Healing, Mental health, Spirituality

Interview with Christy Strauch

What is a shaman?

I’m pleased to share an interview I just did for a new community called @mysticsforhire. I believe by sharing our stories we feel less alone and can connect while healing from this human experience. My soul’s purpose is to help others heal through shamanic healing and poetry. In 16:44 minutes, we covered all the bases of who I am, what I have healed through and continue to learn from AND I share a poem from my latest book, “My Soul’s Dance, Accepting the shadows while embracing the Light”.

I’m going to link this interview to a blog post I wrote November 2, 2020, 2 months after being annointed a shaman through a sweat lodge ceremony. If you’re curious about what a shaman is and does please read https://emotionalmusings.com/2020/11/02/what-is-a-shaman-celebrating-my-ancestors-and-soul-work/

Truth of the Lightworker

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Healing, Spirituality

Summer’s Sun

This past week has been extremely gray here in South Florida with lots of thunderstorms showing up daily. This time of year it’s to be expected. The absence the Summer Sun left me feeling a bit out of sorts. Yesterday was the first day without any rain in over a week. I made the most of the bright sunshine by spending the day at the beach. I’m a Sun worshipper my dear readers and I needed my fix. Taking some time to myself in solitude was also called for. Now that my partner and I are reunited, I realize how incredibly important my “me” time is.

I received exactly what I needed while I practiced my favorite pastime of cloud gazing. Watching the clouds dance across the sky delights my imagination and brings so much contentment to my inner child. Connecting with nature in this way is Mother Nature’s gift to us all. As I lay upon the warm sand, time and to do lists fade away. Practicing an open eyed meditation, I allow myself to be rocked in Gaia’s arms. This poem started nudging at me on the bike ride there and birthed itself by the ocean’s edge.


Last week’s full moon and Sumer solstice had me in a space of deep reflection. The rain played an important role in cleansing the energy and charging forwards a rebirth. As I practiced yoga outside on the patio, overlooking the lake while the rain poured down, I became hypnotized by its rhythm and heard the sound of my footfalls while running. I felt pulled by the desire to be free and went out for a long run. I’ve begun training for a triathlon in August, my 1st in ten years. I enjoy challenging myself physically and the mental piece that goes along with breaking down walls when our bodies reach an edge. The sensation is euphoric. The same medicine that I receive after practicing conscious breathwork. I heard this quote yesterday and it suits this next poem. “Every breath is a chance to reborn spiritually. But to be reborn into a new life you have to die before dying”. Healing from the past, shedding layers and growing into new skin can be highly uncomfortable. That’s why I practice high sensation training, to teach my body how to be comfortable in uncomfortability.

Hypnotized by the rain
Ancient rhythms expressed through sacred dance medicine

I’m pleased to announce the first shipment of my latest book, “My Soul’s Journey:Lessons learned through love” arrived my dear readers! Here’s a couple videos of me reading the introduction and the back cover. The rocking chair I’m sitting in belonged to my beloved Nana and her spirit is indeed with me whenever I sit in it. It’s the chair I allow myself to fall into shamanic trance during long distance healing sessions with my clients.

Back cover summary of the journey

My prayer for you my dear readers is that you take the time to allow the Summer Sun to warm your spirit and spark the fire’s of imagination. It’s important to take time for ourselves in solitude. Shamans plant seeds of awakening through storytelling. Our minds are dreaming all the time and through storytelling we can begin to pierce the veil of illusion the mind creates which keep us separated from all creation. We are one. Explore whatever allows you to embrace our oneness.

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 5 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu on my website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Grief and loss, Healing, Spirituality

My Soul’s Journey, Part 2

Today marks six months since my Dad passed over into the world of spirit. Writing a book is a very cathartic experience. The poems in this collection for my 5th book entitled, “My Soul’s Journey ” were originally written between early November 2020 through March 2021, documenting the time shortly before my Dad’s passing up until the first days of Spring. While I write this manuscript, I’m reliving memories and feelings that are all still so fresh while running through the gamut of emotions. Writing is and always will be where my soul emerges from a place of confusion and then rises to clarity, like the tone of a singing bowl, as I process through all of my senses. My intention is to honor both my Dad and myself by publishing the poems that helped me understand my role as a shaman, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt and a friend through the most amazing yet painful times of my life.

I focus often on how it’s important to allow the lessons life has for us to teach us to embrace ALL aspects, from as many perspectives as can be gleamed from for the wisdom each of them holds. As I transcribe each poem, I’m reminded of the environment from which my words were birthed. What sparked the message to come through and how did writing each poem help me to understand myself in the moment. Often I find myself bursting into tears as I allow the medicine in the message to wash over my soul again, but in a deeper and more profound way having put space between the time it was written until now. This book is different because I took a deliberate pause after writing these poems for almost two months before beginning this manuscript. For the previous four books, I wrote the poems and immediately thereafter the manuscript was constructed and published. This book serves to teach me a bigger lesson, one my soul has been striving to learn for many, many years. Patience.

While following the many steps it requires to build a manuscript, I don’t write a lot of original new works. However, a kindred spirited friendship and sisterhood that began right here on WordPress, evolved from a deep resonance of soul recognition and purity of love thus inspiring me to do a collaboration. Ace of http://fearlessfreesoul.com and I immediately connected at the end of last year because our writing styles are so similar. We both use love with the absence of fear as our medicine and magic. She creates the most amazing videos on empowerment and positivity. Her old soul spirit instantly reminded me of my youngest son Miles and our relationship grew from commenting on one another’s posts to a personal correspondence by text and voice clips. I have never collaborated with another writer before and I am truly honored to do so with such a gifted writer with such a big heart! Our duet is a match made in heaven,, divinely timed and powered! These are two of the poems we wrote together this past week and I’m filled with such joy to share them with you all here.

It’s important to allow myself breaks in between all the work it takes to write a book. You my dear readers know how much I love to spend time dancing and listening to music because it fires up my spirit while setting it free. May these three dance videos bring you joy and laughter as it served my heart good to make them.

Salsa anyone?
Love Foolosophy
I love the way my finger cymbals sound with this song, “Dancing by the River” Manish Vyas

Please check out two new features in the menu tab, one is a gallery of some pictures including my healing crystal grids and a video explaining my healing sessions. The other is a collection of testimonials from my clients on how our sessions have impacted their healing journey. Remember my dear ones, every day do whatever you feel brings your song of self out and sing it loudly for all the world to hear!

Sing, sing your song

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu on my website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Healing, Spirituality

Home is where the heart is

What does being home mean to you? Gaius Plinius Secundus, a Roman philosopher better known as Pliny the Elder (or just Pliny to his friends) said “Home is where the heart is.” Almost two thousand years later, who would have thought home is where the heart – and other organs – could also be monitored and managed. This phrase means that no matter who you are with or where you are in the world, your family and home holds the deepest affection and emotional pull. It is the place where you have a foundation of love, warmth, and happy memories. It might not always be the building itself, but being near your loved ones.

After my trip to Rhode Island, I have been processing a lot of what my life has been like since leaving a place I called home for thirteen years. I had many reasons to leave and I thought for so long that I couldn’t go back. After ten years of moving around constantly, healing in psychiatric hospitals (both inpatient and outpatient) and a stint in rehab which lead to spiritual experiences that sparked another Kundaluni awakening (the 1st one was in 2011) I know home is in my heart. My heart is front and center, open wide and I finally feel secure in expressing myself from this place no matter where I live. The phrase, “no matter where you go, there you are” suits me. You can’t ever escape your own truths, trust me my dear readers because I tried desperately to erase who I am.

Nowadays, I embrace my strengths and weaknesses, weirdness and philosophical depths, extra sensory gifts and soul truth. We are upon the eve of a New Moon that begins at 7PM EST 6 11, 2021. The number eleven is significant because it’s double 1, which stands for new beginnings. The Divine number of this date is two, which symbolizes balance and partnerships. The planetary alignment has Jupiter in the zodiac house of Pisces. The last time this occurred was in 2010-2011. The personal significance for me is that was the period of time when my first Kundalini awakening occurred. This type of awakening is defined as a surge of Divine feminine energy that spirals through the chakra system causing such symptoms as waking up at random hours of the night, sweating, crying, or even literally feeling an intense rush of energy going up your spine. You feel a sudden need to make radical changes in your life.

For me, this lead to a series of severe mental breakdowns ending in a suicide attempt. All completely necessary and now ten years later I look at as a gift of desperation that propelled me along the journey to reclaim my soul. This time around I feel whole, finally having claimed my calling as a shaman. The sessions I have held lately bring me to my knees in awe of the immense power to heal both myself and others bestowed upon me by Spirit.

The poems I write are guided messages for either myself or clients, channeled from a wide array of Spirits. The movement I cultivate as my soul’s medicine aids my own healing and my intention for sharing it is to bring hope that can serve others and inspire change. Ten years ago I was drowning myself in alcohol, dissociative episodes, over exercise and work. Dancing to the piano version of “Chandelier” by Sia, is my crawl out of that darkness into the light. A reminder to always hold onto hope.

Never let go of hope my dear readers, do whatever you need to to keep this energy alive in your being

You know by now by reading my blog posts how much I love spending time out in nature. The beach is my happy place and where I go to gain serenity, clarity and inner peace. Tapping into the biological connection we share with the mighty ocean is how I reconnect to my own strength and power. How do you reconnect with yourself my dear readers?

South Inlet Park, Boca Raton FL

May this New Moon allow you to pick up from where you began back in 2010-2011, planting seeds for your security at home and healing your heart. We are coming out of hibernation mode, stretching our limbs and climbing into new skin with a fresh start. Springtime is in full bloom and is readily available in the heart by choosing to love yourself.. Forgiveness of the past and reclaiming what you know to be true in your heart. This is the continuous cycle of healing from the human condition. I originally wrote the poem “Transformation” on July 18, 2020. At that point I was just starting the apprenticeship hours of healing others through the art of shamanism. Expanding now upon those intentions, with this New Moon I’m dreaming big, shooting for the stars and opening myself wide to the miracles the Universe provides us everyday upon waking us up with the Sun and tucking us into sleep by the Moon.

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu on my website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Healing, Mental health

May is for mental health, celebrating the many colors of my soul

Hello my dear readers, I’m back from my social media detox and vacation stays in North Carolina and Rhode Island. Ahhhhh, I feel so absolutely rejuvenated and refreshed! I had a real adventure while experiencing many hiccups and unexpected detours along the way. Life continues to delight and surprise me as I can hear the Universe whisper, “surrender my child, allow the flow”. These messages color my soul, the shades and hues are both vibrant at times and muted I others. The ongoing process of allowing myself to learn from my mistakes, when things don’t go as planned or fall apart completely teaches me to stay curious and open. Smooth waters never make a skilled sailor of any of us my dears.

Over these past two weeks I kept myself in nature’s glory, sunshibe and rain, in the moment and observed with all my senses what life was presenting me. This post is a celebration of how far I have traveled in one year since moving back to my parent’s home in South Florida and learning the art of shamanism. My hope is that my adventures awaken the colors of your own soul, ignite your passion inviting you to explore your own unique path. We are all here for a purpose and I’m continuing to uncover the depths of mine my dear readers through writing poetry, music and dance while enjoying the great outdoors! This is how I honor my soul’s aliveness!

Why do we tell others not to cry? It’s something that has always fascinated me. When my boys were young, I encouraged them to cry while their father had a tendency to shame them by telling them “don’t be a baby”. That statement really frustrates me! Crying is a signal from our body’s keen alert system to release energy. If we block, hide or suppress this important urge we are only hurting ourselves further. I intend to start a movement with the poem “Go ahead, please cry” and teach others with the poem “Hurting people hurt people”. We all deserve love, it starts from within. Once we can learn to love ourselves, heal our own wounds, we can share and give love to others. You can heal your life in this way my dear readers, I am living proof of that!

Home in my soul
Colors of my Soul
Home aura vibes
Drum solo take 1
Drum solo take 2
Be free, skip rocks with me
Blue hues of my soul
Flow like water
Drums on the rocks

May is mental health awareness month and I’m offering free consultations to anyone who’s interested in my healing services. I have a list of them in the menu here and I also provide home cleansing ritual kits complete with herbs to burn and crystals to set in the four corners of your house. Let’s practice self care, not just when we’re stressed but when we feel at our best so that our body intuitively knows how to regulate itself. We hold ancient wisdom inside our souls, follow the breadcrumbs by listening to your own body and discover your wellness.

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.