Healing, Mental health, personal development, Spirituality

Deepening my connection with amazing grace

This past week has been very enlightening my dear readers. The closer I get with my highest self, dancing with soul, the more patience and grace I have within my being. Ahhhh, it’s a challenge to slow down and drink it all in my friends, living in our fast paced, instant gratification world. Sticking with something, practicing the art of connection takes commitment. It’s a promise I make to myself everyday, to listen more closely to what God intends for me, strengthening my faith, trusting more and always loving myself and others.

So often we set goals for ourselves and once we reach them, neglect celebrating our own hard work and accomplishments. It’s onto the next and full steam ahead! Today marks one full year since the last time I “clocked in” at job and became my own boss full time. The pandemic set the stage for such a choice and created endless amounts of time for me to pursue my purpose. Today I want to celebrate the promise I made to myself to keep investigating my soul every day, deepening my relationship with God and His Spirit guides (my mentors) as well as the beautiful human beings that have come into my life this past year. I have learned more than I can express and my heart is full of gratitude and compassion for these people. Thank you for seeing me, helping me to see myself and holding a special place in my heart forever!

“Look Closer”

Spring is upon us my dear readers and with it an opportunity for renewal. Everyday, I renew the commitment to my healing by asking to be shown more of my truth through meditation. Most of my poems are born through this experience as I compose the songs of my soul, the words become the notes that comprise the music within. These are my latest expressions. “Meditation on self” is a root chakra balancing meditation that is grounded in love.

I wrote “The toll” after watching the movie “The Trial of the Chicago 7,” feeling very moved by the revolutionary actions of the men depicted in the film to stand up for what is right in our country. We can see these issues still play a big part in continuing to fight for justice for all in our country still today.

“True Love” and “Love is strong ” are born from my thoughts on the book “All About Love” by Bell Hooks. Her words have left a big impression on my heart. I understand in a deeper way what love is in my own partnership and how sacred a relationship it has been for over seven years. I believe we are all here to learn and grow from one another by remaining open and willing to see one another in each other, pushing one another to be best version of ourselves for the greater good. The common thread of humanity runs deeply within all of our DNA and I have learned to respect others for our similarities while recognizing our differences. To love unconditionally is a practice. I may not like and agree with others all the time but I strive to find a balance, with loving compassion and grace that helps me to listen to others and look more closely within myself to accept those differences should I start to judge. Only God has that job my friends. This is the basis of shadow work, intentional investigating and integration is an ongoing practice of all the pieces that make up who we are. Arriving at a wholeness of mind, body and spirit.

It is also a daily practice of non judgment and acceptance for what is to live in harmony with myself and all that surrounds me. I believe we are all interconnected, holding a part of each other and everything within our entire Universe lives inside every creation on Earth and beyond. I celebrate the love I feel for the sky, the birds, the rocks and the water, seeing all of it inside my own soul. Deepening the connection, celebrating life and feeling an amazing grace inside my heart.

I leave you with a video of me dancing which is how I feel most alive and express my soul! I invite each one of you my dear ones to express your passion and share it with the world. Love one another and grow in harmonious healing!

“Sweet Lullaby” by Deep Forest

If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 4 books of poetry please click the link below or click the Services tab in the menu.
For a personalized autographed copy please send me an email and use my PayPal account for payment. Maria@emotionalmusings.com
In light and in shadow, always with love. Namaste.

34 thoughts on “Deepening my connection with amazing grace”

    1. Thank you Meg, I deeply appreciate that! Is grateful for the people like you who have allowed me to work with their energy and given me such wonderful feedback. It’s a real joy and honor ❤❤❤
      I highly recommend the book that the 2 love poems were born from. “All About Love” by Bell Hooks was originally published in 1999 yet her words and observations on society and love are so timeless. A great read✅

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This is a beautiful beautiful post and the frequency of love is overflowing here!!! Thank you for this gem of a vulnerable and inspiring piece!!! I LOVE Meditation of Self, it resonates so deeply!!! All your poems are so uniquely amazing but they all connect in this graceful way that inspires me as poet and soul!!! Keep shining your electric light, I appreciate you sister 🖤🖤🤗✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Graciously received sister, with so much love and light💛💛💛🤗 I appreciate YOU dear Ace and your bright light, your words and how you express your soul. May we shine together in harmonious light and eternal love🎆

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  2. Good Sunday Morning/ Noon Maria!
    Love your post and this line especially
    “So often we set goals for ourselves and once we reach them, neglect celebrating our own hard work and accomplishments”. Yes, indeed celebration our accomplishments creates more and is so vital so that we do and can!
    You’re pretry is exquisite and your soul’s purpose, poetry and dance are the cream in my coffee today!!! Hugs and Love 🤗💖

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    1. Awww Cindy, I love this analogy and am honored to receive it! You are the cherry on my Sunday haha I can’t resist that one 🍨🍒 I am so happy that my words sang to you. Starting this week with a firecracker spark of electric light and love, from my soul to yours my dear sister 🤗 Light and love💛💛💛 see ya Wednesday 😘

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So glad to brighten your Sunday like you did mine dearest. love cherries too!!!!
        They are beautiful as always and know clue how you come up with soooo many at one time. 🌷🌷🌷 That’s is a full on electrical magnetic line to put a pep in my step and fire in my belly dear one! 🙏💖💖

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  3. Isn’t it amazing, once we are pushed to become silent or to turn more to ourselves because the hamster wheel stopped turning, all of a sudden, we hear, we see, and we begin to perceive. It needs the step out of the daily life, out of that hamster wheel, the distance and detachment to find back to ourselves. I am happy for you that you saw the hint and followed the signposts. Within no time you have come so much closer to yourselves than many do in their entire incarnation. Much love to you, Maria!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen to that Erika 🙏 💗🤗 Yes indeed, as the journey continuously unfolds and deepens I am in awe of the beauty I experience, in life that is all around me and inside of me. No borders, no separation and pure pure love🎆🌠🙌 It’s amazing to be seen and heard within our great soul family, I so value your words here and our connection. I am truly blessed, thank you 😊

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      1. I hear you when you say that you are seen and heard. I think that is what brings the most motivation for continuing the great work you do! I am very thankful that you found me and that we connected. Much love and blessings your way, dear Maria! I can hardly believe it is already a year since we met! Blessings 💖

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      2. I know right?? So much has unfolded in this past and that was the main motivation for my post today, to celebrate it ALL🎉🎉🎉
        I count you as one of my many blessings every day sister 🙏 ❤ 😇

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  4. A wonderful post. This reminded me of staying in a monastery with long meditation periods. The guide would often answer questions about meditation with the comment, “Shut up and Listen” as an encouragement. It took a few decades but I know now it was good advice. When I’m quiet there is so much to hear. Be good to you.

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    1. I would love that experience! Please tell me more about it in an email, would you my friend? I so value the quiet still moments that I used to run from in my past. Unraveling the mystery of the Universe and my place in it keeps me going back for more each time. Namaste Bryan🙏


  5. Wow, Maria, that poem Look Closer really hit me, so much strength and self-recognition, awesome in so many ways! You are so beautiful and inspiring, thank you for sharing your words and love with us all! 🥰✨💖

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    1. Receiving your colorful ✨ 🌈 love and shining it right back upon you, showering you in its brilliance and light Tiffany ❤❤❤ I’m here in this life to share my soul and when it serves others, my heart is just so 🤗


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