Healing, Mental health, Spirituality

The pursuit of happiness

There are so many analogies that come to mind when I think of the phrase, “the pursuit of happiness”. Our culture breeds this idea that it’s a thing to find that we somehow lost, an item to buy, a type of thing to possess that is outside of ourselves or that another person will be the magic ingredient to solve all of our worries and problems. I believe through the consumerism and entertainment culture we have screaming at us 24/7 that we’re programmed to believe we aren’t happy. What does it mean to be happy?

My dear readers, I believe happiness is 100% an inside job and the truth is that we aren’t going to feel perpetual happiness 100% of the time. Being human means that we have a wide array of feelings and emotions that alert us to what our body needs in each moment. Attending to each is sometimes a challenge, especially in our fast paced society yet taking the time to truly do so has amazing and priceless benefits.

We are coming up on a year since the beginning of the pandemic that changed our entire world. I’m incredibly grateful for the extended time and opportunity to work on myself and heal. Feeling is so very healing yet we must allow ourselves to truly feel all of it, the complete human experience doesn’t come with just the good vibes my dears. Since my Dad has passed and I have been separated from my partner, I am realizing more and more how precious we are to one another. My partner serves as the most clear of mirrors and our connection allows me to see myself fully. Lately, some hard truths rose to the surface that my ego needed to hear but didn’t enjoy hearing. I’ve changed every aspect of my life for the betterment of my own soul. Awesome for me yet he admitted to not knowing who I am anymore, that he needs to get to know and fall in love with me again. I must allow him time and space in which to do this. We are each others one true love and through acceptance of one another, I believe our love will get us through.

Life is like a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice with the juiciest bits all mixed in, not merely on top but sprinkled in throughout. We must dig deep at times to feel the most of what life is teaching us. Using the juice analogy, each container tells us to shake before we pour so we get the best of its offering into each glass. Life shakes us up repeatedly and at times it’s easy to feel all mixed up. The truth is happiness is always available should we choose to feel it. However it’s perfectly normal to not feel happy all the damn time!! Being…..just being, tapping into my skills of observation allows me to investigate all of my feelings through all of my senses. For a women who feels deeply and is acutely sensitive this can be extremely challenging. I sometimes wish I had an off switch and could just feel and process me, not everyone else around me. As an open psychic channel, my soul asked to be reincarnated this way yet it’s hard explaining this fact to others unless they have experience with it.

From the inception of this blog, Emotional Musings has served as a testimony to what life is like for me in recovery from life long dissociation and trauma. I’m an empath, an open psychic channel, a trauma survivor, a suicide survivor, a divorced mother diagnosed with CPTSD who searched for answers to find peace and healing to discover that all of my sensibilities allow me to follow my soul’s purpose and path to becoming a master shaman. God set me with all the sense settings on high and He gifted me with being able to write poems that can articulate the abundance of feelings I feel all the time.

These are my latest lessons in life that are expressed through poetry. This last full moon was a big one for me in terms of looking within the shadows to release what no longer was serving me. Healing hurts my dears and this past week I have felt every feeling and emotion there is. I’m exhausted, elated, sad, grateful and yes, happy. I’m happy to be alive and experience all of life in the skin I’m in! Tomorrow I am going to experience float therapy which I have read rave reviews about. I already know that this therapeutic experience will rejuvenate and refresh my spirit returning me to a place of balance and harmony.

Thank you so much @myjourney_sda for allowing me to share my testimony of survival to “Triumphing over Trauma”. We are all in this together, sharing our journey, challenges and gifts. We rise as one. Much love to you all ❤

Stay true to YOU
“Love is the Medicine”

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu.
For a personalized autographed copy please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment. Maria@emotionalmusings.com

37 thoughts on “The pursuit of happiness”

  1. I’m a pretty happy person, but I sure would love to have a (romantic) soulmate!! That would just be the bees knee’s!! Here’s hoping!

    Thanks for the reminder that it’s impossible to always be happy! Too bad, though! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If we were always happy, we would become unappreciative of life as a whole. This reminds of the story “The Stepford Wives” who turned out to be robots. So creepy.
      I believe there is somebody for everybody. Your Mr.Right will appear when you least expect it 😉

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      1. Oh, I never saw that one, but I’ve heard of it!

        With me, I see it as a personal failing whenever I become unhappy, often because it could be combined with paranoid or hormonal behavior. Then, I’m less happy that I was unhappy and more unhappy that I was bad. Oh wow, on some level, that sentence made sense inside my head. 😀 But yeah, I guess we couldn’t always be happy!!

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      2. Life is all about perspective my friend. Don’t beat yourself up! Most often it’s the perception and behaviors of others reactions towards us that create those self limiting thoughts. You are such a smart, funny and generous person. It’s not a failure to become unhappy, just a human experience 😊

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  2. Such a wonderful deep dive into the world of happiness. Happiness is such a slippery slope because so many believe that happiness just happens. It’s so easy to believe that, right? Happiness seems elusive, and the solution to just choose happiness feels wrong. Feels impossible. Feels too simple. I love your perspective and your enlightened view of such a complex emotion. It’s funny because deep contentment in someone feels much different than someone who is just happy over a current situation, so I believe what you say to be true. I also think it would be nice to feel happy all of the time, but again, I do believe that it is the various gradients of pain that make us human. I just heard this great quote from WandaVision: “But what is Grief if not love persevering.” How beautiful is that? As always your poetry lifts my soul. If I was a Bird is my favorite of the few presented here. It reminds me of Dickinson. The imagery is so wonderful and the freedom that could be afforded if you had wings makes me smile. I have really felt a special connection to birds recently. Butterflies were always my symbol, but recently I have felt this real draw to birds, so your poem really speaks to me. Lovely writing, my friend. Your meanderings through our soul’s journey is always so eye-opening for me. I enjoyed reading this, and I once again feel so blessed to have you in my life. Much love and light! 🌺🥰☘️

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    1. Oh wow Kelly, I will have to check out WandaVision! I saw the trailer and thought it looked intriguing and now that you shared this quote I must see it. I have always enjoyed bird watching and this past year has afforded me so much time to gaze up at the sky and watch our feathered friends. I know I spent a past life or 2 as a bird. The more I commune with my soul, the more information is revealed.
      I told Meg in her comment that perpetual happiness is creepy to me, like the Stepford Wives, robotic. I’ve always been a deep diver, very introspective person so I feel that always feeling that one emotion is boring lol 😆 I see the need for the kaleidoscope of colorful feelings, that’s how I perceive them through the aura of others. This truth being told, I really connect to the quote you shared. Life id truly all about perspective. You are a bright blessing in my life too and I love you dearly 🥰❤🌠🙏


  3. Ok wow, this is just such a breathtakingly beautiful post! I absolutely love it, truly, words can’t describe how much!! You are so right about happiness being an inside job and I love your juice analogy, spot on 👌🏻. Healing is an art, and you’ve created such a beautiful painting; your honesty, rawness and heartfelt acceptance of your journey is inspiring!! Your poems are amazing as always, inspiring to me as a poet and person!!! Oh, I could go on and on…proud of you sister!!! Keep shining and spreading your light, the Universe is lucky to have you 🖤🖤✨


    1. Here it was in spam lol….I appreciate the soul reflection my sister. It’s always such a kick to my being when you and I message, I giggle out loud often 😊 Thank you for shining your bright light because together we are like fireworks 🎆 Light and love sis🥰

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      1. Ah thank you for checking!! WP is so weird sometimes 🤪! Awe, I feel the same and am so lucky to have connected with you!!! Awe, always and you do the same, here’s to our fireworks ✨👊🏻🖤🖤😊

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  4. You are great medicine sharing your gifts of love in your poetry and heart that you share so deeply!
    Lovely sentiments. Happiness is holding ourselves right were we are in all of the emotions we are experiencing at the moment and not holding on tightly to judgement in right or wrong. Lovely post Maria! 💖🤗

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh that’s awesome because that is a very powerful soul connection we share since we both love and know the power of the gong..
        It’s easy with you … ! You’re most welcome and big love always to you too! 💖💖💖❤️

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  5. “My dear readers, I believe happiness is 100% an inside job and the truth is that we aren’t going to feel perpetually happiness 100% of the time.”

    I agree with this sentiment so much.
    Your words are beautiful. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you my dear soul sister. These past 20 months have definitely taught me that my light burns from the inside out and I stoke its flames by how I choose to respond to life. I’m extremely blessed and grateful for our connection V. Love you ❤


  6. I like you a lot. I can see the positive energy in your face and eyes. You would be a joy to know. We need people to make us laugh, dance and sing. We need people to celebrate life with and cry with. Thank you for sharing your amazing words and thoughts. Hello from Michigan.

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  7. These are such important words, Maria! NOBODY can make anyone happy. If we try to find happiness in others we maker ourselves dependent on them. And that never leads to happiness. People change or leave, circumstances change or fall apart. If we make our happiness dependent on anything outside we will spend all life searching and being disappointed. Happiness is an inside job, a state of being. That way, it will persist and can grow into the highest spheres. It takes us over hard times and will give us the power and energy we need. Because hard times will come, and, as you said, we need to face them as the lessons we need to evolve. Through them, we understand ourselves, and life. That again only increases our happiness because we understand that all obstacles are sent with great love to lead us to salvation.
    Great post, Maria 💖

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Amen 🙏 leading us to salvation and liberation! This is where I find myself these days, coming into my ownership of my being and loving every second of it ❤ Thank you for your words of encouragement and wisdom dear Erika, love to you my dear friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I loved especially your beginning idea for a metaphor, with “happiness as an inside job”. I immediately thought of burglaries or crimes that we call “inside jobs” and though how often we steal away our own happiness or kill what’s joyful inside by doing it ourselves as an “inside job”, not someone else robbing it or killing it. So if that is true, then we should as you say, be able to do an “inside job” the opposite way, by creating and replacing and restoring from and by our own selves. Happiness as an inside job — brilliant as always, my dear! Peace to you, Jane

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Likewise brilliance Jane, I love what you wrote here!! Yes, I (we) are the masters of our own reality and emotions, nobody can steal away my happiness (power) unless I allow them to. This has been my latest focus along the journey. Whenever I feel conflicted or a twinge, something out of the ordinary that irks me, I do a body and energy scan because it’s something within me that needs investigating. It all comes back to self, never another. Love, peace andjoy to you my beautiful sister❤🙌


    1. Thank you sister! The float was amazeballs and I was happy to purchase a 3 float special deal, so I will definitely go back! Sensory deprivation for a highly sensitive person is heaven on Earth😊

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  9. I love the juice analogy!! Shake it up so that we don’t leave the good stuff sitting on the bottom! 🤩 I wholeheartedly agree with you that we’ve been programmed to be unhappy. We’ve been programmed to not listen to our truths which is why we have to go within to search for it while shutting out and detoxing from the programming that we constantly battle until we reach the point where it no longer sticks. And “If I Was a Bird” resonates deeply…minus eating the worms 😂 Your poems just flow so full of passion and life. And yes happiness IS found within. Spot in sister!! I definitely see how much your writing has changed. Even your poems have gone deeper. It’s so refreshing reading your posts. Sending you love 🥰

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    1. YES, dwelling in tbe deep as I dive into the abyss and unknown spaces. The abyss is definitely starting to stare back at me lol….I love musings with all of it with you by my side sister ❤ it makes this journey so worthwhile!! I ❤️ ya😘🥰😍❤


  10. I just love your positive attitude, Maria! Your words and your honesty are so inspiring. Yes, we can all choose to be happy but to truly feel it does take some work! I tend to stay pretty even keel when it comes to happiness, but my husband is another story, he is either high or low, he struggles with anything in the middle, which is challenging for both of us! 😉💕

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    1. Girrrrl, I understand that! I wasn’t raised with boundaries or balance and it’s something I have had to figure out as an adult. Thank you so much for seeing me, relating to, supporting me and always being so kind and loving ❤


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