, I’ve been gathering the pieces of myself. Shadow and Light combine to create the human experience equally by holding magical power. All these years later, I can see the value in both. I accept who I am. I love me. There’s no one I would rather be.

May we all become our own best friend

Throughout my life, I have always felt like I didn’t fit in. Now I understand it’s because I am born to lead. To help others see their own light. I’m not the only one. There are many of us who are different. We serve different roles here to spread God’s love. My purpose is to help heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing. I lovingly refer to myself as a rainbow unicorn. I am here to blaze a new path. Today, I embrace this role and ask others to join me! Let’s all dance to the beat of our own internal drum. Composing a new Universal hum, LOVE!

The human experience is vast and deep. Soul awakens to hear the angels speak. Remaining in awe of its brilliant magic. Grateful heart filled with joy after releasing the static.

Searching for my heart’s song in another has brought me to my soulmate. He is my ultimate love for this lifetime. It’s like we’ve been seeking out one another for years. Listening for love’s song by deaf ears. Divine purpose has ignited our connection. Finally, we hear our love song as a complete and combined chorus!

I am ecstatic and in love with the man of my dreams! He sees me fully and embraces all my feels. We are deeply connected by soul. He is my divine match and together we are imperfectly perfect. I was given guided information back at the end of 2021 about how, in 2022, I would meet my soul’s true match. Read for a detailed description of what Spirit was predicting for me. I met my man 12/17/22.

The choice is clear. Only love resides here. In the heart of us all, it sets us free!! May we choose to follow its intuitive language. Happiness is the product of this choice my dear readers. Hold onto it  and treat it as the precious commodity it is inside. One of the main prayers I recite daily is for God to help me to share the peace, love and joy that I hold inside with others on my journey. That is my intention. And so it is.

The greatest desires create the experiences of life. I’m learning to trust more deeply in these instincts. Embracing the complexities of my soul’s wholeness. Life is a mysterious adventure and love is the fuel that drives my desires.

The things I’ve learned in this life could fill thousands of pages. For now this poem is what is on my heart.

The path of healing taught me many things. Love is the greatest of all superpowers. May we all utilize its amazing frequency to change this world, starting with ourselves.

The human experience is about remembering who we are and creating that knowing into being. This occurs by our journey through darkness and acceptance of light. Both are vital. May your adventure be fruitful my dear readers. Amen.

Love is my muse, while I fall deeply into its grasp with the man of my dreams!!

Love is grown from inside and is alive

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Healing, relationships, Spirituality

My Soul’s Dance, Accepting the shadows while embracing the Light: poems about death & rebirth

My dear readers I’m absolutely thrilled to announce my largest collection of poetry has been published! I’ve been writing the poems for “My Soul’s Dance, Accepting the shadows while embracing the Light: poems about death and rebirth” for over a year now. The transformations I have experienced over this time can be felt throughout the flow of each expression and on every page. This book is truly a labor of love, which is the main ingredient in all of my writing. The path away from what no longer was serving my soul meant the end of long term relationships, including the one with my only living parent. Loving myself and allowing myself to grow, to continue “Triumphing over Trauma” takes an introspective awareness when it comes to all I choose to engage with in my life. I lead with my authentic voice and my heart first, taking care of my energy always. Learning patience and having forgiveness with myself and others are also topics I stayed heart centered and focused on throughout this past year. In times of doubt, asking myself the question “what would love choose next” and my response would become clear. I feel a tremendous peace, a settling within my being, now that this book is complete.

I couldn’t of imagined how much my life would change from the time I wrote the first poem up through the last in this book! At times, I still can’t wrap my head and heart around it all. Very little remains the same about me from the beginning of this book. My heart is fuller, my mind is more open and my soul is deeper. How I view the world and my place in it has taken on a much more profound meaning. I’m an observer as a writer, choosing to share my life force and light energy with all I meet as a catalyst who intends to influence others by sparking their remembrance of the Light within themselves. That is the part we all play for one another my dears.

This is the introduction to the book along with a few poems and videos I recorded for my new TikTok page, Emotional Musings. I’d love to hear your feedback my dear readers in the comments. Please reach out to me personally for an autographed copy of my book and I will be happy to send one your way!

My Soul’s Dance is my sixth and largest collection of poetry highlighting my first year as a practicing shaman. Writing is the art of my soul’s expression and how I process life as an intuitive empath, psychic medium and channel. I understand the world through sound and movement which transforms into the words of my poetry. In June of 2019 I experienced a powerful and life altering spiritual awakening. I am compelled by my soul, to learn the lessons I am here to learn. These poems are a reflection of the death and rebirth cycle as I embrace my shadow pieces, loving them into the Light. I believe we are all infinite and eternal beings of Light, here to raise the vibration of Earth. I am extremely dedicated in doing my part to help heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing. Many of these poems are dedicated to a man I was in an eight year relationship with and had to finally leave as I continued to awaken and embrace my own journey. I’ve learned that not all relationships along the awakened path are meant to endure.

I believe love is the power that will heal us all. My life serves as a testimony of strength and resiliency, healing from addiction, an eating disorder, physical, emotional and sexual trauma. Writing is how I process this vast, vivid and beautiful world we live in as the gift it truly is!

I live a full spectrum and awakened life. Moving with grace through this three dimensional experience stepping intentionally, filled with kindness, compassion, empathy and love for all living creatures. May these poems become the music to your own soul’s dance as we hum together and explore this collective experience called life. The movie we are all connected to, at differing speeds while playing different roles. We are all connected by our Light and by love!

“The pain of letting go”
“Time’s up”
“No fear”
“Independence cry”

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 5 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

#boundaries, Consciousness, Healing, Mental health, personal development

Room to Grow, Intentionally Setting Energetic Boundaries

The past two weeks have been energetically exhausting for this sensitive soul. The upgrades of light pouring upon Earth have made me feel less grounded and a bit out of sorts. Add to that a change to my routines as I train for an upcoming triathlon in August. Listening to my body, tapping in, it’s clear I need to reconnect with myself and set some energetic boundaries. Being intentional with where, with whom and how I spend my precious energy is key to maintaining inner peace and balance. Becoming more mindful of my consumption and looking for leaks, suring up my reserves and internal resources.

I love how synchronicity plays a role in my day to day life. My dear soul sister, Chrissy Marie, who facilitates the most gorgeous breathwork ceremonies twice a month with her membership group called Voyagers and hosts a podcast called “The Art of Aliveness” spoke with the same truth I was hearing from my higher self during meditations on her latest episode. I listened to it (link below) on a long bike ride/swim training session last Sunday on how important energetic boundaries are and I found myself saying YES out loud many times. The bombardment of news is everywhere and social media is constantly begging us for our attention. The human body wasn’t designed to withstand the interference technology brings to us everyday all day and our nervous systems are paying the price. To me, this noise is absolutely everywhere once I leave the quiet confines of my bedroom. I don’t have a television in my room, in fact my dear readers, I loathe television and haven’t watched it for years now. Being around one feels like static in my brain, like someone put a screw driver in the fan of my mind’s flow. Instead, I prefer to stream shows and movies on my phone or computer. My partner and I went out for lunch last week and I was startled to see a television in the bathroom stall playing the movie “Star Wars” of all things while I went in to wash my hands. We just can’t seem to get away from all the chatter, there’s even a word for it now. The interest of all the companies out there vying for our data, money and precious attention has created what’s known as an “attention economy”.

In light of all this I’ve decided to get back to basics and keep life simple. Do you even remember life my dear readers before cell phones? Yesterday I shut mine off for ten hours and it was amazingly peaceful. Chrissy echoed everything I needed to hear to give me the push to do something I’ve been contemplating for months. Since my last social media vacation in April, I have been yearning to take another one. This one will be longer and allow me to completely rejuvenate, regroup and unwind from all the noise. Plus, this upcoming race is extremely important to me. The last one I competed in ten years ago was during the lowest point of my life. I was going through a difficult divorce, battling severe mental health issues and working myself to the bone with three jobs. I was also not fueling my body properly, over doing exercise and abusing alcohol like it was water. It was a dark time indeed. One that taught me so much and began to rewire my brain to choose a more connected mind, body and soul in the months and years that followed. Just three months after that race, I attempted suicide for the first time. Thus began the quest to uncover my soul and life’s purpose. This time around, absolutely everything is different. I intend to honor myself by establishing better and more efficient ways of cultivating, nourishing and expelling my precious energy. Nothing and no one can hold me back or down, distracting me from my goals while I continue to peel the layers of me. Transformation is uncomfortable at times and I need to show myself grace.

Can’t Hold Us
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

On this Independence weekend celebrating America’s freedom, I declare my freedom from technology and endless notifications as I detach with love to care for myself and my inner landscape.

I decide where my attention and energy goes, nothing holds me

My dear readers, this will be my last post for awhile. I need to refuel my creative juices, relax in nature and soak up the Sun without intruption. As an empath, I have found it highly imperative that I pay careful attention to my body and how I feel. The Summertime is the best time to take a technology vacation, reminiscent of our childhood breaks from school when Summer vacations allowed us time to swim, laugh and grow! Remember how it felt when you would see your friends on the first day of the new school year and everyone looked a bit different, altered and more mature? The boys that were your same height all of a sudden grew inches as if overnight? That’s what this break will allow for. Time to spread my wings, fly higher and dream more.

I leave you with this poem and a meditation I recorded a few months ago. Take care of your soul and connect with your truth. Say NO without apologies when you don’t have the internal resources to spend. We all need to slow down more often, not speed up as our world would have us believe. We have so much power my dear readers. The power of choice and how we want our transformational glory to shine. Here’s to continued shedding of layers upon layers, always changing and growing with conscious flow. Looking deep within to cultivate and nourish the magic that awaits just below the surface. This is your life, make the most of the precious time we are allotted here. In light and in shadow, always with love ❤ Namaste 🙏

Taking care of my precious energy

Listen to Prayer for my Soul.aac by Maria Teresa Pratico on #SoundCloud

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 5 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu on my website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

Consciousness, Healing, Health, personal development

My Soul’s Journey, Part 3

I put the finishing touches on my latest book, “My Soul’s Journey” over the weekend and tomorrow, June 1st, I will hit the publish button releasing my 5th collection of poetry to the world! I’m so elated by what this book has taught me, both in writing the poems contained in it and putting it all together in book form. This is my greatest labor of love to date. I started sharing my writing publicly on this platform in October of 2018 and published my 1st book of poetry entitled “Emotional Musings” in January of 2019. It fills me with such joy to see the progression of the many messages I channel and how much they have helped me to heal. The more I heal, the more of myself I reveal.

Heart wide open

My journey of healing proves that love heals and that stress and fear drains our life force energy causing stress and illness. Since I have been practicing the art of shamanism, meditating, following a pescatarian diet, moving my body regularly while expressing myself creatively on a daily basis for two years now I can appreciate the major shift in wellness to my mind, body and soul’s health. Taking this holistic approach has freed me from old programming, conditioning and toxic energy. I am so grateful to have made connections with the people who have inspired these changes. Remembering my own Divine essence and my purpose in this life gets me up in the morning with a smile on my face and allows me to rest my head in peace by days end. I believe it is our basic nature to be loving, peaceful, balanced and harmonious. Unlearning the negative and toxic layers of fear, pain and suffering is the essence of our soul’s journey here.

My latest painting is a visual of my soul’s journey
Never let go of wonder and awe, surrender to it

This week I laced up my tap shoes and created  two videos of myself making noise with my feet. After I come back from a long run to the park where I sit and meditate in nature, I love putting on music that makes me feel alive. By doing this I connect to my inner child and can express what I’m feeling inside.

Get up and dance
Dancing raises my vibe and fuels the love superpowers I  share with my clients, what do you do to raise your vibe?

The day after the powerful full moon in Gemini and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, I performed at my first poetry slam since pre pandemic days. The last one I attended was in Dallas in February of 2020. Boy, does that feel like a lifetime ago! The MC for the might announced to the crowd that I was delivered to them directly from Jesus because my name is Maria Teresa. I often get compared to Mother Teresa and the archangels which is such an incredible honor. I was the first poet to take the stage, performing “If I Were”, “Daddy” and “Look Closer” which will all be featured in the book. Here’s a short clip from the slam…..

“If I Were”

My mission here is to spread love, pure and simple. We are all made from love. Love is the only thing that is real my dear readers. Love yourself, fill your cup and drink it all in. There can never be too much love! May we all share love with one another. I believe love is the one thing that will save our world. I love each and everyone of you.

Love’s arrival is always on time

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu on my website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.


Oneness of love

I’m back from my hiatus dear readers feeling rested and refreshed! It was important for me to listen to the messages I was receiving internally that were guiding me to take this much needed break from my usual routines of writing and posting online. I established a new writing ritual in a workbook I purchased called, “The Goddess Journaling Workbook” by Beatrix Minerva Linden. Each day there are two questions to focus on highlighting a different goddess divided into 6 cycles for the entire year. I have found this exercise to be highly stimulating for my imagination. I also keep a daily journal and have done so for many many years. This workbook is a welcome addition to my writing practice.

Reflections of goddess energy

I’ve also recommitted to my self care routine this past month. I like to visualize myself as water, filling each moment with my entire being. Maintaining an “all in” mentality, holding nothing back and giving all of my open heart to wherever my focus is. Leaning into the connectedness of God and the beautiful creations found in our world. Choosing to reject the illusion of separateness is something I meditate on daily asking for the strength I need to thrive in our current human condition. This practice is vital to my self healing routine and my role as a shamanic healer to stay in touch with my most vital relationship to self and the environment. I took some day trips to the beach and to my favorite parks to perform Earth blessings. Each one helped me gain more appreciation of God’s unconditional love for us and how available that feeling is inside of each and everyone of us at all times! It’s truly awe inspiring and can be called upon, accessed by setting the intention for it. Vowing to live a more heart centered life, where I intend to live my daily life in true alignment with my personal values, purpose, inner mortality, personal experiences and intuition. The fullness I feel, the inspiration that has grown within me giving my creativity a boost was exactly what I needed. Here are the poems I wrote during my time away from the laptop, writing exclusively with pen and paper for the past few weeks was so freeing!

I am love mantra
Lessons learned observing nature 🦆
My day at the beach, a poem 🏖
Listening to life’s harmony
Heart 1st and open 💗
Seeking reconnection 💙
Back to basics, heart centered ❤
Seeking refuge inside
Strong spirited

Reading these here, I can see the progression of my internal story within these poems. Since March, the energy driving me was very yang in nature and powerful. This month I’ve noticed I’ve shifted into a more yin energy which feels much more serene and calm. The ending of an 10 year chapter of self healing, reconnection to soul and a personal renaissance serving as a time of transformative change. This is a change that included my attitude, behavior, habits, health and spirit. A tune up for my heart and soul to realign myself in a way that feels much more authentic inside and out. For me this meant major changes in the ways I eat, dress, analyze, prioritize and engage with the world around me. It also showed me the relationships I wanted to deepen and the ones I was ready to let go of. My partner has undergone his own awakening in light of mine which commenced fifteen months ago. In this past month, I feel much more connected to him because of his own inner growth and healing.

There is no growth without pain my dears and these past months have highlighted areas of my life that required brutal honesty that at times was excruciatingly painful to look at. Some days, it took everything in me to keep going, exercising my resilient nature by not allowing anything to ever hold me back from expressing my true self.. I made this promise while in the psychiatric hospital in 2011 after my suicide attempt. I’m grateful beyond words for the challenges I have faced, learned from and conquered. This is a quote that comes to mind when I think about my journey thus far,

“It’s sometimes the prettiest of smiles that hold the deepest secrets, the prettiest eyes have cried the most tears and the kindest of hearts that have felt the most pain”.

I can relate so much to these words and they resonate deeply within my soul.

I also updated my business cards and created a hat I can wear to promote myself. I’ve never met a hat I didn’t love and this one is no different. I strive each day to live my motto of, “Triumphing over Trauma” proving that when you set your heart to change, anything is possible. Greatness of spirit is achievable and powered by love.

Emotional Musings 🥰

Please click on this link for everything Emotional Musings included my contact information for healing sessions, my books and social media