
Inhaling love, exhaling fear

My dear readers the bright and illuminating light of love is shining brightly upon me here in my new home. This brilliance delivers with it the promise of hope, faith and an invitation to trust in Divine Spirit. Reclaiming my authentic spirit has brought me to a place of immense inner peace and I’m being guided to share this message with the world because it’s available to us all. All that is required is a sincere leap of faith.

Arriving to this place is a practice of making and keeping small promises with myself. Nothing happens overnight or in my idea of time because truly time and space is an illusion just as the feeling of being alone is for we are never alone. God’s love is readily available and is given freely at all times because it is burning inside of all of us constantly. The Universe is constantly supporting us without question. Be still, tap in and BAM….fill your spirit up with as much as you desire. We can and do heal my dears.

Realigning myself to this natural balance through shamanic healing as gotten my creative juices flowing again as they were in the beginning of this year. I’m feeling the itch of words constructed by my spirit guides and angels much more often. As I stated in my last post, 2020 is a return to perfect vision which is delivered to us all by the cosmos 🌌

The 5th of the month has played a very significant role in both May and September of this year for me. The number 5 is usually considered to be a symbol of goodness and grace of God. God has always been very good toward humans. May 5th I departed Dallas, where I had resided with my paryner for 3 years. Initially, we didn’t expect to be apart for this long and the extended time has created a lot of stress on both of us. All I can do is trust that God will reunite us soon. I sure have learned a lot in his absence from my daily life and I know in the end it’ll all be worth it. Last month, on September 5th I traveled here to Idaho for the first time ever to meet my teacher and hold the shamanic ritual ceremony for my induction into the world as a shaman. Today being October 5th, I feel something else special will unfold. I pulled a few tarot cards from The Wild Root and John Holland’s Psychic Oracle deck that foretold of such beginnings too. In order to stay on track and usher in these blessings, I must remain positive and open❤

“Fight of the light”
Acknowledgement & release of pain
Putting down new roots

Let’s say it together my dears, today I choose to inhale love and exhale fear. Raise your vibe and live the life of your dreams! In light and in shadow. Namaste 🙏

Light + shadow =❤

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, I hold them in person and long distance over the phone. To schedule a tarot card reading or purchase any of my 3 books of poetry, click this link below😊
