Consciousness, Healing, personal development, Spirituality

Eternal love is the breath of life

My dear readers, I have written often about the self healing techniques, rituals and ceremonies I practice in order to stay connected to my authentic self and to further integrate my soul into my being. Yesterday I took part in another breathquest ceremony that my dear friend Chrissy-Marie hosts via her Voyagers membership group that can be accessed here Conscious breathing is so beneficial to welcoming in more life force energy which is what brings overall well-being to our body, mind and spirit. Directing such energy helps rid the body of stress and trauma, allowing for further expansion. The more room one can create internally, the more freedom one feels. It’s invigorating my dear ones!

I’ve been taking part in these monthly ceremonies for over ten months. I can firmly attest to the abundance of overall harmony I feel once the release of stagnant energy takes place where trauma has been locked in my body. The areas that are most impacted are the autonomic nervous system (ANS) which is connected to physical processes such as digestion, respiration, heart rate, immune function, and peristalsis. Also the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) which is our fight-or-flight response. For someone like me with CPTSD, this has benefited me most in regulating this response so that I can be more present while helping me focus and meditate much easier.

This information is quoted in an article I read to research conscious breathing and its benefits, and can be found at

“The other branch of the system is the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), often called the “rest and digest” or “calm and connect” system, which allows us to recoup from the stressors of life. If you find yourself breathing slowly and deeply, feeling a sense of calm and peacefulness, your PNS is activated, enhancing digestion, increasing blood flow to the GI track, lowering the heart rate, and enhancing sexual arousal. This system also activates certain parts of the brain, dampening fear-response regions and increasing the reflective, responsive regions. The result? More reflective, conscious behavior and action; an increased feeling of calm; and greater mental flexibility and creativity amid life’s challenges”.

The work I practice as a shaman requires me to read energy on other dimensions and has me dance with irrationality. I’m a storyteller for the soul, therefore it’s important for my being to be as healthy, neutral and well attuned as possible. These breathing techniques have helped shift my own consciousness and behavior in innumerable and priceless ways. I’ve begun teaching the art of shamanism while maintaining a steady client base and by God’s grace I have become quite busy. This week I really needed this breath course to reconnect with my soul, breathe and rejuvenate myself. I took a much needed day off yesterday and enjoyed restful sleep. Being still, feeling calmness and tremendous inner peace is a reward for all the hard work and dedication I give to this craft, my way of life as I walk the shamanic path.

For it is in breathing that we can let go, allowing more truth and love into our being. These little deaths create new beginnings. In the moments one feels anxious and wants to hold (breath) is the exact moment our body desires us to release and breathe. When we feel the urgency to speed up is actually the time we need to slow down. Breathing deep and often, consciously makes all of these actions flow more easily and helps us make more healthful decisions.

These two poems embody how my soul feels. Connecting to etetnal love, which supports all life in the Universe and how vital it is to feel the breath of life. The amount of aliveness one feels is directly related to one’s soul’s health. Healing the soul, connecting all parts of self spreads love throughout our human operating system. This allows us to be as whole as possible and as joyful, peaceful and loving as we want. I highly recommend you try it my dear ones! Breath is life!

Breath is freedom
Love supports all life

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below. For a personalized autographed copy please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment.

Consciousness, Healing, Health, Spirituality

Winter Solstice: Death and Rebirth of the Sun

Yesterday was the beginning of winter and here in the Northern hemisphere, the shortest day of our year. The nights become longer while the days are shorter. The phenomenon of the death and rebirth of the Sun. While here in South Florida, it becomes much more bearable to be outdoors and bask in the Sun’s glorious rays. I’m a Sun worshiper and strongly believe in the tremendous vitality that it provides. Spiritually speaking, showing ourselves to this power daily helps heal the soul. I make the Sun a prescription for my wellbeing every day.

Traveling through my own healing and current death and rebirth cycle, I recognize how much the Universe has stripped from me this year in order to help me grow, heal and further my own soul’s spiritual evolution. I have literally cried my own river of tears in the past six weeks. In the days leading up to yesterday’s events of both the beginning of winter and The Great Conjunction that I wrote about in my last post ( I have felt so much more peace. A stillness within both heart and soul. When this happens within my being, I can tap into my soul and gain new insights. I spend my days in surrender, allowing and honoring whatever is to be celebrated. Especially the pain. Our society has a real addiction to pain and suffering yet I believe when we can fully recognize and feel our hurts, we heal them and they dissipate so we can incorporate them into the tapestry of who we are.

That’s how I view my soul, as a great and colorful tapestry of my experiences. One of my favorite authors, Mark Nepo writes about this too. The pain we experience, serves to open our heart. This is the fundamental and foundation for processing emotions. I write about this often my dear readers, it bears repeating here, to heal we must feel. So many of us, this humble poet included, spend so much time denying, detaching and attempting to change how we feel instead of simply embracing and accepting what is. Being present to the experience of life. Emotions play a role as energy in motion, our feelings are our body’s way of alerting us to what needs attention within our being. The rush of the world has switched many of us from human beings into humans doing. Our internal response systems become overloaded and thrown out of balance.

One of the reasons why I love the work I do as a shaman is being able to see into the energetic system of others to help remove toxic energy chords. The balance and realignment of our chakras is vital to overall well being. It’s amazing to see the life changes that occur within my client’s lives. The cycle of death and rebirth, the old patterns and habits dying that bring forth the birth of new healthier ones. The ability to pause and question one’s belief system once the physical body feels refreshed from within. All physical ailments begin as spiritual dysfunction, when these adjustments can be made internally the difference is astounding and profound. I check in with my own system on a daily basis to make any necessary adjustments and tweaks.

Soul check in

My writing process is always organic and in the moment. Whenever the words come, I stop what I’m doing and create my poems. These poems came to me both before and after meditation. I’m curious if you my dear ones can guess the order of each creation. Please leave a comment as I would love to open a discussion of my process.

Soul healing
Feel it to heal it

I’m accepting new clients and would love to engage with you my dear readers on your soul’s healing and how my shamanic healing sessions can assist you in further your journey and celebrating your purpose. Please visit my contact page for further information.

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below.


The Time is Ripe for Change

This is written by a fellow blogger whom I adore. Please read carefully and follow her at We share a lot of the same concepts and ideas as well as the name, Maria. This post outlines how our world is shifting into higher consciousness on a collective scale will take time. It’s coming my dears yet we must be patient with ourselves and others.

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below.

I wanted to cover a topic that has been given a lot of air time, because there can be misunderstandings. Donald Trump represents the mental aspect of humanity, that doesn’t want to concede control.  That part of the collective consciousness that has disowned the feminine, the heart and the soul.  He is the last vestiges of a […]

The Time is Ripe for Change

Life is what you make it

I’d like to start this post by recognizing that there is indeed too much pain and suffering in our world. The pandemic we have endured for most of 2020 is nowhere near being efficiently managed in my country and our election remains unresolved as far as the current powers that be are concerned. All of that aside, life is full of choices and real change starts with numero uno. YOU. For goodness sakes, turn off the damn television and concentrate on how you can make yourself a better human being than you were yesterday. My dear readers, I’m being blunt here for emphasis. Change starts within ourselves. Nobody is coming to save you. Learning how to love oneself and practicing self care are the first steps in creating real change. Be the change you want to see in the world. It all starts with self. Stop thinking you can change or control anyone else. No matter what else is going on, only you can take the best care of you. Your job is you. Period.

Now that I got that off my chest, I want to share with you all that my 4th book of poetry, “My Soul’s Light” is available now on Amazon via the link I share at the bottom of each of my posts. I’m extremely proud of it, this is my masterpiece (so far) and my prayer is that its messages of love and kindness spread far and wide. Alchemizing the wide spread fear, hate and evil deeds done all over our world is where love conquers. These poems highlight my belief that only love will change our world. Love is the answer.

If you’ve been following me for awhile, you’re aware of the challenges that I’ve overcome. Severe trauma, abuse, suicide attempts, hospitalizations, homelessness, divorce and estrangement from my children…none of my life has been easy yet I never allowed it to turn me bitter. In fact, it served as an initiation to where I find myself today as a healer. It took hard work, determination, picking myself off the floor and deciding to never quit on myself. Abolishing any victim mentality and negative mindsets in order to be my own hero. Researching my own treatments, studying whatever I could, experimenting with different medications and therapies but most of all following my own intuition. My soul has compelled me to keep going, following my authentic spirit and never allowing someone else to make the important decisions in concern of my health. I tried everything I could to find wellness. Living with the light of love I embody now is a choice. I wasn’t going to rest until I achieved my own inner peace.

I vow to keep on transforming and healing. That’s our job here in life too. I’m strict about my self care routine and my boundaries. If others pushback, that tells me that they don’t have my best interests at heart and I keep going. I’ve completely changed my life and a lot of people and places didn’t make the cut. It takes a lot of courage to transform. Not everybody will be ok with your awakening my dears. Do it anyway. Trust me. Choose you, choose life!

In order to promote the poems in the book and relive the poetry slam moments of this year, I’ve been recording myself reciting many of them. All of these poems are special to me and are 100% powered by love.

Divine Reverence

I’m so blessed and grateful to Divine timing. I came back home to South Florida in time to help my parents. My Dad who is 87 and fell last week is now in a rehab facility. We also learned that he has Alzheimer’s disease. I’ve conducted two very profoundly transformative healing sessions with my Mom that are helping her prepare for what’s inevitably to come. At 76 years old, she’s having a spiritual awakening and it’s beautiful to witness. My parents have been married for 45 years and are a testament to the power of love and commitment. My Dad provided an amazing life for us. My siblings and I were given the world and it’s my opportunity now to give back to them. I’m working on my Dad remotely to prepare his soul and ease the transition he is undergoing. My dears, life is short and oh so stunningly beautiful and precious. Treat each day like the gift it is. For love’s sake.

Spread love today, not tomorrow

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below.


Welcoming “My Soul’s Light”

I’ve been busy building the manuscript and have almost finished with the editing process for my fourth labor of love, a book of poetry with the most amount of poems in it that I have ever published. These 75 offerings were all written between June and late October of 2020 for my latest book, “My Soul’s Light”. I’m extremely proud of them. My poems are like my children and I have created careful tender loving moments in birthing them.

The ones chosen for this book are mostly channeled from the holy trinity of Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael. It’s only in the editing process that I understand their depth. I humbly and honorably serve as the conduit, the messenger for Spirit or Divine, whichever you choose to call it. As a medium I am picking up on the nuances in the intetactions between people and nature. I’m drawn to intense energy like a moth to a flame and to make sense out of it all, my mind processes in metaphors and rhymes.

I shared a video of me reciting “Soul Strings” for my Instagram account along with a brief description of what inspired it. This poem explains what it feels like to be a shaman while in a trance during a healing session. As a dancer and an artist, I look at this energetic exchange as a dance with Spirit fueled by God. Such a humbling honor to use my many psychic abilities as the tools that help others to heal.

A grand dance with Spirit
“Soul Strings”

My goal is to have this done before my 43rd birthday next month. I will be announcing the official release soon. I’ve spent so much time working diligently all year on integrating my soul since its awakening in June 2019. Now I help others awakened their souls during the shamanic healing sessions I hold. I’ve come full circle my dears.

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 3 books of poetry please click the link below.