
Welcoming “My Soul’s Light”

I’ve been busy building the manuscript and have almost finished with the editing process for my fourth labor of love, a book of poetry with the most amount of poems in it that I have ever published. These 75 offerings were all written between June and late October of 2020 for my latest book, “My Soul’s Light”. I’m extremely proud of them. My poems are like my children and I have created careful tender loving moments in birthing them.

The ones chosen for this book are mostly channeled from the holy trinity of Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael. It’s only in the editing process that I understand their depth. I humbly and honorably serve as the conduit, the messenger for Spirit or Divine, whichever you choose to call it. As a medium I am picking up on the nuances in the intetactions between people and nature. I’m drawn to intense energy like a moth to a flame and to make sense out of it all, my mind processes in metaphors and rhymes.

I shared a video of me reciting “Soul Strings” for my Instagram account along with a brief description of what inspired it. This poem explains what it feels like to be a shaman while in a trance during a healing session. As a dancer and an artist, I look at this energetic exchange as a dance with Spirit fueled by God. Such a humbling honor to use my many psychic abilities as the tools that help others to heal.

A grand dance with Spirit
“Soul Strings”

My goal is to have this done before my 43rd birthday next month. I will be announcing the official release soon. I’ve spent so much time working diligently all year on integrating my soul since its awakening in June 2019. Now I help others awakened their souls during the shamanic healing sessions I hold. I’ve come full circle my dears.

In light and in shadow, always with love. If you’re interested in a shamanic healing session, tarot card reading, my recorded meditations or to purchase any of my 3 books of poetry please click the link below.

16 thoughts on “Welcoming “My Soul’s Light””

    1. What a compliment my friend❤ I feel compelled to be who my soul wants me to be and stand as an example for what is possible when you listen to your soul. I was born with these sensibilities that for most of my life made no sense to me and I pretended didn’t exist. I assimilated to the “norm” and now I embrace who I am, write about my experiences and help heal others one ❤ at a time. I live an extremely intentional life. In this past year I have changed every single thing about my life in order to live my soul’s purpose. To be told another soul can see and feel that is such love. I’m truly grateful for our connection Bryan 😊


  1. Congratulations on your new book!! 🥳I’m so excited for you!!! I’m certain those are definitely powerfully poems considering the source ☺️ I love that you’re so open and keep going no matter what. I probably say this an awful lot but you are an inspiration to all. Sending love 💓

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    1. I love you for reminding me of that my dear. This year I’ve been compelled by my soul to keep going. I’m including a recent poem in my next post called, “Rest with me” which describes how being so tuned in to one’s soul is tiresome too🤣 I have ben working so hard, I ned a nap. Perhaps a day at the beach😊 Thank you always for being such a big support and source of loving inspiration yourself with your readings. This book is my masterpiece (so far). I hope you check it out, I’d love your feedback my dear. From one psychically inclined sister to another🔮💜🌈🙏😊

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