Consciousness, Healing, Mental health, personal development

Being is freeing

Let freedom of self be

“Being is freeing” open to the love that lies inside….and be…..forever FREE!!

Featured in my latest book, “My Soul’s Dance, Accepting the shadows while embracing the Light:poems about death and rebirth”. Message me to learn more about what I’m creating and providing. All roads lead to healing. Accepting yourself is step #1

In light and in shadow, always with love ❤️ Namaste

If you’re interested in a long distance shamanic healing session via phone, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 6 books of poetry please click the link below. See the Services tab in the menu on this website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email.

Healing, Spirituality

Home is where the heart is

What does being home mean to you? Gaius Plinius Secundus, a Roman philosopher better known as Pliny the Elder (or just Pliny to his friends) said “Home is where the heart is.” Almost two thousand years later, who would have thought home is where the heart – and other organs – could also be monitored and managed. This phrase means that no matter who you are with or where you are in the world, your family and home holds the deepest affection and emotional pull. It is the place where you have a foundation of love, warmth, and happy memories. It might not always be the building itself, but being near your loved ones.

After my trip to Rhode Island, I have been processing a lot of what my life has been like since leaving a place I called home for thirteen years. I had many reasons to leave and I thought for so long that I couldn’t go back. After ten years of moving around constantly, healing in psychiatric hospitals (both inpatient and outpatient) and a stint in rehab which lead to spiritual experiences that sparked another Kundaluni awakening (the 1st one was in 2011) I know home is in my heart. My heart is front and center, open wide and I finally feel secure in expressing myself from this place no matter where I live. The phrase, “no matter where you go, there you are” suits me. You can’t ever escape your own truths, trust me my dear readers because I tried desperately to erase who I am.

Nowadays, I embrace my strengths and weaknesses, weirdness and philosophical depths, extra sensory gifts and soul truth. We are upon the eve of a New Moon that begins at 7PM EST 6 11, 2021. The number eleven is significant because it’s double 1, which stands for new beginnings. The Divine number of this date is two, which symbolizes balance and partnerships. The planetary alignment has Jupiter in the zodiac house of Pisces. The last time this occurred was in 2010-2011. The personal significance for me is that was the period of time when my first Kundalini awakening occurred. This type of awakening is defined as a surge of Divine feminine energy that spirals through the chakra system causing such symptoms as waking up at random hours of the night, sweating, crying, or even literally feeling an intense rush of energy going up your spine. You feel a sudden need to make radical changes in your life.

For me, this lead to a series of severe mental breakdowns ending in a suicide attempt. All completely necessary and now ten years later I look at as a gift of desperation that propelled me along the journey to reclaim my soul. This time around I feel whole, finally having claimed my calling as a shaman. The sessions I have held lately bring me to my knees in awe of the immense power to heal both myself and others bestowed upon me by Spirit.

The poems I write are guided messages for either myself or clients, channeled from a wide array of Spirits. The movement I cultivate as my soul’s medicine aids my own healing and my intention for sharing it is to bring hope that can serve others and inspire change. Ten years ago I was drowning myself in alcohol, dissociative episodes, over exercise and work. Dancing to the piano version of “Chandelier” by Sia, is my crawl out of that darkness into the light. A reminder to always hold onto hope.

Never let go of hope my dear readers, do whatever you need to to keep this energy alive in your being

You know by now by reading my blog posts how much I love spending time out in nature. The beach is my happy place and where I go to gain serenity, clarity and inner peace. Tapping into the biological connection we share with the mighty ocean is how I reconnect to my own strength and power. How do you reconnect with yourself my dear readers?

South Inlet Park, Boca Raton FL

May this New Moon allow you to pick up from where you began back in 2010-2011, planting seeds for your security at home and healing your heart. We are coming out of hibernation mode, stretching our limbs and climbing into new skin with a fresh start. Springtime is in full bloom and is readily available in the heart by choosing to love yourself.. Forgiveness of the past and reclaiming what you know to be true in your heart. This is the continuous cycle of healing from the human condition. I originally wrote the poem “Transformation” on July 18, 2020. At that point I was just starting the apprenticeship hours of healing others through the art of shamanism. Expanding now upon those intentions, with this New Moon I’m dreaming big, shooting for the stars and opening myself wide to the miracles the Universe provides us everyday upon waking us up with the Sun and tucking us into sleep by the Moon.

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations and other ritualistic services I provide or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu on my website.
For a personalized autographed copy of any of my books, please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Refining the art of living

My dear readers, a creative force drives my passions, which allows me to live a soulful existence upon this planet. I view life and living as a dance, a balancing act that requires careful steps to the everchanging rhythms. The human condition is something I’m constantly and curiously investigating. The need we all seem to have, which is to hold onto what we know and resist change. Over the past year, I have struck up an intimate relationship with change. This living dance I practice has allowed me to live by my soul’s desires. A homecoming for my heart. An art that requires tender care, refining and continuous weeding of what no longer serves to open up to the possibilities life presents.

“In troubled times, there is an urgency to understand ourselves and our world. We have so many questions, and they tug at us night and day, consciously and unconsciously”. These words are a review of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh——one of the most revered spiritual leaders in the world, of his book, “The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now”. This is what I too find myself in servitude of, the art of living to allow for as much peace and freedom as possible.

Following this path was initially met with quite a resistance, from both myself and my partner. He struggled to see what was emerging from the transformation I was undertaking. My soul was yearning to be free and I intuitively knew that with time, he too would see what was unfolding couldn’t be delayed any longer. The beauty that begs to be poured out from inside of me. I truly have emerged from a cocoon of fear, doubt and unworthiness to a space of trust, hope, faith and unconditional love.

This is intentional living, making decisions from a place of love for myself and well-being. Opening myself up at first was incredibly scary and produced a lot of anxiety. The pain of change proved great enough to see me through the fear and brought me to a place of loving kindness and forgiveness within my being. The more I practice tapping into this well of abundance inside, the deeper the love that shines there grows. Practicing this on a daily basis has continued to heal me mentally (mind), emotionally(heart centered), body (physical health) and spiritually (soul). Today I allow myself to do what I feel and share it with others.

“I’m Coming Out” by Diana Ross

Life is so precious and short. Despite the ebbs and flow, living life from soul allows me to feel so grateful in each moment. I intentionally and mindfully take off the weight that wants to stay squarely upon my shoulders, keeping me small. No longer will I allow society or anyone else for that matter to dictate how I should live my life. Dancing, practicing yoga, painting, writing poetry and practicing shamanic healing colors my world so brightly and keeps me singing as I walk down the street, which is something I do daily loudly and proudly! By sharing my testimony with others on how I live, I pray it gives others permission to shine more brightly. Be who you are my dears and if you don’t like what you see than by all means change it. We each hold tremendous power inside to consistently go after whatever it is we want out of life.

These poems are my soul’s expression for each stage of life, peeling back layers to expose more of my authentic self. This for me is a fine tuning, a constant refining to the art of living.

For my partner who challenges me to be who I am

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below. For a personalized autographed copy please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

Consciousness, Healing, Spirituality

To shine or not to shine

Ah my dear readers, this world can certainly swallow you up if you’re not mindful. Each of us has a tremendous power inside, a light that is burning brightly, yearning to shine and be shared with others. We experience this when we strike up a conversation with a stranger, smile at a child and hold a door for someone to walk through with ease. It’s in opening these doors, along with our minds and hearts that connect us to one another. Humans were made for community, we need one another.

Lately, as the intuitive and sensitive person I am, I have been feeling a lot of the trauma and pain of others rising to the surface. It’s a great time for healing, forgiveness and for the betterment of humanity as a whole. A coming together, leaving the past behind and focusing on building a brighter tomorrow with love. Love is the greatest and most powerful untapped superpower there is. Please look inside of yourselves my dear ones and heal that love that is waiting to flow throughout your being. Practicing this mantra helps….

“I am safe, I am grounded and I am made of pure love. I see you (insert your name) and I forgive you because I love you. Thank you for caring for me”

This is a good way to begin the practice of self care and grow self love. Our being desperately needs this. Our own loving attention is what will break up stagnant energy, riding the body of blocks and allowing love to flow as it needs to. We can do this by breathing, slowing down and embracing the moment we are in. When life lures us into speeding up, that’s actually when our being needs to slow down, carefully and gently assess the next loving action instead of harshness and taking any further action that bypass our hearts. I ask myself this question when I feel stressed out or stuck, “what is the next best loving response”. Then I can proceed in a much more heart centered direction.

I spend a great deal of time sitting out in nature, listening to music and meditating. This time is sacred because caring for my soul’s health is priority number one. It’s also when I can best tap into my intuition and hear the guidance of my many Spirit mentors. They are who conduct the healing I provide myself and my clients as a shaman, I am merely a conduit. This path is one of intention and requires me to keep my human vessel as clean as possible so that I can be a pure channel for these messages. This week, I can feel a major boost of love being infused throughout the Universe. This energy, this light is available in abundance and is meant for healing. The colors I see, the beautiful music it creates in my mind is so glorious, it brings tears to my eyes. My heart is so full. I choose to shine and not to recoil in fear of being vulnerable to it. Today, I embrace the authentic spirit I carry.

I have spent most of my life hiding, doubting what I feel because of it’s enormity and not showing my authentic self. I believe that I just wasn’t ready, the flower blossom of my soul’s essence needed more time to fully bloom. This year I have stepped into a colorful masterpiece within this soul’s journey and have begun to amplify my life with the brilliance of its light. Integrating my shadow aspects in a mindful way has allowed me to see the truth of who I am, my wholeness. It’s like taking the paddles they use to restart the heart and using them to further awaken my soul. I see such immense beauty all around me. I’ve expressed these feelings in the following poems.

Pieces of my soul

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below. For a personalized autographed copy please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

Consciousness, Healing, Spirituality

The light within me, recognizes the light within you

My dear readers, many of you who follow me are familiar with my tag line, “In light and in shadow, always with love”. I believe these words with my whole heart because by embracing this idea that there is love to be found in both the light within and the shadow within. Healing allows the integration of our many parts is what becoming whole is all about. The more whole we become, the more acceptance we have of ourselves and for others. This is a practice I believe will heal humanity one heart at a time. There is love within every fiber of my being and within yours my dear ones.

The journey of life is to recognize this, to embrace it and to remain open to every door God invites us to walk through. As humans our natural instinct is to hold on too tightly, resist change and judge ourselves and then others for what we experience. All of life is a never-ending series of happy times, sadness and painful moments leading to peace, an inner bliss that can be revisited again and again. I believe the journey is in discovering how best to weather all of these storms for our highest good, healing and personal well-being.

The image I often return to when I check in with myself daily during the healing rituals I perform is the Tree of Life.

We are all connected 💛

A symbol of personal growth, strength and beauty, the Tree of Life serves as a symbol representing our personal development, uniqueness and individual beauty. Just as the branches of a tree strengthen and grow upwards to the sky, we too grow stronger, striving for greater knowledge, wisdom and new experiences as we move through life. Just as the roots of the tree stretch down into the Earth’s soil, creating a sturdy grounding and stability for the life of the tree, so must we provide ourselves a grounding energy to remain stable and secure within this life along our journey. There are many experiences, situations and moments that cause a shift in the firmness, affecting our standing, yet I believe we are given the opportunity to attune our own hearts, full of love back into our bodies, into our ground providing ourselves with the nurturing love we all deserve and desire for wholeness and wellness.

When I can reflect within my own soul, acknowledging the light God has created within each of us, I am seeing the love and light each one of us shares. I believe every living creature possesses this light. Employing compassion and kindness helps spread this love to others, it begins within me and is cultivated within my own tree. We are all connected within this giant web of life force energy, invisible fibers of light touch us all and can never be destroyed, throughout all of life and into death. Spirit goes on, souls are reborn and the cycle continues.

Held in light and love

As a shaman, I remain in constant awe and wonder of the power of the Light for its ability to heal. Allowing Spirit to guide me, I am a conduit for this light and energy which is what heals us all. Every living thing carries this light, this spirit and is the oneness we are all connected to. Plants, trees, rocks, the elements, animals, fish, birds, reptiles and humans alike. I believe we humans are blessed with higher consciousness and are capable of transcending animal instinct to see this light. It’s my eternal honor to be a modern day shaman, practicing rituals and holding ceremonies that celebrates this light and powerful love. It’s what fuels my magic and is a superpower for healing.

Power of Light

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, most of which I provide over the phone, long distance, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below. For a personalized autographed copy please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

If you live in or near South Florida, I provide shaman-on-call services and will come to your home to conduct a healing session.