
Aiming for love, my heart’s intention

The healing journey further unfolds while my spirituality grows exponentially. I can’t express enough gratitude towards the beautiful people who lovingly support me and the hypnotic rhythm of the Universe at this moment. Life is truly about perspective, a card I have pulled from the Earth Magic deck multiple times this week. A wink and a nudge from my spirit guides to broaden my perception, widen what I believe to be reality and embrace everything that is being presented to me at this time in my life.

This morning I wrote this poem, “Aim” inspired by a vision I had. When I’m still, drawing from inner wisdom (soul’s desires) the love I can feel is absolutely bursting with hope. This energy fuels my creativity and drives my soul to express the empowering love which is a gift from the angels around me. I’m referring to both Earthly angels and the high vibrational light beings of the Heavens. We are being blasted right now, on Earth with 5D energy which is raising the consciousness of humanity. I invite you my dear readers to tap into this potent energy and feel your own heart deepen with loving compassion for yourself and all of creation. The great web of interconnectedness and oneness is being woven more tightly through this shower of energy reminding us of our bond to each and every living creature on this planet.

My prayer for humanity 🙏

This week I will begin editing the poems I’ve written over the last 5 months and writing a manuscript for my fourth book which I’ve chosen to call,”My Soul’s Light”. I owe all credit for these poems to the angels that I channel regularly. The holy trinity specifically, as I refer to them of Archangels Gabriel (ruler of the crown chakra), Michael (ruler of the throat chakra) and Raphael (ruler of the heart chakra). Their message is clear. Love each other as God intended us to. Spread the light inside each and every one of us around the globe to one another, nature and animals creating a mass healing that our planet is in desperate need of.

Mother Earth is out of balance and as a shaman, I’ve been blessed with the sensibilities granted from my ancestors and Spirit to restore the balance between humans and nature, reconnecting each of us back to our soul’s purpose. Too many of the people here have become deaf, overtaken by greed and overreaching power trying to bend the Universe to their own will. Taking too much from our Mother Gaia and destroying the natural order. This then trickles down to how we treat one another unkindly and far too harshly. Our world is crying out for an injection of compassion and empathy. I see people like zombies roaming around mindless and disconnected from their heart. I vow to help heal humanity one heart at a time ❤

Puriy of 💚🌱🍃

These are my heart’s intentions and my prayer for us all. Throughout my life, I have relied upon, gained strength in and always believed in the power of prayer. I’ve witnessed miracles and seen magic unfold as a direct result of praying. God does hear us and so do his many helpers through both the spirit world and our world amongst the living. Energy never ceases to exit and cannot be destroyed. I invite you to believe in this power. What do you have to lose?

Power of prayer

This poem is inspired by my own prayer to help restore my partner’s faith in the Light. It’s an ongoing struggle for us to be separated still from one another and I often pray for God to show him the way back to his soul, embrace his higher self which will lead him to his own powerful light inside. This fuels healing and purifies his own heart from negative influences.

Find a moment my dears to listen to your own soul and what it’s telling you. Return home to love. In light and in shadow, always with love ❤

To book a shamanic healing session with me,tarot card reading or purchase any of my 3 books of poetry available please click the link below.


10 thoughts on “Aiming for love, my heart’s intention”

  1. Thank you Maria for the wonderful words that aimed straight at my heart and caught the love of your words through your poetry!!! Very heartfelt and appreciated. Good luck with the editing and you next book. Sending bright light to your partener until you can reunite! ❤️❤️❤️ Cindy

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  2. I truly enjoy your poems! They tug at the heart strings.💗 It’s as if you know exactly what people need in the moment. Anyone that reads them can benefit from the healing that’s taking place…these poems are truly powerful. Have fun editing your next book. Sending love and hugs 🤗

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    1. It’s a humbling honor to be granted these poems as gifts from spirit. Your words explaining them are verbatim to what others have often told me. I believe my purpose here is to write and heal others. When all of this began unfolding in a deeper way in June of 2019, it felt like I was injected with a tremendous energy that has taken time and work to integrate. My self care routine is strict and very non negotiable to be able to channel in this way. Now as a shaman I’m healing people through both my words and my intentions while working on their energy. It’s an amazing gift. My life is beyond blessed. So much love to you my dear. It warms my heart that you can feel the loving power in my poems. Love and hugs back😘🤗💗

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  3. Yes. Love of all. Was just reading this am from Thick Nhat Hanh about love and peace as actions we do, when we love our Mother Earth and stay intimately connected to all things in Nature. Your words of wisdom take me further along the understanding of spirit and nature, self and other, angelic and human. Beautiful thoughts, beautiful you. Jane

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