Consciousness, Healing, relationships, Spirituality

Mastering my soul’s inspiration

In the four years since the profound spiritual awakening I experienced in June of 2019, I continue to process the complexities of the lessons my soul has come here to master in this lifetime. What does it mean to master something? “To learn something thoroughly so that you know it or can do it very well.” In my case, I’ve been on the adventure of a lifetime, curious to master soul information and what inspires me as I dance the human experience. I feel that my journey has led me through darkness and now into the light. In 2016, I composed my first published article focusing on breaking free from addiction, mental health concerns, and the state of our mental healthcare system using my own life experience as testimony. took me six months to process and write. It serves as the beginning of my writing career. In October, Emotional Musings will celebrate five years of being a part of the WordPress community and sharing the 650 poems I’ve written.

Learning to embrace and accept the trauma, addiction, and pain from having an eating disorder taught me that I didn’t have to beat myself up from the inside. I learned to turn these shadow pieces of myself into medicine for the soul. I choose to no longer suffer. The last four years have brought me to peace. Peace, love, and joy within myself. I’ve used these experiences as inspiration to heal not only myself but for others on the path to wellness. I will never cease exploring ways in which to better myself, mind, body, and spirit. Often, I have written here that I feel compelled by my soul. I’ve transformed my entire life by the choices I make in living a balanced and clean lifestyle. I’ve begun to channel poems for my 9th book of poetry to be called “My Soul’s Inspiration.” 

Again, I find myself in another cycle of death and rebirth, shifting away from what doesn’t serve me. As I shared in the last post, leaving a romantic relationship that wasn’t fulfilling my needs was difficult. I have always been more concerned about hurting others and have learned to put my own feelings on the back burner in order to be loved. Alas, that’s not how it works.  The energetic shifts I’m feeling are opening me up in ways I haven’t been able to express in poetic form for over a month. This is the 1st time I’ve not felt like writing a poem in 5 years! I took the necessary time to be still and process what arose in the first part of 2023. Finally, the flood gates of creativity have reopened to allow me to share my personal testimony of truth. Here’s to a better me.

“A better me”

My father passed over from COVID two days before Thanksgiving in 2020. He is my #1 spirit guide, and his presence is always with me. He’s taught me about forgiveness and the greatest lesson of all, love. Patience is the virtue that I need to practice continually through temperance. He reminds me of this whenever I feel the need to judge myself or others, react harshly, beat myself up, or behave in a way that is outside of my true nature. His latest lesson is about the importance of being honest with myself. Being true to me, no matter what. In the end, it’s all about love. Always and forever. Thank you, Daddy.

“A father’s love”

The spiritual realm has many different entities, and they communicate in the Light’s language through many different pathways. At night, I’m often visited by many higher vibrational light beings who transmit coding into my being. It takes time to process and decipher their codes into human language because these downloads shift my being on a cellular level. So much energy is radiating through me that I can’t quite yet understand. Believing in the power this energy holds, I know it will change all of humanity. One by one. We are being reborn. The grand shift has begun. Can you feel it, my dear readers? Are you curious about how these changes are affecting you?

“Changes, I AM”

Ending the relationship I was in hurt my heart because I knew I was going to inevitably hurt the man I was seeing. My brother-in-law is someone I trust and have known for more than half of my life. I talk with him often about what’s going on in my life. He’s a good listener. I was crying to him about how hard it is for me to find someone who is willing to take on a romantic relationship with a woman like me. I know I’m different, having extrasensory abilities and Autism. Many people simply don’t speak my language. He told me how brave I am at even attempting to find love. His remark stopped me and got me thinking. I have always been in search of a true soulmate. I do believe we have more than one. I know I have been in long-term relationships with two, my ex-husband and the man I was with for eight years, and have known for ten. I was fully aware of the differences between myself and this latest love interest before we started seeing one another. I was deeply drawn to his soul. We do indeed share a very strong connection. I see people’s souls and know things about them that they themselves are unaware of. It’s an interesting dance, learning about someone from the inside out. Voices whisper my fate as I stand beside the angels. Their words are at times louder than what I clearly can hear from the person before me. Bowing down to accept their plan for the next chapter of my life. Believing in the mission of what I came to accomplish. Being human, sharing in the experience is an adventure of a lifetime for any soul. Helping others to heal is my goal. I believe I got caught up in something that isn’t meant to be for us here in this lifetime, yet I am to help him know himself better and heal. We are friends. For this, my heart is grateful.


Two practices I implement daily are breathwork and meditation. Meditation is the vehicle I ride to the inside, where wisdom collides with feeling, truth is all seeing. My mind becomes quiet, and the voice of my soul begins to speak. Peace is obtained through breath and the act of being with all that is alive. This poem is the theme of this latest book. I remain in awe of the mysterious unknowns, the sacred creed of love that is being passed along. Enchanting enlightenment for myself and for you, my dear readers. We are explorers together, in light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

“My Soul’s Inspiration”

We are all part of this cosmic universe, a piece of the stars. No matter the separation, we are joined forever in love. The creator has wired us all with its great power. Eternally bonded forever yet when we take on physical form as humans, we forget. It’s an amnesia we are to awaken from. This is what healing is all about, a return to the stars from which we came. Recalling our soul’s wisdom. If just for a moment, imagine this….you are love in human form. What if we all shared this love, intentionally, from the light we hold inside. This is my prayer for each and every one of you, my dear readers. Here’s to remembering.

“Stardust return”

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized, autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Anxiety, Consciousness, Healing, Mental health, personal development, relationships, Spirituality

Being humbled by love

My dear readers, what an adventure I am on! In my last post, I wrote about meeting my soul’s mate and how our heart hymns and soul songs were orchestrating the most beautiful of dances. Currently I am understanding how setting boundaries is an important aspect of experiencing true love. This connection is definitely humbling me. In fact, it’s stretching and opening my heart more. Initially, I felt provoked by fear and anxiety as I attempted to dive deeper into my soul and its stories. The ocean that  my heart swims and floats within. Intuitively guided by the emotions that have been triggered, I have decided to take some space from this romantic relationship in favor of addressing my own needs that aren’t being met within the current state of our union together.

As a woman in recovery from abuse, I have survived and overcome addiction to drugs and alcohol which has gifted me clear insights into why I chose to use in the first place. Altering myself by obstructing the lens through which I viewed the world only masked the core wounds I had. It drove a huge wedge between my heart and my soul, numbing the feelings out and blurred the memories of the many traumas I had endured. Choosing to love myself, I now embrace my sobriety as a priority for my well-being. It keeps my channel clear to receive messages from Spirit. My purpose is to use what I’ve experienced as a guide to show others like you, my dear readers, that healing is not only possible but is the pathway to owning your power! I believe this can only be achieved through loving ourselves to wholeness. Accepting all of our human pieces, the dark and the light. The heavy feelings of pain and sadness are to be honored as equally as joy and peace. This is the messiness of being human! Learning to embrace my own humanity, through love, is how I evolve and raise my consciousness.

This current romantic relationship is mysterious and unique in the ways in which I dive into the depths of soul, now as a sober person. Parts of me I felt were broken are healed, creating an awakened wholeness. Awareness of purpose brings goose bumps to my skin and an inner grin of knowingness within. I am here as a vessel for Spirit, God, Source, Universe…..a higher power. Humbled by love, I embrace every moment, hour by hour. In the spiritual realm where I dance, time and space don’t exist. We all are one magnificence. Choosing my sobriety is empowering and an act of self-love as I let go of someone who is choosing another lifestyle.

Humble love

I choose to live life with no regrets because every experience is an adventure! Every relationship is another piece of the puzzle of me, showing me more and more of myself. I’m grateful to find myself at a place in my life where I’m meeting the depths of love I never truly knew before while in addiction. Abusing myself was void of any love to be given or received genuinely. Over the span of twenty-five years, I continued to block out God, which obstructed the understanding of what my purpose is. I was disconnected from my soul. The prayers of love have finally been answered. And so it is. Amen.

Love’s prayer

Believing in myself and trusting Spirit, I take a big leap of faith. There’s that word again, faith, my chosen word for 2023. Mysterious unknowns surround me, yet I know that only love is what serves me. It’s the only truth I have. Going forward with Divine’s grand plan. Here I go, step-by-step, into an adventure of a lifetime. Pushing past self-imposed fears, I am ready to embark upon my calling. I’m happy to announce that I have just completed the 8th book of poems to be titled, “My Soul’s Love, a book of spells”. I intend for my 7th book (“My Soul’s Music”) as well as this latest one to be published and marketed by a publishing house. “My Soul’s Music” has already been accepted by a publisher, and now I’m focused on achieving funding to see this book onto the shelves of stores!

Adventure of a lifetime

We are in a massive shift, my dear readers, otherwise known as ecplise season. The cosmic energy, including solar storms, is bringing the highest frequency of love into our atmosphere. Life as we have known it is changing for the betterment of  all by directing us to our highest alignment. I’m compelled to answer this call, which is deepening the relationship with what truly matters. Love is all we need. Listening in as the ascended masters proceed to share their wisdom with me through channeled messages. I am humbled by this journey. For this human experience, I am worthy of all the love that resides in my heart. To love all that is is an aliveness of art!! Breathe deeply and accept all of this Light energy into your heart, for it breeds more love and is the fuel that manifests all the abundance you desire to create, my dear readers!

The Light of Love is calling

I’ve always loved words and reading. Books were my best friends growing up while attempting to block out the abuse I was experiencing in a dysfunctional home. This piece was inspired by a word prompt on the app I use to create my poetry, Miraquill. The platform was originally called Mirakee, which is derived from the Greek word Meraki, which means imbuing one’s soul, passion, and creativity into something. My soul is expressed through the poetry I write. The word was “story.” The lines flowed through to me with ease. Shamans are the storytellers of Spirit. It’s in my DNA. I come from a long line of great storytellers. I dedicate this poem to my ancestors. Thank you for guiding me and passing your wisdom along to me. I am humbled by your unwavering protection and deepening presence in my life!

Tell me a story

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, Interview, Mental health, personal development, Podcast, Spirituality

Bring on the Woo interview

Listen to an interview for the podcast "Bring on the Woo"

I’m pleased to share an interview I did for “Bring on the Woo” in association with the online community of healers I belong to, Mystics4Hire. Listen and let me know your thoughts. I welcome you, my dear readers, to share your own story of healing and redemption.

The following is the introduction to the interview:

Bring On The Woo Podcast. The underworld feels so far away when we are feeling good & healthy but when we are in the depths of despair in our soul, from there it feels just like a millimeter away. A dark start to our journey today but deeply important as In today’s story we have Maria Teresa who takes us on her journey of crossing that bridge of the deepest darkness into the light by attempting to end her own life and fortunately for us failing, so that she could then rebuild from the absolute Ground Zero to now help others. Her story takes us on the twists and turns of the trauma and abuse she suffered in childhood to the literal resurrection of her life. Maria was able to do this through shamanistic practices, therapy, breathwork and poetry. Using these mediums herself with a little bit of coffee and gelato thrown in there to boot, she is able to help transform the lives of the people around her.

Maria’s awakening path begins at the moment she decided to take her life and failed. Having been deeply abused as a child and finding herself in abusive relationships she was done with trying to live as what she calls a highly sensitive individual in a seemingly insensitive world. She said when she woke up from the hospital, after realizing she had failed to die, she heard the voice of God come to herand say ‘now what? You’re as low as you can get, how do you get out of this dark place now?’ It was from that point on that she realized she needed to focus on herself, immersing herself in prescribed therapy, discovering shamanism and beginning the journey of writing poetry, to which she is now in book 7. Maria is a big advocate of utilizing multiple modalities to help keep someone on track, citing things like sensory deprivation tanks have been really positive experiences for her or a consistent breathwork practice is vital to her continued well being. She emanates this, as quite a few people will say what a great energy she has & that is what keeps her motivated to continue doing her work.

One of the most amazing transformations she has been party to has been that of her friend, whose mother had died & energetically was trying to take over her body. Maria said that she could even see the spirit of her friend’s mother overlaid in her features. She said that it was not quite to the extent you would consider an exorcism, she & another friend were able to excise the remaining energyof spirit & move it to the light. It was a humbling experience for her that her friend told her completely changed/saved her. Maria also said that her journey with her best friend has been one of the greatest gifts of her life as well so that even though they may be on different sides of the country & apart for more than seven years, they have always remained close & each other’s biggest advocates for growth& spiritual evolution. Thank you so much for joining & now let’s dive in!

I am here to share my experience, strength and hope with others on the journey to heal. My motto is “Triumphing over Trauma” and I am here to help heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing. Follow me at Emotional Musings on WordPress and check out the healing services I provide. In light and in shadow, always with love ❤️ Namaste 🙏

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

Healing, Mental health, personal development, Spirituality

Poems are the notes of my soul’s music

Now that eclipse season has passed, I’m settling into more revelations and truths from the things I’ve needed to release. The continuous cycle of healing from the human experience as opened me up to another level of awakening. Becoming more aware of what fits the skin I’m currently in and deciding what I’ve outgrown. This is a mindful check-in, a daily practice I committed to three years ago to make adjustments where needed and align with what suits me best. I uncover these truths in many ways. Through writing poetry, meditation, sound frequency healing, setting crystal grids and breathwork. Continuous communication with Mother Nature and with my spirit team help me to feel into the answers intuitively. Allowing myself to be led by my heart and open to love. Love is the healing guide, the protective force and the truth in everything!

When life changes and speeds up, that’s when I know it’s time to slow down. “Listen and observe”, this is the strongest message for me lately. Making sure I’m getting enough rest and consuming the things that will sustain peace, love and joy internally. These are some of my latest poems for a new book in the works entitled, “My Soul’s Music”. As I continue to face the effects that trauma has had upon my being, I learn how strong, resilient and resourceful I am. These past three years I have moved all around the country six times, ended an almost 9 year romantic relationship, said good bye to my Dad in physical form and terminated the relationship with my mother. Each of these decisions have been extremely difficult and carried their own challenges and circumstances. I changed jobs three times and have written five books of poetry between 2020 and today. I discovered my soul’s purpose of being a shaman and through writing I intend to help inspire others. Healing is indeed possible and we are all worthy of love! We are the ones we have been waiting for! I’m grateful to God for lending me the strength in facing everything I have walked through, with grace and dignity. I can honestly say I am proud of the woman I am today.

My purpose is clear about why I’m here. It’s to help heal humanity one heart at a time through poetry and shamanic healing. By sharing my testimony of “Triumphing over Trauma” and using my sensitivities as superpowers. I have faced all kinds of abuse, physical, mental, emotional and sexual. I overcame drugs and alcohol and a lifelong eating disorder. I committed to healing myself after attempting suicide in 2011 by believing that I am worthy of love. My human experience has taught me to be grateful for the air I breathe and the water I drink. The people I meet who show me there is unconditional love held within every living creature on the planet. I choose to embrace the love inside by feeling my feelings. That’s how the medicine comes in, after the emotional release of energy. We are so very powerful my friends. By becoming who we are meant to be, we unpack the wisdom of  our soul. Be who you are. Our world needs your unique gifts!!

Remember who you are
Heart opening messages

Life is mysterious, messy, unnerving and beautiful. Taking chances with a heart so full and giving has taught me many lessons. This last poem is a musing upon my last relationship. The healing from this major life change is something I’m still learning lessons from through the eyes of compassion and love. It was a long good bye that took me 2 years to completely detach from. In the end I’m grateful for having learned so much. After surrendering control of what wasn’t mine to carry came forgiveness. Love is all that remains. Always.

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, Mental health, personal development

Being is freeing

Let freedom of self be

“Being is freeing” open to the love that lies inside….and be…..forever FREE!!

Featured in my latest book, “My Soul’s Dance, Accepting the shadows while embracing the Light:poems about death and rebirth”. Message me to learn more about what I’m creating and providing. All roads lead to healing. Accepting yourself is step #1

In light and in shadow, always with love ❤️ Namaste

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.